NC Center for Safer School Trainings
School faculty and staff, parent/guardians, juvenile justice staff, persons who support students, etc.
Youth Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour public education program that introduces participants to risk factors and warning signs of mental illnesses, builds understanding of their impact, and overviews common supports. This training demonstrates how to offer initial help in a mental health crisis and connect persons to the appropriate professional, peer, social, and self-help care.
- For Youth: Provides adults who work with youth the skills they need to reach and provide initial support to children and adolescents (ages 6-18) who may develop a mental health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care.
- For Teens: Teaches high school students how to identify, understand and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health or substance-use issues in their friends and peers.
- For Adults: Offers instruction on how to recognize signs of mental health or substance use challenges in adults ages 18 and older; includes how to offer and provide initial help and how to guide a person toward appropriate care if necessary.
Law Enforcement, other personnel supporting youth in crisis.
CIT-Youth is an 8-hour add on training for law enforcement officers with Crisis Intervention Training (CIT). It is also open to other personnel who deal with youth in crisis. This training seeks to better equip officers to recognize a potential mental or emotional crisis in youth. The ultimate goal is to provide the knowledge and skills needed to de-escalate youth and adolescents in crisis, emphasize treatment rather than jail for youth displaying signs of mental illness, and improve outcomes for officers and others following encounters with youth with mental health issues. CIT-Youth is a great example of how the Center for Safer Schools takes research and puts it into practical use in our schools to create better long-term outcomes for both vulnerable youth and society at large. Paid for by BJAG funding through the NC Governor’s Crime Commission.
School faculty and staff, law enforcement
Increase awareness of school emergency situations and the main response actions. This training augments the materials and resources already available to school personnel in developing plans and practicing evacuation, lock-down, and shelter-in-place drills, and provides insight into the application of the Emergency Management Response phases which are applicable to all critical incident situations including such things as fire, natural disasters, severe weather, and site-specific hazards.
This training was developed to increase awareness of Active Shooter and Armed Intruder situations and the three main response actions employed when responding to such threats, with the main focus on the lockdown action. This training is a model for responding to an intruder or active shooter critical incident. It is intended to augment the materials and resources already available to school personnel in developing plans, practicing evacuation, lockdown and shelter-in-place drills and responding to school emergencies, including critical incidents.