A Call to Action: Equity and Excellence

A Call to Action

New Guidebook 2.0 Below!  Learn about Promising Practices and Promising Districts.

Critical Actions to Realize Equity and Excellence in Gifted Education:  Changing Mindsets, Policies, and Practices

Increase access and opportunities to increase achievement and growth for all.

To set the foundation for realizing both equity and excellence, we must approach it from the shared perspective that both can be realized. Both are integral to a successful educational environment. This commitment toward equity and excellence is urgent and requires intentional and sustained actions. No single action will change mindsets, policies, and practices, we must synergize efforts to increase achievement and growth for all.

Call to Action: Equity and Excellence Brief

NAGC Equity and Excellence 2020 Presentation

This Call to Action: Guidebook responds to the needs of NC’s public schools. It provides a clear framework for improvement and actionable next steps for districts and schools to realize equity and excellence in gifted education. This journey is necessary for the sake of the state of North Carolina and most importantly for all students. Review to find Promising Practices from across the state that match each critical action, as well as an annotated bibliography. This Guidebook will help take NC from ideas to actions. 

Call to Action: Guidebook February 2021

Call to Action: Guidebook 2.0 provides additional practices from districts and charter schools which demonstrate the best of what we are learning from research and are aligned with best practices in gifted education. We invite you to read about the 15 North Carolina Promising Districts and Charter Schools that are leading the way for expanding opportunities and fostering excellence  in gifted and advanced education.

Call to Action: Promising Practices and Districts Guidebook 2.0

Strategic Actions in Gifted Education for Multilingual Learners 

A resource developed to help districts and schools recognize multilingual learners whose exceptional abilities and talents often remain concealed within the complexities of language acquisition.

Critical Actions to Reach & Teach Students Who are Twice Exceptional 

Another resource created to support districts and schools recognize and meet the needs of learners whose exceptional abilities and disabilities combined may result in a unique set of circumstances and academic needs.