Testing Students Identified as English Learners
2024–25 NC ACCESS Training Resources
- 2024–25 NC ACCESS Test Training Video (Published November 2024)
Policies and Procedures
- North Carolina WIDA Webpage North Carolina specific policies and procedures for identification, instructional supports, and administration of WIDA assessments.
- Guidelines for Testing Students Identified as English Learners (Updated December 2024)
- Policies and procedures publication for testing students identified as English Learners
- North Carolina State Specific Guidance for WIDA Assessments (Updated December 2024)
English Language Proficiency Screeners in NC
WIDA Screener for Kindergarten
Effective July 1, 2022, the WIDA Screener for Kindergarten is the English language proficiency assessment given to incoming Kindergarteners and Grade 1 (first semester) students to assist educators with the identification of students as English Learners (ELs).
- WIDA Screener for Kindergarten State Specific Guidance Webinar and Webinar Slides (Published June 2022)
WIDA Screener
The WIDA Screener is an English language proficiency assessment given to incoming students in Grade 1 (second semester) through Grade 12 to assist educators with the identification of students as English Learners (ELs).
English Language Proficiency Assessments in NC
The ACCESS for ELLs is North Carolina’s required annual English language proficiency assessment that complies with Title I of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) legislation.
The WIDA Alternate ACCESS is North Carolina's required annual English language proficiency alternate assessment (designed for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities) that complies with Title I of the federal ESEA as amended by the ESSA legislation.