Finance & Grants

CONTACT :: Heather Cox, Section Chief Special Programs & Data

There are multiple sources of funding to support students identified as having a disability through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). These funds are allocated through either an application or grant process. Information is also provided about funding allocations.

College Grants


Medicaid in Education

FAQ Document

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Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, Part B)

To demonstrate eligibility via procedures to receive grant awards under 611 and 619 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

IDEA :: Preschool (619) and Part B (611)

IDEA Grant Trainings

IDEA Grant Training Webinar & PowerPoint

IDEA Grant Training Webinar (Password: rMhYSPR6)

IDEA Grant Training PowerPoint

Purpose of the Program

To demonstrate eligibility via procedures to receive grant awards under 611 and 619 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The State Board of Education will make allocations to local education agencies (LEAs) based upon the certified appropriation from the Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education.

Children Served

Program to all children with disabilities, ages 3 through 21, who meet specific eligibility requirements under Public Law 108.446.

Application Process

  • Local education agencies (LEAs) must submit proof of eligibility and receive approval.
  • Application is submitted online. Grant window opens on May 1st and will close on May 31st.
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Allotments and Allocations

Children with Disabilities Head Count Transfer System

LEAs and Charter Schools should use this form to report all children with disabilities transferred to their schools within the first sixty instructional days of the school year.

For information concerning allotments please visit: For questions, please contact Kristie Weber at: 984.236.2462.

Per Child Allocations

Exceptional Children Division State and Federal Per Child Allocations for Children with Disabilities 

