*old - remove page* Pandemic Resources
COVID-19 Guidance for Schools Opening
- Governor Cooper - Thank You Message to School Nutrition Teams
- CDC – Schools and Childcare – Plan, Prepare and Respond
- NCDPI – Lighting Our Way Forward: North Carolina’s Guidebook for Reopening Public Schools
COVID-19 Guidance for Ensuring Health and Safety
- NCDPI and NCDHHS - Guidelines for Ensuring Health and Safety for School Nutrition Staff and Children and Families Receiving School Nutrition Services
- NCDHHS - Food Safety Guidance for School Meal Delivery
- NCDHHS - Interim Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Guidance for School Nutrition and Transportation Personnel (rev 3.31.2020)
- NCDHHS, Division of Public Health, Environmental Health Section – Emergency Preparedness and Response
- NCDPI – COVID-19 Safety Toolkit for NC School Nutrition Programs (03.05.2021)
Approved FNS Waivers during COVID-19
- USDA FNS Actions to Respond to COVID-19
- NCDPI - Recap of Approved USDA Waivers in Response to COVID-19 (Word Version)
- NCDPI - Recap of Approved USDA Waivers in Response to COVID-19 (Excel Version)
Technical Assistance/Professional Development
- NCDPI and NCSU Extension – COVID-19 Management for School Nutrition Course
- NCDPI - Strategies to Include Milk with Summer Meals
- The Dairy Alliance - Strive for 35
- Washington Dairy - Milk Conversion Chart
- School Nutrition Association (SNA) – COVID-19 Back to School Resources
North Carolina Meal Ordering System
NCDPI, School Nutrition Services continues to collaborate with Chef Cyndie and the N.C. K-12
Culinary Team to provide resources to assist you in nourishing students’ minds, bodies and souls. COVID-19 may have changed the landscape of School Nutrition, but it has not changed the mission to provide safe, wholesome, appealing meals to students.
NCDPI applauds School Nutrition Program efforts to develop online meal ordering systems.
Thank you and congratulations to the many SFAs across the state experiencing success!
If you have not yet set up online ordering for school meals but are short on time, resources, software to make the dream a reality, the N.C. Online Meal Ordering System may be of assistance. The N.C. Online Ordering System Template is a free and easy tool created by Chef Cyndie and the N.C. K-12 Culinary Team using Google Forms which allows School Nutrition
Programs to set up your own online meal ordering system. Use the video tutorial instructions (see below) to learn the steps for customizing the tool and using it to manage online meal orders.
- Instructions for Using and Customizing the Meal Order Form in Google Forms and Google Sheets (9.16.2020)
Includes:- Materials Needed
- Links to forms
- Instructions for Customizing the order form
- Sending the Form
- Compiling Orders
- and Bonus Tips