School Reform Models

Recurring low-performing public schools have the opportunity to apply for one of the following four Reform Models: Turnaround, Transformation, Restart, or Closure.  Once the application is approved by the State Board of Education, the selected reform model empowers the LEA and schools to make the necessary adjustments to positively impact leadership, effective teaching and learning, school culture, parent and community involvement and ultimately, positive outcomes for students. 

As of February 6, 2016, the North Carolina State Board of Education (SBE) adopted a policy for recurring low-performing schools (DSTR-040). The policy entitled Reform for Recurring Low-Performing Schools provides structure for the Statutory Reference G.S. 115C-105.37B and serves as a comprehensive effort to strengthen recurring low-performing public schools who have shown difficulties in continuous student achievement outcomes. The policy gives autonomy and flexibility to LEAs in order to raise academic standards, promote accountability, and provide greater competition and choice within the public schools. 

Restart  Transformation  Turnaround  Closure


Application Process & Timeline

NCDPI Office of District & Regional Support invites LEAs to submit a Recurring Low-Performing School Reform Model application between October and no later than February of each year after the Recurring Low Performing designations are released with the understanding that processing applications is contingent upon the timeline and approval of the North Carolina State Board of Education (NCSBE). Applications may be found in the Associated Files section below and emailed to the Reform Model Lead. 

Contact Us

Any questions regarding the Recurring Low-Performing School Reform Model process may be directed to the Reform Model Support Lead via email Michael Taranto or phone at 984-236-2128.

Annual Report

  1. An LEA that has been authorized to implement any of the foregoing models shall submit an annual report by December 1 of each year documenting the academic gains realized by the school.
  2. The Annual Report can be accessed with NCStar under the Complete Forms tab. 
  3. The Annual Report is officially submitted by following the directions within the form and via NCStar under the Submissions tab.

Removing Authority for Model

The SBE may remove the authorization of an approved model, if it finds that:

  1. The school has failed to achieve the intended goals outlined by the LEA in its request. 
  2. The school is operating inconsistently with the request submitted by the LEA.
  3. The school demonstrates no evidence of progress in Academic Gain after 4 years1 of implementation in the model. The LEA must submit a new Restart application with a new plan for improvement. (See attached Support Document: Restart Continued Authorization Workflow)
  4. Any other grounds deemed appropriate and necessary by the SBE.

1 Review full SBE Policy DSTR-040 for details and amendments due to COVID19.


Declining Authority for Model

The SBE may decline to authorize a requested model, if it finds that:

  1. The request for implementation does not adequately outline the necessary components and goals necessary for that model.
  2. The request for implementation does not meet statutory requirements. (School must be Recurring Low Performing and requested flexibilities must align with all statutes.)
  3. Any other grounds deemed appropriate and necessary by the SBE.

Reform Models

Tab/Accordion Items

The Restart Model. A school operated under the Restart Model remains under the control of the local board of education, and employees assigned to the school are employees of the local school administrative unit with the protections provided by Part 3 of Article 22 of Chapter 115C. The LEA shall submit a plan signed by the chair of the board of education and the superintendent detailing the goals to be achieved while operating under the Restart Model.  The plan shall include:

  1. a detailed description of how the LEA will support the school in providing each student with the opportunity for a sound basic education;
  2. a detailed description of how the LEA/School will utilize the exemptions from statutes and rules authorized for charter schools under N.C.G.S. 115C-218 et seq. to accomplish its goals;
  3. a detailed description of how the LEA/School will use the exemptions to increase student achievement;
  4. a statement of whether the LEA will employ an educational management organization and, if so, the name and credentials of that organization;
  5. a budget setting out anticipated revenue and expenditures necessary to achieve its goals; and
  6. an expressed commitment to improve and reform the school through the Restart Model for the duration of the monitoring cycle.

Review full SBE Policy DSTR-040 for details on Academic Gain monitoring for continued authorization and amendments due to COVID19.

Learn more details about the Restart Reform Model: Restart Schools.

In order to qualify for implementation of the transformation model, the LEA must demonstrate that a school has created a plan for developing and improving teacher and school leader effectiveness; for implementing comprehensive instructional reform strategies; for increasing learning time; for creating community-oriented schools; and for providing operational flexibility and sustain support.The LEA shall submit specific goals for academic achievement and shall submit a budget showing the revenues and expenditures needed to reach the goals.

The LEA must demonstrate that a school has created a plan for developing and improving teacher and school leader effectiveness; for implementing comprehensive instructional reform strategies; for increasing learning time; for creating community-oriented schools; and for providing operational flexibility and sustain support. The LEA shall submit specific goals for academic achievement and shall submit a budget showing the revenues and expenditures needed to reach the goals. The following strategies should be implemented:

  1. Develop and increase teacher and school leader effectiveness
    (Consider the following:)

    1. Replace the principal;

    2. Use rigorous, transparent, equitable evaluation systems for teachers and the principal;

    3. Identify and reward school leaders and remove teachers determined to be ineffective after ample opportunity for improvement is provided;

    4. Provide ongoing job-embedded professional development; and

    5. Implement strategies to recruit and retain staff.

  2. Implement comprehensive instructional reform strategies by:

    1. Implement research-based programs; and

    2. Promote continuous use of student data.

  3. Increase learning time and create community-oriented schools

    1. Provide increased learning time; and

    2. Provide family and community engagement.

  4. Provide operational flexibility

    1. Provide sufficient flexibility to implement fully; and

    2. Provide ongoing intensive technical assistance and support.

The LEA shall submit specific grounds supporting the implementation of this model; shall specify the academic goals expected from implementation of this model; shall specify the procedures to be utilized in removing staff; including procedures consistent with Due Process; shall describe with specificity the new governance structure and the budget to be implemented; and shall set forth specific academic achievement expected to be realized from use of this model.

The LEA shall submit specific grounds supporting the implementation of this model; shall specify the academic goals expected from implementation of this model; shall specify the procedures to be utilized in removing staff, including procedures consistent with Due Process; shall describe with specificity the new governance structure and the budget to be implemented; and shall set forth specific academic achievement expected to be realized from use of this model. The following strategies should be implemented:

  1. Replace the principal;

  2. Rehire no more than 50 percent of the staff;

  3. Implement strategies to recruit and retain staff;

  4. Provide ongoing job-embedded professional development;

  5. Adopt a new governance structure;

  6. Implement a vertically-aligned instructional program;

  7. Promote continuous use of data (including formative, interim, and summative);

  8. Provide increased learning time; and

  9. Provide appropriate community services and supports.

The LEA will submit the specific grounds recommending closure of a particular school; the procedures it intends to follow in closing the school, including opportunities for public hearings; the procedures for ensuring a smooth transition for employees and students affected by the closure; how the resources realized from closure will continue to support student achievement; and the specific academic gains expected to be realized by the closure.

The LEA will submit the specific grounds recommending closure of a particular school; the procedures it intends to follow in closing the school, including opportunities for public hearing; the procedures for ensuring a smooth transition for employee and students affected by the closure; how the resources realized from closure will continue to support student achievement, and the specific academic gains expected to be realized by the closure. The following strategies should be implemented:

  1. Convert the school or close the school and reopen under a charter management organization (CMO) or an education management organization (EMO);

  2. Enroll any former student who wishes to attend the school; and/or

  3. Close the school and enroll the students in other higher achieving schools in the LEA.