Regulation and Policy

Tab/Accordion Items

Statutes that govern the Child Nutrition Program


DateWaiver Title | Description
10.28.2024NCDPI Additional Waiver Request - Hurricane Helene
09.29.2024 Waiver Request - Unanticipated School Closures - September 29, 2024
09.19.2024Waiver Request - Unanticipated School Closures Sept 2024- NC Department of Public Instruction
12.13.2023USDA Waiver Request - CEP Midyear Adoption
8.18.2023USDA Waiver Request - Unanticipated School Closures (Sept 1 2023 - Aug 31 2024)
7.17.2023USDA Update on Non-Congregate Meal Service for Outdoor Summer Meal Sites Experiencing Excessive Heat (July 1, 2023)
5.1.2023USDA Summer Food Service Program Waiver Request - Meal Service During Unanticipated School Closures
4.28.2023USDA State Waiver Request - Streamlining Program Requirements and Improving Integrity in the SFSP




Child Nutrition Nationwide Waiver Update for Summer 2022 and School Year 2022-2023

On June 30, 2022, the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) released a suite of four Child Nutrition Program nationwide waivers and flexibilities based on authority amended by the Keep Kids Fed Act of 2022 to support CNP operations in summer 2022 and SY 2022-23. State and local officials continue their exceptional efforts to maintain program access while facing challenges stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, and FNS recognizes that providing flexibility will assist their efforts. The suite of waivers and flexibilities, listed below, increases funding, supports access, and balances operational needs with the goal of providing nutritious meals: 


NCDPI Waiver Request for School Meal Programs for SY 22-23

GOAL: The goal of the waiver request is to continue to extend necessary flexibilities to SFAs and sponsors who provide meal service despite post-COVID-related challenges, including increased food, supply and fuel costs, as well as continued supply challenges caused by a fractured K-12 supply chain. A secondary goal is to reduce the administrative burden on SFAs and sponsoring entities who continue to feel the impact from the these and other post-COVID challenges such as staffing shortages.


Waiver Request for Summer Food Service Program FY 2021-22 and School Meal Programs for SY 2022-23

05.23.2022 Summer Food Service and Seamless Summer Option Programs Waiver Request - Non-Congregate Meal Service for Outdoor Summer Meal Sites Experiencing Excessive Heat

GOAL: Allow NCDPI to grant summer meal sponsors operating outdoor meal service at sites without a temperature-controlled alternative  to provide a non-congregate meal service on days when the area experiences excessive heat or other exceptional circumstances.

2021 Summer Food Service and Seamless Summer Option Waiver Requests

The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) announced today that it will request statewide waivers from the Food and Nutrition Service of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) of statutory and regulatory requirements in the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and Seamless Summer Option (SSO), in accordance with federal guidance. The waivers relate to the SFSP flexibilities and policies that were rescinded through Policy Memoranda SFSP 01-2019, Summer Food Service Program Memoranda Rescission; SFSP 03-2020, Meal Service During Unanticipated School Closures and the March 23, 2000, Policy Memorandum on determining sponsors for the current year administrative review schedule.

The following waivers have been submitted to the USDA for consideration. The goal of these waivers is to reinstate the rescinded flexibilities that allow for efficient and cost-effective program management and to reduce the administrative burden for sponsoring organizations and the State Agency.

2021Waiver Request 1 - First Week SFSP Site Visits

Waiver of first week SFSP site visits for School Food Authorities and other sponsors in good standing, which operated experienced sites in good standing without a lapse in participation.

Waiver Request 2 - Extending Area Eligibility to Closed Enrolled Sites

Waiver extending area eligibility to closed enrolled sites for SFSP and SSO.


Waiver Request 3 - Meal-time Restrictions

Waiver of meal-time restrictions; specifically, the minimum amount of time that must pass between meals and snacks and the duration of the meal service, with approval to be determined by the NCDPI on a case-by-case basis for SFSP and SSO.


Waiver Request 4 - Extend SFSP Offer vs Serve

Waiver to extend SFSP Offer versus Serve to SFA and other sponsors, approval to be determined by the NCDPI


Waiver Request 5 - Serve Meals during Unanticipated School Closures

Waiver to allow school sites to serve meals for reimbursement during unanticipated school closures in SFSP and SSO.


Waiver Request 6 - Allow State Agency to conduct Site/Sponsor Administrative Reviews Off Site

Waiver to allow NCDPI and sponsors to conduct site/sponsor administrative reviews off site in the SFSP and SSO.


*Content to be added soon."