Testing Policy and Operations
MISSION: It is the mission of the Testing, Policy, and Operations Section to implement the Annual Testing Program by developing and providing policies, guidelines, procedures, and ethical testing practices that meet federal and state requirements related to the area of securing tests, administering and scoring tests, reporting scores, and interpreting test results.
General Information
- North Carolina Test Coordinators’ Policies and Procedures Handbook: The purpose of the North Carolina Test Coordinators’ Handbook is to provide district and school test coordinators with a reference for implementing proper test administrations for the Annual Testing Program.
- Testing Security
- Testing Accommodations: Policies, procedures, and resources for testing accommodations available to eligible students in the Annual Testing Program.
Annual Testing Program
Tab/Accordion Items
- The North Carolina Graduation Project: Standards of Quality and Verification Process for High School Accountability (Published July 2023)
- The North Carolina Graduation Project Supplement (Published July 2023)
- Procedural Guidelines for Implementing Credit by Demonstrated Mastery (Published July 2024)
- 2024–25 Request for Testing Exceptions Based on Significant Medical Emergencies and/or Conditions
- Elementary and Secondary Act (ESEA) Flexibility: On May 29, 2012, the United States Department of Education (USED) approved North Carolina’s flexibility waiver request from some of the requirements of No Child Left Behind as specified in the ESEA. In lieu of the reauthorization of ESEA by Congress, the waiver will remain in effect for the 2012-13 and 2013-14 school years. For additional information, visit the Elementary and Secondary Act (ESEA) webpage in the NCDPI Federal Program Monitoring section.