Other Eligibility Forms and Templates

Application for Need-Based Assistance 2021-2022

Every school year, a variety of opportunities are available for students from families with limited financial resources. SFAs should use the designated space on this form to describe how the school plans to use the household socioeconomic information to assist the student. Examples include, but are not limited to, fee waivers for Advanced Placement Testing or SATs, a grant for classroom technology, after-school tutoring, band or athletic uniforms, etc.

Free and Reduced Price Income Documentation for Institutionalized Children

This form is used by Residential Child Care Institutions to document and determine eligibility of the students attending the facility.

Record of Extended Benefits Form Template

This template provides a recording tool to maintain documentation of all benefits that are extended.  This is an optional template that can be used if eligibility software does not provide this information.  All extended benefits documentation must be maintained for three (3) years plus the current year.