Parent and Family Engagement

Contact: Paul Perrotta  


The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, Office of Federal Programs recognizes the importance of partnerships between public school units (PSUs), parents, family members, and community members. Effective parent and family engagement (PFE) programming in schools can substantially and positively impact student achievement. PSUs utilizing a systematic process and evidence-based practices to develop a PFE Action Plan is central to achieving organizational goals, building capacity, and improving outcomes. 

Evidence also suggests that using a self-assessment instrument to address organizational conditions and remove barriers to family engagement is vital throughout planning and implementation. A resource to assist North Carolina PSUs, The 7 Essential Components, A Guide for Strategic Planning and Program Improvement with Parent and Family Engagement includes: 

  • a self-assessment instrument and evidence-based practices,

  • process measures and data-informed steps, and

  • resources for developing and implementing an effective PFE Action Plan.


Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

Requirements and activities for public school units receiving Title I funds per the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Sec. 1116. Parent and Family Engagement and Sec. 1112(e) Parents Right-To-Know are supported within the ESSA PFE and Parent Rights to Know Toolkit

The Toolkit breaks down the law to help PSUs better understand district and school level compliance and monitoring areas specific to the PFE policy, reservation of funds, annual meeting title I meetings, school-parent compact, capacity building, and accessibility. 

Below are a few ESSA stand-alone tools and examples of letters for PSUs to consider with programming and compliance efforts. 




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