School Reform Models
Continually low-performing public schools have the opportunity to apply for one of the following four Reform Models: Turnaround, Transformation, Restart, or Closure. Once the application is approved by the State Board of Education, the selected reform model empowers the PSU to make the necessary adjustments to positively impact leadership, effective teaching and learning, school culture, parent and community involvement, and ultimately, student achievement.
On May 5, 2016, the North Carolina State Board of Education (SBE) adopted a policy for continually low-performing schools (DSTR-040). The policy, entitled Reform for Continually Low-Performing Schools, provides structure for the Statutory Reference G.S. 115C-105.37B and serves as a comprehensive effort to strengthen continually low-performing public schools that have shown difficulty in improving student achievement outcomes. The policy gives autonomy and flexibility to PSUs in order to raise academic standards, promote accountability, and provide greater competition and choice within the public schools.
Reform Models
Restart Model
The Restart Model is one in which the school would receive the same operational flexibility and exemption from statues and rules afforded to charter schools under Chapter 115C, Article 14A of the General Statutes. A school operated under the Restart Model remains under the control of the local board and employees assigned to the school retain the protections of Chapter 115, Article 22, Part 3.
To request authorization for the Restart Model, the local board shall submit a Reform Implementation Plan to the SBE that includes the following information:
A detailed description of how the PSU will support the school in providing each student with the opportunity for a sound basic education.
A detailed description of how the school will utilize the operational flexibility to increase student achievement and accomplish other goals.
A statement indicating whether the PSU will contract with an educational management organization (“EMO”) to implement the Restart Model and, if so, the identity and credentials of the EMO.
A proposed budget outlining the revenues and expenditures necessary to implement the plan.
A written commitment to improve and perform the school for the duration of the 5-year monitoring cycle.
Learn more details about the Restart Reform Model: Restart Schools.
Transformation Model
The Transformation Model is one in which the PSU focuses on addressing the following four areas critical to the transformation of a continually low-performing school:
Developing and increasing teacher and school leader effectiveness.
Comprehensive instructional reform strategies.
Increasing learning time and creating community-oriented schools.
Providing operational flexibility and sustained support.
To request authorization for the Transformation Model, the local board shall submit a Reform Implementation Plan to the SBE that includes the following information:
An explanation of how it will address the four areas listed in Subsection A (1).
Specific goals for academic achievement.
A proposed budget outlining the revenues and expenditures necessary to implement the plan.
Turnaround Model
The Turnaround Model is one in which the school would take, among others, the following actions:
Implementing an instructional program aligned with the Standard Course of Study.
Adopting a new governance structure at the school, consistent with Chapter 115C, Article 8B of the General Statutes.
Rehiring no more than fifty percent (50%) of the school’s staff.
Removing the principal if the principal has been in that position for at least three years.
To request authorization for the Turnaround Model, the local board shall submit a Reform Implementation Plan to the SBE that includes the following information:
A proposed budget outlining the revenues and expenditures necessary to implement the plan.
A detailed description of the new governance structure to be implemented.
Procedures that will be utilized in removing staff and that provide due process protections where required by law.
Specific goals for academic achievement.
Closure Model
If a local board determines that none of the School Reform Models described in this policy have been or would be effective in improving school performance, or otherwise concludes that closure of the continually low-performing school is appropriate, it may close the school in accordance with G.S. 115C-72 and reassign the students enrolled in the school to other, higher-achieving schools within the local school administrative unit consistent with Chapter 115C, Article 25 of the General Statutes.
Qualifying for a School Reform Model
To qualify for a School Reform Model, the local board must demonstrate that the school in question is a continually low-performing school.
A continually low-performing school is a school that has received State-mandated assistance and has been designated by the SBE as low-performing for at least two of the last three consecutive years. State-mandated assistance includes the development and approval of a School Improvement Plan under G.S. 115C-27 and feedback from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (“DPI”).
A low-performing school is a school that, in a given year, earns an overall school performance grade of D or F and a school growth status of “met” or “not met” expected growth.
Application Process & Timeline
At this time, the Restart Reform Model is the only model currently in use. The NCDPI Office of School Improvement invites PSUs to submit an application for the Restart Reform Model between October and February of each year after the continually low performing designations are released, which is a prerequisite for application. Applications are due by February 28th for implementation of the Restart Reform Model beginning in the next school year. Processing applications is contingent upon the timeline and approval of the North Carolina State Board of Education (SBE). Applications may be found by clicking the link in the Documents section below and emailed to the Reform Model Lead.
Contact Us
Any questions regarding the Continually Low-Performing School Reform Model may be directed to the Reform Model Support Lead via email Michael Taranto or phone at 984-236-2128.