Advanced Learning and Gifted Education
The Office of Advanced Learning & Gifted Education brings together various advanced education programs at the NC Department of Public Instruction to ensure collaboration and partnership. Supporting the advanced learning needs of students across North Carolina is critical as DPI and NC educators work to ensure that all students are career and college ready.
- Academically and/or Intellectually Gifted students and programming
- Advanced Placement/ International Baccalaureate/ Cambridge International Education
- Credit by Demonstrated Mastery
- Dual enrollment programs for high school students with NC Institutes of Higher Education, including Career and College Promise and Cooperative Innovative High Schools
- Honors Programming
- NC Governor's School
- North Carolina High School Diploma Endorsements
- US Presidential Scholars
Programs focused on the advanced learning needs of our students are one of many ways NC is personalizing learning for every student and supporting the growth of all of our students.
A Call to Action
Critical Actions to Realize Equity and Excellence in Gifted Education: Changing Mindsets, Policies, and Practices
To set the foundation for realizing both equity and excellence, we must approach it from the shared perspective that both can be realized. Both are integral to a successful educational environment. This commitment toward equity and excellence is urgent and requires intentional and sustained actions. No single action will change mindsets, policies, and practices; we must synergize efforts to increase achievement and growth for all.
Call to Action: Equity and Excellence Brief
Call to Action: Equity and Excellence Guidebook of Promising Practices
NEW: Call to Action: Guidebook of Promising Practices and Districts 2.0
This Call to Action: Guidebook 2.0 responds to the needs of NC’s public schools. Like the original Guidebook, this updated Guidebook provides a clear framework for improvement and actionable next steps for districts and schools to realize equity and excellence in gifted education, through the sharing of promising practices from school districts and charters of all sizes from across all regions of NC. Leading the way are 15 promising districts and charters that have exemplified commitment and innovation in their pursuit of this goal, embracing practices which align with the six critical actions essential for realizing equity and excellence in gifted education.
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