Federal Reporting

Caution should be taken when comparing data reported for the 2019-2020 and 2021-2022 school years to data reported for prior and subsequent years due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. 


EDFacts Reporting Specifications

IDEA Regulations

Disproportionate Representation

Significant Disproportionality Annual Reporting

Significant Discrepancy

Significant Disproportionality 

State Performance Plans and Annual Performance Reports

IDEA Section 618 Data Products: State Level Data Files


Tab/Accordion Items

Child Count

This is an unduplicated count of all children with disabilities receiving services in North Carolina. The following chart identifies the exceptionality, timeline, reporting period, and the electronic or web-based system where data are maintained.

Children with disabilities who receive special education and related services according to an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Service Plan Annually December 1 April 1 ECATS
Children who are academically or intellectually gifted (AIG) who have a Differentiated Education Plan (DEP) Annually N/A April 1 PowerSchool
Children diagnosed with disabilities who are also academically or intellectually gifted (AIG) Annually N/A April 1 ECATS

Children with disabilities ages 3-5 and 6-21 are reported according to their: (a) disability category and discrete age year based upon the child's age as of the data collection date; (b) race/ethnicity and disability category; (c) discrete age year and educational environment; and (d) race/ethnicity and educational environment. Data are analyzed and a December 1 Child Count Report is sent to WESTAT and the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) no later than February 1st.

The child count data are North Carolina's counts of children ages 3 through 21 (grouped by ages 3-5 and 6-21) receiving special education and related services under IDEA, Part B on December 1 of each year. The educational environments data are North Carolina's counts of the number of students, ages 3 through 21 (grouped separately for ages 3-5 and 6-21), served in each educational environment on December 1 of each year. These data provide a measure of the extent to which students with disabilities are educated with their non-disabled peers. The AIG child count data are North Carolina's children ages 5 through 20 receiving AIG services under a DEP on April 1 of each year.

April 2024

April 2024 by LEA (3-21) Public

April 2024 Disaggregated Public

December 2023

December 2023 by LEA (3-21) - Public Report

December 2023 by LEA (3-21) with LEA Change Year - Public Report

December 2023 Age 5K-21 Setting by Age - Public Report

December 2023 Age 5K-21 Race/Gender - Public Report 

December 2023 Age 3-PK5  Setting by Age - Public Report

December 2023 Age 3-PK5 Race/Gender - Public Report

April 2023

APR2023 by LEA (3-21) Public

April 2023 Disaggregated Public

December 2022

Dec2022 by LEA 3-21 Report

Dec2022 by LEA 3-21 with LEA Change Year

Age 3-PK5 Race_Gender_Public Report 2022

Age 5K-21 Race_Gender_Public Report 2022

Age 3-PK5 Setting by Age Public Report 2022

Age 5K-21 Setting by Age Public Report 2022

April 2022

April 2022 by LEA 3-21 Report

April 2022 Disaggregated Public

December 2021

By LEA 3-21 Report

By LEA (3-21) with LEA Change Year

Age 3-PK5_Race_Gender_Public Report 2021

Age 5K-21_Race_Gender_Public Report 2021

Age 3-PK5_Setting by Age_Public Report 2021

Age 5K-21_Setting by Age_Public Report 2021

April 2021

April 2021 Final Count by LEA

April 2021 Disaggregated Public

December 2020 

By LEA 3-21 Report 

Age 3-5 Race Gender Report 

Age 5-21 Race Gender Report 

3-PK Setting by Age

5K-21 Setting by Age

April 2020

April 2020 Final Count by LEA 

April 2020 Disaggregated Public

December 2019

By LEA 3-21 Report

3-PK Setting by Age

5K-21 Setting by Age

April 2019

April 2019 by LEA and Disability

April 2019 by LEA and Race

April 2019 by School and Disability

April 2019 LEA 3-21

December 2018

By LEA 3-21 Report

3-5 by Setting

6-21 by Setting

April 2018

April 2018 by LEA and Disability

April 2018 by LEA and Race

April 2018 by School and Disability

April 2018 LEA 3-21

December 2017

By LEA 3-21 Report

3-5 Setting and Disability

6-21 Setting and Disability

April 2017

April 2017 by LEA and Disability

April 2017 by LEA and Race

April 2017 by School and Disability

April 2017 LEA 3-21

End-of-Year Report

The End-of-Year Report is an annual data collection of personnel, exiting, and discipline data under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Data are collected and analyzed from all LEAs, Charter Schools and State-Operated Programs in North Carolina. A report is sent to WESTAT and the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) no later than November 1st.

The personnel data are North Carolina's counts of special education teachers and related services personnel providing special education and related services to children ages 3 through 21 on December 1 of each year. Counts of personnel are provided in full-time equivalents (FTE). The exiting data are North Carolina's counts of the number of students, ages 14 through 21, who exited special education during the school year by basis of exit and disability. The discipline data are North Carolina's counts of the number of students, ages 3 through 21, receiving special education and related services that were removed to interim alternative educational settings and the number of students with disabilities suspended or expelled more than 10 days. The discipline data are available for each disability category and for each racial/ethnic category.


2022-2023 Personnel

2022-2023 State Level Proficiency Data

2022-2023 Students with Disabilities Assessments With and Without Accommodations


2021-2022 Exiting Special Education

2021-2022 Personnel

2021-2022 Assessment


2020-2021 Disciplinary Removal 

2020-2021 Exiting Special Education

2020-2021 Personnel 

2020-2021 Assessment


2019-2020 Disciplinary Removal 

2019-2020 Exiting Special Education

2019-2020 Personnel 


  • No assessment data available for 2019-20 due to COVID-19

Dispute Resolution End-of-Year Reports:


2021-2022 Dispute Resolution

2021-2022 Facilitation

2021-2022 Mediation

2021-2022 State Complaints

2021-2022 Due Process


2020-2021 Dispute Resolution

2020-2021 Facilitation

2020-2021 Mediation

2020-2021 State Complaints

2020-2021 Due Process


2019-2020 Dispute Resolution

2019-2020 Facilitation 

2019-2020 Mediation 

2019-2020 State Complaints 

2019-2020 Due Process