Standard Course of Study & Supporting Resources
K-12 Mathematics Documents
Mathematics standards documents and supporting resources can be viewed and sorted. Documents include: Standards, Unpacking, Crosswalks, Glossary, Math Options Charts, etc.
Math Instructional Resources
The resources on this website, created by educators from across North Carolina through a grant, are supplemental and are designed as model lessons or tasks to address the NC Standard Course of Study.
North Carolina Collaborative for Mathematics Learning (NC2ML)
The North Carolina Collaborative for Mathematics Learning (NC2ML) aims to support NC math educators in implementing the mathematics content standards in ways that align with research on students’ mathematical thinking, mathematics teaching, and teacher learning. To do so, NC2ML brought together mathematics educators to co-design research-based resources and professional learning opportunities.
Canvas Professional Development Modules for NC Math 1-3
The self-paced professional learning modules developed in the Canvas LMS are accessible to all NC educators that teach NC Math 1-3. The modules incorporate the resources developed by the North Carolina Collaborative for Mathematics Learning into a professional learning experience to help NC educators understand the HS standards for Math 1-3.
If you are a teacher of NC Math I, II, or III or provide instructional support, you can request access by completing the following form: Canvas Module Registration Form
Math Options Charts
According to the State Graduation Requirement Policy, students must earn
Four mathematics credits which shall be either:
- NC Math 1, 2, and 3 and a fourth mathematics course to be aligned with the student’s post high school plans
- In the rare instance a principal exempts a student from the Future-Ready Core mathematics sequence, except as limited by N.C.G.S. §115C-81(b), the student will be required to pass: NC Math 1 and Math 2 plus two additional courses identified on the NC DPI Math options chart. Note: Credit shall be awarded for Math I, II, III if taken prior to the 2016-17 school year.
The Mathematics Options Charts are provided to identify the courses that fulfill the mathematics graduation requirement and that align with the student’s post high school plan.
NC Math Options Chart for students who entered HS prior to 2020-21 (Updated 12-2023).
NC Math Options Chart for students who entered HS during 2020-21 (Updated 12-2023).
NC Math Options Chart for students who entered HS during 2021-22 (Updated 12-2023).
NC Math Options Chart for students who entered HS during 2022-23 (Updated 12-2023).
NC Math Options Chart for students who entered HS during 2023-24 (Updated 12-2023).
NC Math Options Chart for students who entered HS during 2024-25 (Updated 12-2023).
Concern Area | Contact Name | Contact Number |
Mathematics | Joseph Reaper | 984-236-2841 |
CTE | Karen McPherson | 984-236-2778 |
AP, IB, Cambridge, NCCC | Beth Cross | 984-236-2739 |
EC or IEP | Melissa Towery | 984-236-2591 |
OCS | Beverly Colwell | 984-236-2558 |
Supporting Multilingual Learners
Stakeholders have different areas of expertise and are often responsible for different aspects of educational planning and delivery; however, collectively, they are responsible for the success of Multilingual Learners. Each teacher can contribute to deliver coordinated educational experiences for Multilingual Learners according to their own qualifications and areas of expertise (WIDA 2020). To aid content area educators in supporting Multilingual Learners, please visit the NCDPI ESL/Title III Team’s ELD Standards Resource Hub.