#GoOpenNC is North Carolina's Open Education Resources Platform
Explore standards aligned supplemental instructional resources in collections, hubs, and your own custom folders of saved resources.
Create your own openly licensed instructional materials to share with your school, district, or the entire state.
Collaborate with educators across the state on the standards you teach and network together to improve instruction.
To learn more about #GoOpenNC or receive help contact our #GoOpenNC product manager.
#GoOpenNC Resources
- What are the goals of #GoOpenNC?
- To develop an OER community of practice, where NC educators can curate, create, and collaborate on openly-licensed instructional resources that are aligned to NC standards.
- To grow a repository of high-quality, standards-aligned OER, with a focus on instructional improvement.
- To help NC educators grow professionally as they learn about intellectual property, copyright, open-licensing, deep knowledge of standards, and indicators of effective instructional materials.
- To empower collaboration and partnerships among educators, schools, districts, and states.
- What can I do on the platform?
- Search for resources by content area, standard, grade level/range, keyword, etc.
- Curate resources using the functionality of the platform that allows users to save resources to folders and into group shared folders.
- Create resources using the Open Author tool in the platform. Users can co-author resources with other NC educators.
- Remix authored OER to enhance and/or improve instructional resources. Remixed resources are connected to the original resource, so users can see all iterations.
- Collaborate and connect with colleagues through groups, hubs, co-authoring, and more!
- Learn through professional learning OER available on the platform, as well as through collaborative efforts with colleagues. Explore the OER PD hub for self-directed learning
Explore #GoOpeNC
- Search for resources and refine searches
- Browse collections and content providers
- Advanced searching
- Save resources and search within folders
- Use groups and shared folders
- Have online discussions about resources
- Use Open Author to create, co-author, and share resources
- Import resources from Google Docs and/or OneDrive
- Apply a star rating
- Leave a comment
- Align resources to standards
- Use NC Quality Review evaluation rubric
- Flag a resource
What are OER?
- Open educational resources (OER) are instructional materials that have been licensed by the copyright holder to allow users to retain, reuse, revise, remix, and/or redistribute the content.
What kind of instructional materials can be OER?
- Open educational resources (OER) are instructional materials that have been licensed by the copyright holder to allow users to retain, reuse, revise, remix, and/or redistribute the content.
Where do I find the #GoOpenNC platform, and how do I log in?
- The GoOpenNC icon can be found on an NC educator's NCEdCloud dashboard. This means that the GoOpenNC platform is integrated with the NC single-sign-on service.
- The GoOpenNC platform is located at: https://goopennc.oercommons.org/
How does GoOpenNC connect to what teachers and students should be able to know and do?
North Carolina Digital Learning Competencies for Teachers
- Digital Citizenship: Teachers will model and teach digital citizenship by the ethical, respectful, and safe use of digital tools and resources that support the creation of a positive digital school culture.
- Demonstrate understanding of intellectual property rights by abiding by copyright law, intellectual property, and fair use guidelines.
- Teach and require the use of copyright law and fair use in student work and creation.
- Engage in responsible and professional digital social interaction.
North Carolina Digital Learning Competencies for Administrators
- Content and Instruction: Administrators will be the ‘lead learners’ in their schools, modeling appropriate instructional practices and ensuring content encompasses appropriate digital tools, resources, and pedagogies.
- Promote and model positive digital citizenship as well as practical policies for communication and collaboration with stakeholders to ensure responsible, effective digital teaching and learning practices throughout all school processes
- Actively advance and promote digital competencies for teachers by increasing access, opportunity, and resources for professional growth and the development or acquisition of instructional materials
- Establish and use systems for the acquisition, vetting, creation, and implementation of digital content as well as evaluation systems for effectiveness
Digital Learning Standards for Students
Digital Citizen:
- Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.
- Students demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
Knowledge Constructor:
- Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.
- Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.
- Students evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of information, media, data or other resources.
This is not an all-inclusive list of the connections between the GoOpenNC initiative to NC standards. Instead, it includes some of the standards that are in direct alignment with searching for and using resources, as well as modeling and acting in safe, legal, and ethical ways with regard to intellectual property.