Office of School Improvement

Office of School Improvement provides support to districts and schools through partnerships that result in every child having equitable access to a meaningful, sound basic education.

Educator Recognition & Advancement

The purpose of Educator Recognition & Advancement is to support those structures, as defined by state statue/NCSBE policy/federal/public/private guidelines, that recognize and/or advance high-quality educators in meeting the vast needs of the students they serve. Our goal is to strengthen public support of educator recognition and advancement and make sure all educators have equitable access to opportunities to assist them in growing professionally and advocating for their profession. Areas of Support are:

Low Performing Schools & Districts

DOT provides service and support to districts and schools across the state of North Carolina. Through a collaborative effort across multiple divisions within the Department, DOT focuses on building the capacity of all staff serving in the lowest performing districts and schools across the state to support the improvement of the school performance grade and EVAAS growth score. The Unit works with districts and schools to develop or improve systems and processes that will sustain a continuous improvement culture. RCMs work in conjunction with teachers, principals, superintendents, local school boards, families and communities, and other educational partners to support them in improvement planning and implementation. DOT is organized under the Deputy State Superintendent of District Support and provides services based on a Comprehensive Needs Assessment and annual results of the Performance and Growth of North Carolina Public Schools.

Find more information on Low Performing Schools & Districts.

Models of Reform

Recurring low-performing public schools have the opportunity to apply for one of the following four Reform Models: Turnaround, Transformation, Restart, or Closure.  Once the application is approved by the State Board of Education, the selected reform model empowers the LEA and schools to make the necessary adjustments to positively impact leadership, effective teaching and learning, school culture, parent and community involvement and ultimately, positive outcomes for students. 

Find more information on the Models of Reform.

School Improvement Planning and NCStar

NCStar is a vital tool for driving school improvement. By providing a structured framework for data analysis and goal setting, it empowers schools to identify areas for growth and implement targeted interventions. NCStar fosters collaboration among staff, administrators, and stakeholders, ensuring a shared commitment to enhancing student achievement.

Find more information on School Improvement Planning and NCStar

Diagnostic Services

The Comprehensive Needs Assessment provides a framework which:

  • provides districts and schools with a clear view of their strengths, areas for improvement, challenges, and successes;
  • enables a systematic review of practices, processes, and systems within a school district;
  • assists district and school leadership in determining needs, examining their nature and causes, and setting priorities for future action;
  • guides the development of a meaningful district or school plan and suggests benchmarks for evaluation; and
  • most importantly, it is a cornerstone of continuous improvement, ensuring the best possible outcomes for all students.

The rubrics and materials that underpin the third party Comprehensive Needs Assessment may be used by any school to strengthen the School Improvement Planning process. The following six dimensions are evaluated during the Comprehensive Needs Assessment Process:

  • Instructional Excellence & Alignment
  • Leadership Capacity
  • Professional Capacity
  • Planning & Operational Effectiveness
  • Family & Community Support

Find more information on the Comprehensive Needs Assessment.