Textbook FAQ

Where may I find information about the North Carolina Textbook Commission and the adoption process?

A list of the Textbook Commission members and a brief outline of the adoption process are located on this website.

Where may I find a list of all textbooks used in the schools of North Carolina?

The most current adoptions may be found on this website under North Carolina Textbooks Adopted.

Where do I find out information about specific courses or curricula?

Curricula questions should be directed to Department of Public Instruction consultants who deal with the specific discipline in question. Consult the Education Directory for names of Department personnel and their telephone numbers.

How can my company be put on the mailing list to receive periodic information regarding the North Carolina textbook adoption process?

Publishers wishing to be added to the registry may do so by completing this form.

May schools purchase materials that are not on the adopted list?

Yes, schools have the flexibility to use any materials that meet the needs of their teachers and students.