Information & Resources by Subject

School Nutrition Content Areas by Subject

Tab/Accordion Items

Equipment Assistance Grant (EAG)

SY 2023-24

This page contains information and resources to help School Food Authorities plan, prepare and respond to emergencies and disasters (natural or manmade) that affect school food service operations. 

The USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), Southeast Regional Office, reminds us of the resources available at the FNS Disaster Assistance website.  On this website you will find the recently updated Disaster Nutrition Assistance Programs Brochure (FNS-483) which highlights information from the disaster fact sheets on the website all of the FNS disaster programs. 

Contact Directory Template (Forms A-1 thru A-10), Local Community Resources (Forms B-1 thru B-3), Standard Operating Procedures (Forms C-1 thru C-5), Emergency Foodservice Inventory (Form D-1), Menus (Form E-1), Community Relief Organizations (Form F-1) 

Chart of Accounts


Reimbursement Rates

SY 2024-2025
SY 2023-2024

Equipment Disposition

Financial Reporting

Financial Report Due Dates


  • Traditional Public Schools (FC1-A)
  1. LEAs are required to submit the FC1-A on a quarterly basis in the School Nutrition Technology System.  

  2. The form is located under the Application Tab – Financial Report.  Once this option is selected, the user will see four options for each school year.

Term Covered  Due Date
First quarter covers July-September    November 15th
Semi-Annual covers July-December March 1st
Third Quarter covers July-March May 16th
Annual covers July-June October 31st


  • Charter Schools, RCCIs, NonPublic Schools (Financial Form)
  1. Charter Schools, RCCIs and Non-Public Schools are required to submit two (2) financial reports.

  2. Submit financial reports to Frank Cernik via email at using the Financial Form for Charter Schools, RCCIs and NonPublic Schools template (Excel).  This Financial Form template is not included in the School Nutrition Technology System. 

Term Covered Due Date
Semi-Annual covers July–December  March 1st
Annual covers July-June  October 1st


*REMINDER* As with any School Nutrition report, if the due date falls on the weekend or a holiday, it is due on the following Monday or business day. 


What is HACCP? (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points)

USDA requires that all schools have in place a food safety plan based on process Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles. Schools that do not meet this mandate are in jeopardy of losing their federal funds.

In North Carolina, we have identified four types of school foodservice operations – commercial kitchens, home-style kitchens, transported/catered meals, and central warehouse. Each type of operation has a specific HACCP Plan that addresses unique features associated with the type of operation.

The first step in establishing a food safety plan is to determine which type of operation you have. If you are having difficulty determining your type of operation, please contact your School Nutrition Consultant to help you.

HACCP Continuing Education


HACCP Plan Templates

  • Commercial Kitchens

All menu items are prepared and served on-site and so the operation must meet all of the requirements of the NC Foodservice Rules.

DOWNLOAD Forms Overview for HACCP Plan for COMMERCIAL KITCHEN - sy2024-25 (.pdf)

DOWNLOAD Forms for HACCP Plan for COMMERCIAL KITCHEN - sy 2024-2025  (.zip)

2024 HACCP Checklist Template - Commercial Kitchen

Forms Zip file contains:

  • Part 1 - Commercial Kitchen Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Resources
  • Part 2A - Annual Revision
  • Part 2B - Annual Completion
  • Part 2B - Pest Control Assessment
  • Part 3 - Reference and Instructions
  • Part 3 - Monitoring Logs and Forms
  • Part 4 - Referencing and Continuing Education Development Instructions
  • Part 4 - Forms
  • Part 5 - Menus and Recipes
  • Part 5 - Forms
  • Transported Meals (Catered)

Transported or catered meals operations are schools that provide reimbursable meals with limited on-site food preparation. 

DOWNLOAD HACCP Plan Forms & Instructions for TRANSPORTED MEALS  (Zip file)

Zip file contains: 

  • PART 1: HACCP Plan for TRANSPORTED MEALS Reference 
  • PART 2a: Assessment_Annual Revision_2023-24 for TRANSPORTED MEALS
  • PART 2b: Assessment Operation_Annual Completion_2023-24 for TRANSPORTED MEALS
  • PART 3: Monitoring & Recordkeeping for TRANSPORTED MEALS Instructions
    • PART 3: FORMS - Monitoring Logs for TRANSPORTED MEALS 
  • PART 4: Continuing Education & Professional Development for TRANSPORTED MEALS Instructions 
  • PART 5: Menus and Recipes for TRANSPORTED MEALS Instructions

Central Warehouse

For some School Food Authorities (SFA) the Central Warehouse is where most foods and supplies are delivered.  From here items are distributed to individual schools within the SFA.  Not all SFAs have a central warehouse.

