Memoranda of Agreement / Student Confidentiality
SY 2024-2025 Memoranda of Agreement
- DOWNLOAD PDF - Updated MOA with Office of Accountability and Testing (12.5.2024)
- DOWNLOAD PDF - Updated MOA with Office of Accountability and Testing (09.24.2024)
- DOWNLOAD PDF - MOA with Office of Career and Technical Education (CTE) (10.02.2024)
- DOWNLOAD PDF - Updated MOA with Office of Accountability and Testing (08.22.2024)
- DOWNLOAD PDF - MOA with Office of Accountability and Testing (08.15.2024)
SY 2023-2024 Memoranda of Agreement
- DOWNLOAD PDF - MOA with Office of Accountability and Testing (updated 02.29.2024)
- DOWNLOAD PDF - MOA with Office of Accountability and Testing (10.31.2023)
- DOWNLOAD PDF - MOA with Office of Career and Technical Education (09.07.2023)
- DOWNLOAD PDF - MOA with Office of Federal Programs (07.21.2023)