Title I, Part D: Neglected or Delinquent Programs
Prevention & Intervention Programs for Children and Youth who are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk
- to improve educational services for children and youth in local and State institutions for neglected or delinquent children and youth so that such children and youth have the opportunity to meet the same challenging State academic content standards and challenging State student academic achievement standards that all children in the State are expected to meet;
- to provide such children and youth with the services needed to make a successful transition from institutionalization to further schooling or employment; and
- to prevent at-risk youth from dropping out of school, and to provide dropouts, and children and youth returning from correctional facilities or institutions for neglected or delinquent children and youth, with a support system to ensure their continued education.
How do we support students who are Neglected, Delinquent, and/or At-Risk?
Title I-A, Set Aside/ PRC 050
Title I-D, Subpart 1/ PRC 047
Title I-D, Subpart 2/ PRC 107
Title I, Part D Allowable Activities/ Expenditures
- Instructional Personnel (transition coordinator)
- Personal, career and technical, and academic counseling
- Placement Services designed to place youth in a university, college, or junior college program
- Information concerning and assistance in obtaining student financial aid
- Job Placement Services
- Social-Emotional Learning Materials
- Professional Development
- Field Experiences
- Parent/ Family Engagement (parent counseling, family trainings)
- Supplemental Educational Materials
- Reentry Orientation Programs
- Transition Centers located within school
- Software or other tools that assist with tracking/ monitoring/ communicating student transitions
Dropout Prevention
- Tutoring
- Instructional Personnel (tutors, student advocate, transition coordinator)
- Extended Day, Year, or Summer Services
- Credit Recovery
- GED Preparation
- Career Counseling and Mentoring
- Social-Emotional Learning Materials
- Professional Development
- Field Experiences
- Transportation
- Career and Technology Education (CTE) Course Offerings (not already offered by school/ district)
- Parent/ Family Engagement (parent counseling, family trainings)
- Supplemental Educational Materials
- Defray Costs for:
- Entrance Exams
- Placement Tests
- Dual Credit Enrollment
Health & Social Services
- Career Counseling and Mentoring
- Social-Emotional Learning Materials
- Professional Development
- Services (counseling, social work)
- Field Experiences
- Parent/ Family Engagement (parent counseling, family trainings)
- Supplemental Educational Materials
Academic Needs
- Computer/Technology-Based Instruction
- Instructional Personnel (teachers, tutors)
- Computer Lab (hardware and software)
- Extended Day, Year, or Summer Services
- Credit Recovery
- GED Preparation
- Career Counseling and Mentoring
- Professional Development
- Field Experiences
- Parent/ Family Engagement
- Supplemental Educational Materials
- Career and Technology Education (CTE) Course Offerings (not already offered by school/ district)
- Defray Costs for Entrance Exams, Placement Tests, or Dual Credit Enrollment
- Instructional Personnel (student advocate)
- Career Counseling and Mentoring
- Social-Emotional Learning Materials
- Professional Development
- Services (counseling, social work)
- Field Experiences
- Parent/ Family Engagement (parent counseling, family trainings)
- Supplemental Educational Materials
Program Evaluation
Each State agency or local educational agency that conducts a program under subpart 1 or 2 shall evaluate the program, disaggregating data on participation by gender, race, ethnicity, and age, while protecting individual student privacy, to determine the program's impact on the ability of participants —
- to maintain and improve educational achievement and to graduate from high school in the number of years established by the State under either the four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate or the extended-year adjusted cohort graduation rate, if applicable;
- to accrue school credits that meet State requirements for grade promotion and high school graduation;
- to make the transition to a regular program or other education program operated by a local educational agency or school operated or funded by the Bureau of Indian Education;
- to complete high school (or high school equivalency requirements) and obtain employment after leaving the correctional facility or institution for neglected or delinquent children and youth; and
- as appropriate, to participate in postsecondary education and job training programs.
Complete List of Title I, Part D Program Evaluation Requirements
Selected Links
- Home | NDTAC: Technical Assistance Center for the Education of Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk
- Title I, Part D Non-Regulatory Guidance — 2006