1. State Aid (PRC 32) - state funds
Per child allocation is for children with disabilities school-aged 5 through 21 counted on the April 1 child count. Funds are limited to 13.0% of the local education agency's average daily membership (ADM). The per child allocation will differ for those LEAs who are over the 13.0% cap.
2. State Aid Preschool (PRC 32) - state funds
Each local education agency receives a base amount equal to the average salary of a classroom teacher plus benefits and the remainder is distributed based on the April 1 child count of 3, 4, and pre-K5 children with disabilities.
Base Amount $62,368 Per Child Average Amount $3,255.52
3. Average Daily Membership - state funds
This ADM is established for use in determining the per child allocation for group homes and out-of-district placements. This is not the ADM for children with disabilities.
4. Developmental Day Center Program (PRC 63) - state funds
Developmental day funds are for students with disabilities served in a certified developmental day center. (Application Process)
5. Community Residential Center Program (PRC 63) - state funds
Community residential funds are for students with disabilities served in a certified community residential center. (Application process)
6. Group Home Program -state(PRC 32 LEAs)(PRC 36 charter schools) -and federal (PRC 60) funds
Group home funds are available to LEAs and charter schools for students with disabilities placed in group homes for residential services that were not counted on the December 1 or April 1child count. Formula includes ADM, State Aid (PRC 032) per child, and Federal IDEA, Part B funds. (Application process)
State & Federal Average
7. Special State Reserve Program (PRC 63) - state funds (PRC 36 charter schools)
Special State Reserve funds are available to LEAs and charter schools for students with extraordinary needs who enter their system after available funds have been expended and budgets have been committed. (Application process)
Allocation based on the services approved for funding
8. Behavioral Support Grants (PRC 29) - state funds
These funds are for children with disabilities who were identified as members of the Willie M. class at the time of the dissolution of the class and other children with disabilities needing specific educational/behavioral support services. (Application process)
Allocation based on the services approved for funding
9. IDEA, Part B (PRC 60) - federal funds
Each LEA will receive 75% of their allocation for December 1, 1998. This establishes their base. The remaining funds will be distributed as follows: 85% will be allocated based upon the number of children who are enrolled in public and private elementary and secondary schools and 15% will be allocated based on the number children living in poverty (free and reduced lunch). (Application must be submitted electronically)
State Average Per Child $1,514.35
10. IDEA, Part B - Preschool Disabled (PRC 49) - federal funds
Formula is based on December 1, 1996 child count ($486.19 per child). 85% of the remaining funding is distributed based on the total K-12 enrollment in public and private schools and 15% is based on the number of children living in poverty (free and reduced lunch). (Application must be submitted electronically)
Formula Based Allocation
11. Out-of-District Placement Program (PRC 60) - federal funds
Out-of-district funds are for students with disabilities placed in programs outside of their LEA for special education and related services. The out-of-district placement program will pay up to 50% of placement. This includes residential and extended school year services. (Application process)
Allocation based on the services approved for funding
12. Risk Pool - (PRC 114) federal funds
IDEA 2004 has a provision which gives states the opportunity to reserve a percentage of the states “set-aside” funds for implementing a neutral cost sharing and reimbursement program of high need, low incidence, catastrophic, and/or extraordinary aid to LEAs/ charter schools providing special education and related services to “high need” students. (Application process)
Allocation based on the services approved for funding
13. Targeted Assistance - (PRC 118) federal funds
Funds for targeted areas of need including establishment and coordination of reading/writing, early literacy, math and behavioral support sites; Responsiveness to Instruction; Instructional Consultation; Positive Behavior Support Coordinators; Positive Behavior Support Training; and Continuous Improvement Performance Plan initiatives will be placed in this program reporting code.
Allocation based on approved request(s) and funding for special initiatives.
14. Targeted Assistance Preschool - (PRC 119) federal funds
Funds for targeted areas of need for preschool initiatives, including; assessment teams, early literacy sites, outdoor learning environments, and Center on the Social and Emotional Foundation for Early Learning (CSEFEL) sites.
Application approval process
15. Special Education State Improvement Grant - (PRC 82) federal funds
These funds are allocated to LEAs and charter schools for the development of reading/writing and/or math centers and sites.
Application approval process.
16. Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) - (PRC 70) federal funds
IDEA regulations mandate 15% of IDEA 611 and 619 funds are set-aside for any LEA with significant disproportionality (SD) based on race or ethnicity with respect to the identification of children as children with disabilities, the identification of children in specific disability categories, the placement of children with disabilities in particular educational settings or the taking of disciplinary actions. These funds are for non-identified students in K-12 who need academic and/or behavioral supports to succeed in the general education environment. LEAs without significant disproportionality may use up to 15% of their IDEA 611 and 619 funds for CEIS (permissive use).
Allocation based on 15% of LEA IDEA 611 and 619 funds
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Special Grant Applications

To apply for and submit a special grant application, please visit: Final Submission is due by May 15th.

Community Residential Center Program (CRC)

Purpose of Program
Community Residential Center funds are made available to assist local education agencies in providing special education and related services to eligible children with disabilities who are placed in an approved community residential center through the single portal process. The local education agency where the community residential center is located is responsible for requesting program funds.

Children Served
The program serves children with disabilities ages 3 through 21 with a community residential center placement approved by an area Local Management Entity (LME)/Managed Care Organization (MCO). The majority of the children served are multihandicapped and severely/profoundly mentally disabled.  They also include a large number of medically fragile students.

Application Process 
The application for funds is submitted annually to the Special Programs and Data Section in the Exceptional Children Division. If a child remains in the community residential center, the local education agency must submit an application each year the child continues in the placement.

Amount of Funds Per Child
The per child grant allocation is for ten months of special education and related services and includes a per child amount for educational supplies, materials and equipment. The per child allocation is prorated based on the entry date of the child. A per child allocation for two months of extended school year services is available for students that qualify.  


Purpose of Program
Developmental day funds are made available through the State Board of Education to assist in providing special education and related services to eligible children with disabilities who are placed in licensed development day centers by local education agencies.

Children Served
The program serves children with disabilities ages 3 through 21 in a developmental day center licensed by the NC Department of Health and Human Services/Division of Child Development/Early Education.

Application Process 
Applications are submitted annually to the Special Programs and Data Section in the Exceptional Children Division. If a child remains in the developmental day center, the local education agency must submit an application each year the child continues in the placement.

