Publication Sales

The mission of NCDPI's Online Publication Sales is to provide manuals and support materials produced by the NC Department of Public Instruction to schools, educators and the public at production cost. Most materials are available for download in the catalog and may be printed locally. When possible, we print or buy in bulk to lower prices to the districts. 

Phone: 984-236-2010   /   Email:

Please note: We ship orders twice a week, typically on Tuesdays and Fridays. If you have an urgent need for an order, please email  

Browse our Publications Catalog 

Ordering Information

Tab/Accordion Items

If you submit an order through the NC E-Procurement System, please also email a copy to to ensure you selected the correct vendor location at NCDPI. We do not receive POs sent to other NCDPI locations listed. It is helpful to include the below order form with your PO.

► Note: It is important to select the correct DPI LOCATION in the system (look for Publication Sales in the address):

6307 Mail Service Center
RALEIGH, NC  27699
Contact: Josh Lees

Purchase orders using other procurement systems should also be emailed to

► If you require a shipping quote, please email the items needed along with your shipping address and allow a day to pack and weigh the shipment. 

Publication Sales Order Form — Acrobat Reader  Download to your computer and launch in Acrobat Reader rather than your browser for best results. 

Purchase orders will be invoiced. Please note: the actual cost of shipping plus applicable sales tax will be added to the invoice. Actual shipping costs are based on UPS charges billed to the agency. 
Purchase orders cannot be taken over the phone.

► Once you receive your shipment and invoice, mail checks to:  
c/o Financial Services
6336 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699

This address was updated 1-24-25. The 6307 address will still work, but may take 6-8 weeks for checks to be received. 

To order by credit card, please fill out our Prepaid Order Form in advance and email it to Include your phone number and a good time you can be reached. We will call you for your credit card information as soon as we’ve looked over your form, confirmed it’s accuracy & calculated shipping. To quote shipping, we will need your shipping address and a day to pack and weigh the shipment. 

Mastercard, Visa and P-Card payments are accepted.  For security reasons, do not email or mail credit card numbers.

Credit card orders will include the applicable sales tax for your county.

Prepaid Order Form —  Acrobat Reader Download to your computer and launch in Acrobat Reader rather than your browser for best results. 


Do NOT mail checks with an order without first emailing us the form for a quote. All checks received by DPI are being directed to Accounts Payable, not Publication Sales, and it may be weeks before we receive your order. 

Purchase Orders and Credit Card/P-card payments are strongly encouraged. 

If correct shipping and tax are not included in the order with the check, we will not fulfill the order. 

To pay by check without a purchase order, please email the form below to with the items & quantities you would like to order along with your delivery address. We will email you an exact quote that you may send by mail. 

Prepaid Order Form — Acrobat Reader  Download to your computer and launch in Acrobat Reader rather than your browser for best results. 

If you need to pick up an order in person, please email or call us first to be certain we have the item in stock and that someone will be available at the time you plan to arrive. 

If ordering over 15 copies of one item, email or call us for a timeline in the event that we have to print your materials before pickup. 

Our Publication Sales office is located in the basement of the Education Building at 301 N. Wilmington Street, Raleigh, NC 27601, Room B75.  You may pay with a check, Visa/Mastercard, or with cash. We cannot make change, so please bring the exact cash amount.

Department of Public Instruction employees wishing to purchase publications for their area may simply fill out a Duplicating Requisition in Docusign with the item number or title.  Remember to include a full budget code and request your director's signature. A link for Docusign is on the DPI Launchpad (log in with your DPI credentials). The Duplicating form is under Templates > Shared with Me. 

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