Professional Learning

Tab/Accordion Items

This webinar will provide guidance on the Healthy Active Children Policy’s new requirement for High Schools.

Recorded Webinar

Integrating Physical Activity into the High School Classroom PPT (pdf)

Physically Active Classrooms

In this session practical skills will be explored that enables differentiated instruction for all students.

Recorded Webinar

Tools and Strategies for Adapted Learning PPT (pdf)


Designed for teachers in their first to 5th year of employment.  In this session the Healthful Living Standards will be broken down and explored so that teachers may provide instruction that matches the chosen objective.

Recorded Webinar

Beginning Healthful Living Teachers 102 PPT (pdf)

Designed for teachers in their first to 5th year of employment.  In this session a toolkit will be provided that links practice, resources and policy. By the close of the session, you will know who to ask, where to look and how to find.

Recorded Webinar

Beginning Healthful Living Teachers 101 PPT (pdf)

Healthful Living Toolkit

The NCDPI Office of Academic Standards and Healthful Living are joining forces to offer a state-wide professional learning with a focus on integrating the Literacy Instruction Standards (LIS) into Healthful Living Instruction. 

Recorded Webinar

Literacy in Healthful Living

Healthful Living is guided by multiple State Board Policies and Legislation.  The session will review all, with an emphasis on their implementation in the classroom, to provide both best practice and safety for students.

Recorded Webinar

Policy, Legislation, Safety and Practice (pdf)

Interactive learning increases a students’ attention two to three times. This session will explore the use of data to guide instruction and interactive activities/resources to increase student learning, making sit and get a thing of the past.


Recorded Webinar

Making Health Interactive and Data Driven PPT (pdf)

This session will detail how to develop a safe space in both the physical structure and environment. It will assist the participant in creating a place where students can feel confident that they will not be exposed to harassment, criticism or any other emotional or physical harm.

Recorded Webinar

Creating a Safe Space PPT (pdf)

Effective instruction is built on the NC Essential Standards.  In part 2 of our Standards Webinar series, our focus will be Physical Education. In this webinar, we’ll take a deep dive into the four strands while differentiating between knowledge and skill.  Clarifying objectives will be examined so that both instruction and assessment will match the objective’s intent.  


Burt Jenkins Healthful Living Athletics Consultant

Recorded Webinar (mp4)

Power Point Slides

Students experience various barriers to learning. Discover how the Universal Design for Learning approach provides greater access to learning and support to student learning. This first of two Universal Design for Learning webinars will provide an overview of the UDL approach and highlight its user-ability in adapted / physical education.


Dr. Sally Jones  Adapted Physical Education Consultant

Recorded Webinar (mp4)

Power Point Slides

Effective curriculum and instruction are built on a solid foundation using standards. In this webinar, participants will learn the basics of the Healthful Living Standards, their organization and methods by which to implement them. Participants will be able to analyze their current instruction as to whether or not it is standards based.


Burt Jenkins NCDPI Healthful Living Consultant

Recorded Webinar (mp4)

Power Point Slides


An effective health education curriculum impacts the behavior of youth, not just increasing their knowledge.  Health education research has identified characteristics that make up an effective health education curricula course of study.  This webinar will examine various features of effective curriculum and demonstrate application to assist participants when examining their current and future curriculum.


Dr. Kymm Ballard Campbell University

Burt Jenkins NCDPI Healthful Living Consultant

Recorded Webinar (mp4)

Power Point Slides (pdf)

Handout (links to Materials/Resources)

Healthy Behavior Outcomes (HBOs)


Just as it takes a whole village to raise a child, it takes the whole school to educate a child. To do that best, we must collaborate to promote the success of the whole child. The Healthful Living Essential Standards and Guidance Essential Standards share similar objectives and support these collaborative opportunities while also accomplishing implementation of both sets of standards. In this session, we will look at some of the great existing opportunities for health educators and school counselors to effectively partner for the benefit of students and share examples and resources to support you in that teamwork.


