BTSP Monitoring

Beginning Teacher Support Program Monitoring Information

LEA/Charter Beginning Teacher Support Programs are monitored every 5th year for compliance with State Board policy TCED-016. The monitoring process includes a review of 30% of the LEA/Charter BT files which shows evidence of BT participation in a 3 year induction period that includes documentation of the following: required observations and evaluations, assigned a mentor, provided an orientation, completed professional development plan, North Carolina Educator Evaluation training/orientation, and professional development opportunities. Additional documentation includes the LEA/Charter BTSP Plan, evidence that mentors have received training on the most recent mentor standards, and examples of mentor/mentee engagement. The goal is proficiency in all the elements listed under each standard. If an element is not checked under Developing or Proficient, the LEA/Charter will receive a work plan they complete that identifies the strategies the LEA/Charter will employ to improve the listed Non-Compliance Findings.

LEA BTSP Five-Year Monitoring Schedules

Charter BTSP Five-Year Monitoring Schedules

BTSP Monitoring Documents

BTSP Monitoring Visit Information

BT Tally Sheet

BTSP Monitoring Instrument

Mentor Tally Sheet

Technical Assistance Information

Technical Assistance: LEA/Charter Technical Assistance occurs within 12 months of the monitoring visit if Areas of Concern were noted during the monitoring visit. Areas of Concern are those elements not checked under the Developing or Proficient columns. The LEA/Charter receives a work plan to complete that identifies the Areas of Concern, their strategies to improve, and resources they might need to achieve proficiency. The Regional Education Facilitator contacts the LEA/Charter to review their submitted work plan and is available for support or works to access support needed for the LEA/Charter.

Work Plan Template