Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)
Section 104(a) of the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 amended the National School Lunch Act to provide an alternative to household eligibility applications for free and reduced price meals in high poverty local educational agencies (LEAs) (or districts) and schools. The overall purpose of the CEP is to improve access to nutritious meals for students in high poverty areas by providing meals to all students “at no cost” to the students.
CEP Regulation/Guidance
- SP 61-2016 - Community Eligibility Provision: Planning Implementation Guidance (Policy memo) (NOTE: SP 61-2016 supersedes SP 22-2016)
- SP 61-2016a - Community Eligibility Provision: Planning and Implementation Guidance (Guidance manual)
- SP 54-2016 - Community Eligibility Provision: Guidance and Updated Q&As (NOTE: SP 54-2016 supersedes CEP Q&As released with SP 19-2016, SP 45-2015, and SP 21-2014(v.2))
- CEP - Title I Guidance (USDE)
- E-rate Guidance for CEP (Letter from FCC)
CEP Worksheets
- CEP Site Data Worksheet Template (rev 4.1.2024)
- SAMPLE - CEP Site Data Worksheet
- CEP Reimbursement Worksheet SY 2023-24 (rev. 3.28.2024)
- SAMPLE - CEP Reimbursement Worksheet (rev. 3.28.2024)
Continuing Education Resources
- 3.15.2023 CEP Recorded Webinar PPT
- 3.15.2023 CEP Recorded Webinar
- 3.28.2022 Community Eligibility Provision Overview - PPT Slides Handout
- Recorded Webinar