Student Technology Certifications
The North Carolina Business Committee for Education, in partnership with the Department of Public Instruction, has brought together businesses from across North Carolina to offer students the opportunity to earn industry recognized certifications and credentials.
The attainment of an industry-recognized certification or credential ensures that students graduate from high school globally competitive for work and postsecondary education.
An industry-recognized certification or credential helps businesses:
- Save many hours of training time because their new hire is already trained
- Be confident that the credential holder has already learned a specific set of skills
An industry-recognized certification or credential helps students:
- Validate their knowledge and skill attainment with an industry-recognized certification
- Stand out in a field of job applicants
- Start at a higher salary level
Certification Categories and Resources
Certificates in Information Support & Services relate to the overall maintaining and functionality of an IT department or company. These careers range from general IT support, web services, and systems administration.
Career Examples: Chief Information Officer, Computer Support Specialist, Data Entry, Data Processing, IT Project Management, IT Support, Systems Administration, Systems Analysis/Design, Web/Multimedia Management
A career in Networking and infrastructure are the backbone of an IT organization. These certifications are for those interested in understanding how to support an enterprise network, telecommunications, cloud technologies, and information security.
Career Examples: Cloud Engineer, Communication Specialist, Information System Security, IT Support, LAN/WAN Management, Network Administrator, Security Officer, VoIP Engineer
Computer Science and Computer Programming often require skills and knowledge in a variety of software languages as well as experience with several forms of hardware. Certificates in this field can lead to careers as a software/app developer, virtual environments, or even game design and artificial intelligence.
Career Examples: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Cloud Computing Architect, Data Scientist, Database Administrator, Game Design, Mobile Application Engineer, Programmer, Software Developer, Systems Administration, Virtual Environment and Simulation
Explore Careers in Computer Science/Programming
Data Science and Analytic Certification Opportunities [more coming soon]
Ensuring that data and information are secure in an organization is a constant everchanging battle. Exploring certificates in Cybersecurity allows you to pursue a career as a security officer, system/security analysis, or cryptographer.
Career Examples: Chief Information Security Officer, Cryptographer/Cryptologist, Information System Security, Network Technician, Security Administration, Security Analysis, Security Architect, Security Engineer, Security Software Developer, WAN/LAN Management
Cloud and Virtualization Technology is a new and emerging realm of technology. The cloud technology includes - a development platform, hard disk, computing power, software application, and database.
Virtualization allows you to create multiple simulated environments or dedicated resources from a single, physical hardware system, and clouds are IT environments that abstract, pool, and share scalable resources across a network.
Emerging Technology Certification Resources:
Explore Emerging Technology Certification Resources [more coming soon]
Software Development Technology Certification Resources:
Explore Software Development Technologies: [more coming soon]