Title V, Part B: Rural Education Achievement Program

CONTACT: Alessandro Montanari 

Title V, Part B Rural Education Achievement Program

The Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP) a federal initiative authorized under Title V, Part B of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), is designed to address the unique needs of rural school districts. These districts frequently lack personnel and resources needed to compete for federal competitive grants and often receive formula allocations that are too small to be used effectively for their intended purposes.

REAP Initiatives:

Subpart 1- Small, Rural School Achievement Program (SRSA): The SRSA program authorizes the US Department of Education (USED) to award formula grants directly to eligible LEAs. In addition, eligible LEAs and charter schools may use Alternative Uses of Funds Authority (formerly referred to as REAP-Flex) to combine funding under certain ESEA programs to carryout local activities.

Title V, Part B, Subpart 1- Small, Rural School Achievement Program (SRSA): 
The SRSA program authorizes the USED to award formula grants directly to eligible LEAs. In addition, eligible LEAs and charter schools may use Alternative Uses of Funds Authority (formerly referred to as REAP-Flex) to combine funding under certain ESEA programs to carryout local activities.

  • Recipients may use program funds to conduct activities under the following ESEA programs:
  • Title I, Part A (Improving Basic Programs Operated by LEAs)
  • Title II, Part A (Supporting Effective Instruction)
  • Title III (Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students)
  • Title IV, Part A (Student Support and Academic Enrichment)
  • Parent Involvement Activities

In addition, the Alternative Uses of Funds Authority is a flexibility provision that allows LEAs eligible for SRSA funds to combine funding under certain programs to carry out local activities under other specified Federal programs. LEAs that choose this option may waive funds under Title II, Part A and Title IV, Part A. Allocations for these grants are then combined under one report code which is PRC 091 for planning and budgeting purposes.

USED Guidance on SRSA:

Subpart 2- Rural and Low-Income Schools Program (RLIS): RLIS is designed to address the needs of rural, low-income schools. USED awards formula grants to SEAs, which in turn award subgrants to eligible LEAs on a formula basis. The funds are to be used to carry out activities allowed under certain federal programs authorized under the ESEA programs.

The Rural and Low-Income Schools (RLIS) Program provides grant funds to rural school districts that serve concentrations of children from low-income families. RLIS funds support a range of authorized activities in order to assist the school districts in meeting the state's definition of Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and/or meet Annual Measurable Objectives under the ESEA Flexibility.

Title V, Part B, Subpart 2- Rural and Low-Income Schools Program (RLIS): RLIS is designed to address the needs of rural, low-income schools. USED awards formula grants to SEAs, which in turn award subgrants to eligible LEAs on a formula basis. The funds are to be used to carry out activities specified allowed under the following programs:

  • Title I, Part A (Improving Basic Programs Operated by LEAs)
  • Title II, Part A (Supporting Effective Instruction)
  • Title III (Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students)
  • Title IV, Part A (Student Support and Academic Enrichment)
  • Title IV, Part B (21st Century Community Learning Centers

USED Guidance on RLIS: