Professional Development

Online Professional Learning

Online Learning Image

As technology expands the opportunity for online professional learning reaches to a near global scale, teachers now have access to a wide array of professional learning experiences. With this expanded accessibility comes a responsibility to select resources, experiences, and events that are well designed to meet an educator's professional needs and contribute directly to successful student outcomes. The Home Base PD System offers an array of modules, mini-modules, facilitated courses, MOOClets, and online discussion forums to meet your professional learning needs. All courses can be accessed through the Home Base system by logging into Home Base or the alternate login with your existing username and password. Please visit NCVPS Professional Learning page for a full description of all new courses

AIM Conference

The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction is hosting the fourth annual A.I.M. Conference at the Sheraton Raleigh on October 7 - 9, 2024. The Conference theme is "Accelerate, Invigorate, and Motivate." Visit the AIM Conference page to learn more. 

The words "AIM 2024: Accelerate, Invigorate, Motivate" and "Oct. 7-9" are displayed before a blue backgound with stars.

Conference and Events

Conference Image

Professional learning is an important aspect of effective educator practice. The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and the State Board of Education recognize this responsibility and are committed to supporting our state’s educators as they seek to refine their instructional and professional practices. NCDPI is pleased to offer a variety of meetings, professional development options, and technical assistance opportunities to meet the vast needs of educators within our state. Please check back often to see what new events and conferences are planned to serve you. DPI Events Calendar

Professional Development

To assist NC educators to choose the most effective learning experiences, the State Board of Education adopted the Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning. These standards make explicit that the purpose of professional learning is for educators to develop the knowledge, skills, practices, and dispositions they need to help students perform at higher levels. The standards are not a prescription for how education leaders and public officials should address all the challenges related to improving the performance of educators and their students. Instead, the standards focus on one critical issue -- professional learning.

These standards offer important guidance regarding the characteristics of high quality professional learning. They should be used by state and district leaders as they design professional development offerings, and as a reference point for educators to assess the quality of professional development offerings they may be considering.

North Carolina Adoption of Standards for Professional Learning