DOWNLOAD HACCP Plan Forms for WAREHOUSE  (Zip file)

Zip file contains: 

  • PART 1: Warehouse HACCP Plan_2024-2025
  • PART 2a: Warehouse HACCP Plan - AR_2024-25
  • PART 2b: Warehouse HACCP Plan - AC_2024-2025
  • PART 3: Warehouse HACCP Forms Instructions_2024-2025 
  • PART 4: Warehouse HACCP CE-PD_2024-2025
  • PART 5: Warehouse Inventory_2024-2025
  • PART 3 Forms (folder)
  • PART 4 Forms (folder)
  • PART 5 Forms (folder)

Cottage/Homestyle Meals

DOWNLOAD HACCP Plan Forms & Instructions for HOMESTYLE MEALS  (Zip File)

 Zip file contains: 

  • PART 1: HACCP Plan Reference for HOMESTYLE MEALS
  • PART 2a: HACCP Plan Assessment Annual Revision for HOMESTYLE MEALS
  • PART 2b: HACCP Plan Assessment Annual Completion for HOMESTYLE MEALS 
  • PART 3: HACCP Plan Monitoring Log Instructions for HOMESTYLE MEALS
  • PART 4: HACCP Plan Continuing Education & Professional Development for HOMESTYLE MEALS Instructions
  • PART 5: HACCP Plan Menus and Recipes Instructions for HOMESTYLE
  • PART 3: FORMS  (folder) 
  • PART 4: FORMS (folder)
  • PART 5: FORMS (folder)

  • USDA Policy Guidance *Coming Soon*
  • NCDPI Written Procedures *Coming Soon*

Schools play a critical role in promoting student health, preventing childhood hunger and obesity, and combating issues associated with poor nutrition and physical inactivity. In 2004, Congress passed the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act (Sec. 204 of Public Law 108-265) requiring all local education agencies (LEAs) participating in school nutrition programs to create local wellness policies. In 2010, Congress passed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (Sec. 204 of Public Law 111-296) adding new provisions for local wellness policies. LEAs must comply with the Local Wellness Policy Final Rule by June 30, 2017. Wellness policy requirements are also included in the NC State Board of Education (SBE) Healthy Active Children Policy.

Have Questions?  Need more information?  For questions regarding the Local Wellness Policy requirements, please contact the School Nutrition Specialists/Consultants for your School Nutrition Zone.

LWP Requirements

Local education agencies must:

  • Establish a local wellness policy that includes nutrition guidelines for all foods and beverages available on campus during the school day along with goals for nutrition education, nutrition promotion, physical activity and other activities to promote student health.
  • Designate an LEA official with oversight of all aspects of the Healthy Active Children Policy and Local Wellness Policy.
  • Submit annual Healthy Active Children Policy reports to the NCSBE which includes local wellness policy information.
  • Provide a copy of the current local wellness policy, documentation of how the policy and assessments are made available to the public, the most recent assessment of the LWP, and how the policy is reviewed and updated and who was involved to NCDPI, School Nutrition Services during Administrative Reviews of school nutrition programs.

Links to additional information and resources

Regulations & Guidance


Sample Local Wellness Policies

LWP Assessment

North Carolina LWP Resources


National LWP Resources

Local Wellness Policy Goals

LWP Goal Resources

Nutrition Education and Nutrition Promotion Physical Activity Other Activities to Promote Wellness


School Nutrition programs can promote the School Breakfast Program, National School Lunch Program, or snacks for the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program or Afterschool Snack Program using these Menu Templates. The Menu Templates are designed in two formats - Elementary and Middle/High. The content for the Elementary School Menus is aimed at families and the content for the Middle/High School Menus is aimed at Middle/High School students.

  • Breakfast is Brain Fuel Toolkit
  • Students Succeed with School Meals Toolkit
  • Stronger with School Meals


  • Marketing for School Nutrition Programs Level 1: Marketing Foundations

On-Site Reviews

(for Traditional Public Schools and RCCIs)


Self-Assessment Reviews

(for Charter and Non-Public Schools)


Administrative Reviews

Workshop:  2023 Administrative Review:  An Approach to Collaborative Compliance (Greensboro)

Workshop Resources:

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Fact Sheets

Menu Templates



Nutrition Education Curricula

Food for Thought:  Making the Connection Bulletin Board Toolkit

The purpose of this PowerPoint presentation is to provide guidance on using the Bulletin Board Toolkit to assist teachers in delivering effective nutrition education to students in the classroom.
Bulletin Board Ideas – Strategy I (pdf)

Bulletin Board Layout Templates and Attachments:

  • Bulletin Board Templates and Attachments – Publisher Files
  • Orange is for Grains
  • Orange Attachments
  • Green is for Veggies
  • Green Attachments
  • Red is for Fruit
  • Red Attachments
  • Blue is for Dairy
  • Blue Attachments
  • Purple is for Protein Foods
  • Purple Attachments
  • Yellow is for Oils
  • Yellow Attachments