Lexile® and Quantile® Measures Support Learning in North Carolina
The Lexile Framework® for Reading, commonly referred to as the Lexile Framework, has been linked with the North Carolina End-of-Grade Assessment in English Language Arts in grades 3–8 and the North Carolina End-of-Course Assessment in English II. Similarly, The Quantile Framework® for Mathematics has been linked to Edition 5 of the North Carolina End-of-Grade mathematics assessments in grades 3–8 and the North Carolina End-of-Course Assessment in Math 1. Students in North Carolina also may be receiving Lexile and Quantile measures from a variety of different tests and programs used by their local schools. With Lexile and Quantile measures, educators and parents can spur and support student learning.
What is a Lexile® measure?
There are two kinds of Lexile measures: Lexile reading measures and Lexile text measures. Lexile reading measures describe a student’s reading comprehension ability. Lexile text measures describe the difficulty, or complexity, of a text like a book or magazine article. Lexile measures are expressed as numbers followed by an “L” (for example, 850L), and range from below 0L for beginning readers and text to above 1600L for advanced readers and text. Comparing a student’s Lexile measure with the Lexile measure of what they are reading helps gauge the “fit” between a student’s ability and the difficulty of text. Therefore, connecting students with books in their Lexile range - 100L below to 50L above their reported Lexile measure - provides an ideal level of reading challenge.
Access information, tools, and resources to learn more about the Lexile Framework for Reading:
- Educator Information: hub.lexile.com/for-educators
- Family Information: hub.lexile.com/for-parents
Access FREE Lexile tools and resources to support reading at home and in school.
Visit the Lexile® & Quantile® Hub Resource Center to access free resources including Decodable Passages, Lexile maps, Lexile Grade Level Charts, and WordLists for reading.
What is a Quantile® measure?
Similar to Lexile measures, there are two types of Quantile measures: a measure that represents students' math abilities and a measure for mathematical skills and concepts. The student measure describes what mathematics the student likely already understands and what the student is ready to learn in the future. The skill measure describes the difficulty, or demand, of learning the skill. Quantile measures are expressed as numbers followed by a "Q" (for example, 850Q) and range from emerging mathematician (EM - below 0Q) to above 1600Q. The Quantile Framework spans the developmental continuum from the content typically taught in kindergarten to Algebra II, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Pre-Calculus. Quantile measures help educators and parents target instruction and monitor student growth toward learning standards and the mathematical demands of college and careers.
Access information, tools, and resources to learn more about the Quantile Framework for Mathematics:
- Educator Information: hub.lexile.com/for-educators
- Family Information: hub.lexile.com/for-parents
Access FREE Quantile tools and resources to support math at home and in school.
Visit the Lexile® & Quantile® Hub Resource Center to access free resources including the Quantile map, Quantile Grade Level Charts, WordLists for math, lesson plans, activities, and more.
Educator Academy
The Educator Academy was developed in partnership with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The program provides meaningful instruction that helps educators learn how to use Lexile and Quantile measures to differentiate instruction, communicate effectively with parents and peers, and improve student learning.
Each course includes:
- 10 hours of self-paced coursework for each course (90 days to complete),
- collaboration with an online professional learning community, and a
- certification upon completion.