Federal Fiscal Oversight and Compliance
The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (DPI) manages the distribution of over $10 billion in state and federal aid, excluding child nutrition, throughout North Carolina to 115 local educational agencies (LEAs), over 196 charter schools, and regional and residential schools. As the pass-through-entity, DPI provides federal awards to subrecipients to carry out federal programs at the local level to benefit public education.
The Division of School Business (Division) provides consistency across programs in the interpretation and application of state and federal fiscal requirements, and technical assistance to program managers and subrecipients in establishing effective fiscal management for grants. The Division serves as the central liaison between DPI program offices, LEAs, charter schools, and other key stakeholders to ensure that state and federal grant funds are administered in accordance with applicable regulations, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) circulars, and specific grant terms and conditions.
In Federal Grants Administered through NCDPI (May 2021), applicants can find the following detailed information about individual federal grants administered through DPI:
- Program Report Code (PRC)
- Program Name / Description: Briefly describes the program purpose
- Catalog of Federal Assistant (CFDA) Number
- Federal Award Identification Number (FAIN)
- Important Dates and Deadlines: Lists deadlines associated with the grant, including the application due date, expiration date, term, and liquidation period.
- Contact Information: DPI program contact(s) name, telephone number, email address and section. The DPI Program Contact can provide additional information about eligibility, program purpose or description, and can answer questions about the grant application.
The Division provides centralized administration of all formula and discretionary state-appropriated funds and federal grant funds awarded to DPI. For more information, please visit the Grant Administration page.
Guidance documents designed to assist LEAs, charter schools and other sub-recipients administer their grants are posted on the Fiscal Guidance page.
Federal Procurement Waiver Process Changes: Webinar Recording and Presentation
Regulations from the Office of Budget and Management (OMB), codified as Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations (2CFR) Part 200, govern all federal grants awarded by the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) to the state or to LEAs and other sub-recipients awarded on or after December 26, 2014. Refer to the Fiscal Guidance page for details on Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG) and the revised Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR).
Templates, models, guidelines, key grant concepts and terms, and best practice documents developed to assist sub-recipients in grants management and compliance posted on the Fiscal Guidance page.
Federal and state grant programs include fiscal requirements developed to ensure grant recipients and sub-recipients spend funds in the manner specified by the grant program. The Division is responsible for providing oversight of grant sub-recipients to ensure that grant awards are used for authorized purposes in compliance with laws, regulations, and the provisions of contracts or grant agreements. Oversight activities include audit resolution for sub-recipient audit findings, fiscal monitoring reviews, targeted financial reviews, NCGS 143C-6-23 reporting requirements, and more. Fiscal oversight functions are described in more detail on the Fiscal Oversight page.
The Division ensures that the agency complies with the fiscal requirements of federal grants, such as maintenance of effort, comparability, and various reporting requirements. For more information, please visit the Fiscal Compliance and Reporting webpage.
Fiscal oversight, compliance and reporting related training for LEAs, charter schools and other subrecipients of state and/or federal grants are administered by DPI.