
Home Base DPI Site Headers Canvas LMS

Canvas is a learning management system that provides a platform to connect different digital tools in one location. This platform has been integrated within the NCEdCloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) Service. It will also integrate with Google Apps for Education and Microsoft Office 365. 

In DPI Canvas, LEA users can:   

  • Access state created professional learning
  • Have collegial discussions with NC educators
  • Search for materials shared by other NC Canvas users

What sets Canvas apart?

  • A clean, user-friendly interface
  • A dashboard page that quickly summarizes assignments, announcements, and other relevant information across course sites
  • Customizable notifications
  • A working calendar that can be added to Google Calendar, iCal, or other popular calendar tools
  • Support for media content
  • The power of the cloud – it just works.

Canvas includes several primary LMS tools, a user-friendly online environment, and the ability to connect educators across North Carolina easily. Districts can acquire Canvas through a state-negotiated convenience contract. To obtain Canvas, please contact Kevin Killeen

Canvas Resources

Tab/Accordion Items

Browse our recorded webinars and training videos on our YouTube Playlist.


Need help with Canvas? Check out the Instructor Guides provided by Canvas for step-by-step instructions.