Amount of Funds Per Child
The per child grant allocation is for ten months of special education and related services and includes a per child amount for educational supplies, materials and equipment. The amount per child allocation is prorated based on the entry date of the child. 


Purpose of Program
These funds are for children with disabilities residing in group and foster homes that have not been counted on the previous school year’s December 1, April 1, or average daily membership child counts. These children are entitled to state aid, federal aid and average daily membership funds. The local education agency where the group home is located is responsible for the special education and related services for the students that reside in the group home.

Children Served
This program serves children with disabilities ages 3 through 21, residing in a group/foster home and not counted on the previous school years December 1, April 1 or average daily membership child counts.

Application Process
Applications are submitted within 60 days of the child’s enrollment to the Special Programs and Data Section in the Exceptional Children Division. 

Amount of Funds Per Child
See Per Child Allocations for program rate. The per child allocation is for ten months of educational services. The allocation is the sum of the average daily membership for the program, state aid for exceptional children, and federal aid for exceptional children. The amount per child is prorated based on the entry date of the child.


Purpose of Program
The Out-of-District Program is to assist local education agencies in funding the excess cost of the placement of an eligible child with disabilities in a program not operated by the local education agency. These placements may be public, private, residential, in state or out-of-state. All in state programs are the first consideration before any out-of-state placements are considered.

Children Served
The program serves children with disabilities ages 3 through 21 requiring alternative special education placements in school districts other than the local education agency where parents have legal residence.

Application Process 
Applications are submitted annually to the Special Programs and Data Section in the Exceptional Children Division. If a child remains in an out-of-district placement, the local education agency must submit an application each year the child continues in the placement.

Amount of Funds Per Child
See Per Child Allocations. The per child reimbursement is based on half the cost of the education placement including residential and extended school year services plus deductions for average daily membership, state aid for exceptional children and federal aid for exceptional children. A local education agency may not request funds if the cost of the out-of-district placement is below the sum of the per pupil allotments. 


Children with Disabilities - Risk Pool (IDEA) Program Report Code (PRC 114)

The IDEA gives funding flexibility to states in providing needed resources for high cost special education services for children with "high needs."

Children Served

Risk Pool Program Funds are for eligible "high need" children with disabilities who were enrolled in the LEA in the previous school year. "High need" is defined as any special education and/or related service(s) that is three times the per pupil expenditure and has a fiscal impact that limits and/or inhibits LEA/charter school's ability to provide special education and related services. A student considered "high need" may be funded annually, up to 5 cumulative years, if the same level of service is needed and the student continues to meet eligibility requirements.

Application Process

Applications are submitted annually to the Special Programs and Data Section in the Exceptional Children Division. The application in the grant system ( contains all instructions needed to complete the process.


Purpose of Program
Special State Reserve funds are for emergency situations for children with disabilities. Often, a high-needs child will move into a Local Education Agency (LEA) or charter school after budgets are set and funds are committed. This situation places a fiscal burden on the LEA/Charter School to secure needed funds for special education and related services for these children.

Children Served
These funds are made available to local education agencies and charter schools for high-cost children with disabilities ages 3 through 21 who are newly enrolled in the LEA/charter school after all funds have been committed. Children with disabilities in state-operated programs and corrections do not receive these funds.

Application Process
The application is submitted by LEA/Charter School, then reviewed for approval by the Special Programs and Data Section of the Exceptional Children Division. LEAs are notified of status of application, and the amount of funds to be received is forwarded to Financial Services for allocation to the LEA. 

Amount of Funds Per Child
The amount per child is based on the services requested. Requests support the child’s educational and related services needs.

Special Grants Training

2022 Special Grant Training & PowerPoint

Special Grants Training Recording Password: zFZD9W3i

PowerPoint Presentation



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Tuition Reimbursement Application 

Program Administrator:  Nancy Childress, Personnel Development Consultant