School Business Systems Modernization
What is SBSM?
School Business Systems Modernization (SBSM) is specified in Session Law 2016-94 SECTION 8.15 as follows:
SCHOOL BUSINESS SYSTEMS MODERNIZATION SECTION 8.15.(a) The State Board of Education shall collaborate with the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at North Carolina State University (Friday Institute) to develop a plan to modernize the systems used by the Department of Public Instruction, Financial and Business Services Division, to manage and deliver funds and technical support services to local school administrative units and charter schools. This process shall include modernization of the Division's systems for student information management, financial and payroll information, human resources information, and capital and repairs and renovations planning information.
SL 2021-180 2021 Appropriations Act:
SB105 - SECTION 7.79 - INTERNET-BASED SCHOOL BUSINESS SYSTEMS/SCHOOL BUSINESS SYSTEM MODERNIZATION FUNDS GRANT PROGRAM SECTION 7.79.(a) Beginning with the 2021-2022 school year, local boards of education and charter schools shall ensure that all school business systems are (i) housed off the property of the unit or school and (ii) composed of internet-based software. SECTION 7.79.(b) From funds available to the Department of Public Instruction for the School Business System Modernization Plan for the 2021-2023 fiscal biennium, the Department shall establish a grant program for the 2021-2022 fiscal year to provide funds to eligible local school administrative units and charter schools to transition from school business systems that are located on the premises of the local school administrative unit or charter school to internet-based school business systems. A local school administrative unit or charter school is eligible to receive funds under the grant program if the school does not participate in the School Business System Modernization Plan. Funds shall be provided to local school administrative units and charter schools in appropriate amounts, as determined by the Department.
SBSM Components
- LEA and charter school enterprise resource planning (ERP) platforms
- State-level reporting (financial, human resources, student information, etc.)
- State-level licensure
SL 2021-180 2021 Appropriations Act: SECTION 7.28 - TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR THE SCHOOL BUSINESS SYSTEM MODERNIZATION PLAN SECTION 7.28 Of the funds appropriated to the Department of Public Instruction by this act for the school business system modernization plan for the 2021-2023 fiscal biennium, the Department shall transfer one million four hundred thousand dollars ($1,400,000) for the 2021-2022 fiscal year and one million four hundred thousand dollars ($1,400,000) for the 2022-2023 fiscal year to the Government Data Analytics Center (GDAC) to leverage existing public-private partnerships to incorporate annual school report card data for the State into the School Finance Division section of the Department of Public Instruction's website. Grade level and subject level Education Value-Added Assessment System (EVAAS) growth data for local school administrative units and public schools may be made available to the public on the website, to the extent required by State and federal law. By December 15, 2021, GDAC shall execute any contractual agreements and interagency data sharing agreements necessary to accomplish the reporting system established pursuant to Section 7.16 of S.L. 2017-57, as amended by Section 7.6 of S.L. 2018-5. The Department of Public Instruction and GDAC shall continue partnering to continue development, deployment, and ongoing provision of data integration service that consolidates data from financial, human resources, licensure, student information, and EVAAS. Implementation shall also include development and deployment of a modern analytical platform and reporting environment. Additionally, student population data for future assessments, including State assessments, Advanced Placement exams, and college readiness assessments, shall be made available to local school administrative units and public schools through the Department's EVAAS section of the website and shall be made available in hard copy to parents and legal guardians upon request.
Some specific goals of school business systems modernization include:
- Enable near real-time position visibility and control
- Provide data management and advanced analytics for decision support
- Replace discontinued and obsolete systems
- Simplify monitoring and compliance
- Eliminate unnecessary duplication
- Increase efficiency of operations
For information about the Modernization program, contact the new Director:
Barry Pace
Director of Modernization