The Educational Directory and Demographical Information Exchange (EDDIE) is an online application containing LEA (school district) and school information such as LEA numbers, school numbers, select administrative contacts, addresses, grade levels, calendar types, and more. EDDIE does not contain individual teacher or student information.

EDDIE is the authoritative source for NC public school numbers and demographic information, and is used by multiple systems including Accountability, PowerSchool, NC School Report Cards, and is used to meet federal reporting requirements.

Go to EDDIE. Anyone can access EDDIE to view data and run reports without logging in. Users who need to edit data must be subscribed and logged in with their current NCID. See Subscribe to EDDIE below for details.

Note: PowerSchool pulls data from EDDIE - by the next business day PowerSchool should pick up the changes made in EDDIE. If it doesn't, contact your local Home Base/PowerSchool/SIS Coordinator first for this or any issues. For additional assistance Home Base coordinators/administrators may contact Home Base technical support.

Note for EDDIE Subscribed Users: Do not enter updates for 2024-25 until July 1, 2024, unless entering Approved Grade Levels or School Closing Dates.  See the Year End Memo.

LEAs and all Independent Public Schools are responsible for ensuring data are complete, accurate, and current.

Tip: In EDDIE, click on field names in blue text for a pop-up box of descriptions, examples, etc.

Tab/Accordion Items

Subscribed users can:

  • Enter school name and address changes, grade level changes, new principals, etc. that will be effective in the current school year.
  • Enter closing dates for schools that will be closed for the current school year or beyond.
  • Enter sub-campuses for a school number with 2 or more locations.
    • If you choose to enter sub-campuses, ALL of the locations must be entered as sub-campuses.
    • If a school has 2 locations, it should display the "main" information on the original school screen and have 2 sub-campuses entered. Example:
      • Awesome School is K-8 on the main school information page, with an administrator (director or principal) entered as the main point of contact.
      • Awesome Elementary is entered as a sub-campus showing K-5 with a principal and testing/accountability staff entered.
      • Awesome Middle is entered as a sub-campus showing 6-8 with a principal and testing/accountability staff entered.
    • Enter at least some of your school name or initials as part of the sub-campus name. Otherwise statewide reports will show multiple schools named Middle School, High School, etc.

Who should subscribe to EDDIE?

  • LEA, school, or charter, lab, and regional school staff, or other state agency schools who need to enter, update, or maintain their data. A list of subscribed users is posted in the Help Using EDDIE section of this page.
  • DPI staff may subscribe as DPI data users. Subscribed DPI staff may not update data, but have the ability to save their custom reports in EDDIE.

Subscription Information - Two Separate Steps

  1. Get an NCID - contact the NCID administrator for your LEA or Charter School. If your NCID administrator isn't listed, call the NC DPI Support Center, 919.716.1840. Tell them you need NCID assistance; do not tell them you need EDDIE assistance.
    • If you already have an NCID associated with the LEA or school you currently work for, you can use it to subscribe to EDDIE.
    • Your NCID password will expire after a few months. NCID will send an email requesting that you re-set your password. If you do not re-set your password, or if you forget your password, you will be locked out of NCID and EDDIE.
    • Contact your NCID administrator to re-set your password.
    • Your User Name should not change. If you change your NCID User Name, you will have to re-subscribe to EDDIE.
  2. After your NCID is approved, go to EDDIE and click log in, you will be asked to log in with your NCID and then to subscribe.
    • Choose the appropriate user role/subscription level. Make sure to select the correct PSU as well. Details are in the FAQs.
    • After your subscription to EDDIE is approved, use your NCID to log into EDDIE and edit your data.

New Schools - Districts (LEAs)

NCDPI is the only entity that has jurisdiction over school numbering. Until a NCDPI assigned number is established the use of any identifying number is unauthorized. EDDIE is the authoritative source for assigned school numbers.

Requests to add new schools should be submitted in EDDIE approximately four to six months before the school is scheduled to enroll students. Only subscribed EDDIE users at the LEA superintendent / designee level may enter a new school number request. Please allow approximately two weeks processing time. New school number confirmation letters will be emailed to the superintendent / designee. Recommended opening date to enter in EDDIE: 07/01/YYYY.

School Numbers 300-799 are reserved for DPI to assign to schools in EDDIE. When requesting a school number in EDDIE, the drop-down box will display the numbers in use in the last 15 years and therefore unavailable for your LEA. Please select an available number between 300 and 599. Numbers from 600 to 799 may be assigned with prior approval from the School Business Division at DPI.

  • Requested school numbers might not be approved by DPI, please do not use a requested number until you receive a confirmation letter.
  • After a school number is closed in EDDIE it may not be re-used for 15 years.
  • Alternative schools should be approved by Alternative Learning Programs before requesting a school number in EDDIE.
  • Cooperative Innovative High (CIH) Schools should be approved by the State Board of Education (SBE) and an Institute of Higher Education (IHE) before requesting a school number in EDDIE.
  • Virtual Schools should be approved by Digital Teaching and Learning before requesting a school number in EDDIE.  Legislation SL2022-74, section 7.13
  • Pre-K Schools that contain pre-kindergarten students only are not assigned school numbers and are not included in EDDIE. Pre-K only schools may be given a local use number (0-299) by their LEA and entered in PowerSchool. Contact your district's NC SIS Coordinator or the Home Base Support Center for more information.
  • Numbers 000-299 are reserved for local use in PowerSchool, but are not used in EDDIE. Contact your district's NC SIS Coordinator or the Home Base Support Center for more information.

New Charter Schools

After the State Board of Education gives final approval for a charter school to open, the Office of Charter Schools will submit the data to be entered in EDDIE. The DPI EDDIE Administrator will assign a school number and enter the initial data. The new charter school must designate a user (or users) to subscribe to EDDIE and complete the school's information.


Close Schools

Close a school online using EDDIE. Only subscribed EDDIE users for an LEA may enter a closing date. Enter the date the school will close on the school information page. Recommended closing date to enter in EDDIE: 07/01/YYYY. School Closing dates should be entered ASAP. 

  • If the school is merging into another school or closing in the middle of the school year, please email eddie@dpi.nc.gov.  
  • The DPI EDDIE Administrator must enter closing dates for an IPS. Please email eddie@dpi.nc.gov to close an IPS. 
  • If a school is moving to a new location and/or changing its name, the school is not closing and does not need a new school number.
    • Wait until after July 1 to enter the school name and address changes, grade level changes, new principals, etc. that will become effective in the next school year.
  • After a school number is closed in EDDIE it may not be re-used for 15 years.

If you have any questions about EDDIE, please email eddie@dpi.nc.gov.

  • Create customized reports.
  • Access more school level data such as:
    • calendar type; schedule type; and program type;
    • National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) number / Federal ID;
    • schools that will open in the future; and
    • schools that have closed.
  • Enter split grade levels.
  • Apply for new school numbers online.
  • Authorize multiple content editors.
  • Acquire archived school data.

The Educational Directory and Demographical Information Exchange (EDDIE) replaced the School Name and Address (SNA) file in April 2010.