Cynthia Floyd NCDPI School Counselor Consultant

Burt Jenkins NCDPI Healthful Living Consultant

Recorded Webinar (mp4)

Power Point Slides (pdf)


Teachers across the State have been pushed to their limits as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.  This webinar will offer resources and techniques to assist teachers in personally coping with these difficult times. We will offer ideas for restorative practices and professional development that may be used in your district as well as provide updates on various topics including CPR and standards revision.


Burt Jenkins, Healthful Living Consultant

Healthful Living WSCC Model Connections: Employee Wellness

Recorded Webinar (mp4)

Power Point Slides (pdf)

Virtual Meeting

November 3rd, 2021

9:30 am – 12:30 pm

1:00 pm – 4:30 pm


  1. Recognize the connection between the Healthy Schools Team and the WSCC Model
  2. Identify opportunities to engage with members of the Healthy Schools Teams. 
  3. Discover new materials and resources to further instruction in Healthful Living.

2021 Healthful Living Coordinators Meeting


While knowledge is power, knowledge in and of itself doesn’t change behavior. A health class that develops students’ skills will influence health-related behaviors long after the class ends. The skills-based approach to teaching health shifts the emphasis from primarily knowledge acquisition to skill acquisition. In this session, we will explore the skills-based approach so that students can apply their knowledge to live healthier lives.


Sally Jones NCDPI

Burt Jenkins NCDPI

Skills Based Health Education: An Introduction PPT (pdf)


In this hectic world of initiatives, models, standards, and more, we are excited to bring you this collaborative webinar to share examples of integration and coordination – and how to enhance one another’s work, address standards and build SEL skills for a lifetime!

This session will briefly provide an overview of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model and concrete examples by the Healthful Living Consultant, Dance and Visual Arts Consultant, and Music and Theatre Arts Consultant for standards alignment and implementation. Finally, we will hear from an expert in a school district and their experiences with tying it all together to support the Whole Child.


Susanne Schmal, Healthy Schools Consultant

Beth Rice, Student Support Consultant

Sayward Grindley, Dance and Visual Arts Consultant

Brandon Roeder, Music and Theatre Arts Consultant

Burt Jenkins, Healthful Living Consultant

Supporting the Whole Child Recorded Webinar

Supporting the Whole Child PPT (pdf)

Materials and Resources Page (pdf)


As the 2020-2021 school year progresses, more and more schools are opening their doors to in school instruction. This session will provide new materials and resources to facilitate instruction as well as explore how Healthful Living might look as students return. No DeLorean needed!!

Presenter: Burt Jenkins NCDPI

HL Back to the Future Recorded Webinar

HL Back to the Future PPT (pdf)

HL Back to the Future Resource List (pdf)


This session is designed for Healthful Living educators who want to learn more about integrating Social Emotional Learning (SEL) into their classrooms and standards-based curriculum. An overview of North Carolina’s SEL initiatives will be shared, including the work of the NC SEL Implementation Team and the Core SEL Practices. The new SEL Standards Mapping document for Healthful Living will be explored, along with other resources that can support implementation of SEL into any PK-12 learning environment.

Presenter: Burt Jenkins, NCDPI Healthful Living Consultant

Integrating SEL in Healthful Living Recorded Webinar

Integrating SEL in Healthful Living PPT (pdf)

Participant Notes

NCDPI Social Emotional Learning Guidance for Healthful Living

This document is designed to provide a crosswalk between the five core competencies of SEL and Healthful Living objectives and instruction.


This webinar will provide tools and resources to support the implementation of Healthful Living Objectives for CPR during remote instruction. Participants will hear strategies for providing instruction virtually now with hands on demonstration upon returning to the classroom. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to share teaching strategies, successes and challenges with colleagues from across the state.

Presenter: Burt Jenkins

Recorded Webinar

CPR Instruction PPT (pdf)

Materials and Resources from the Chat (pdf)

CPR Instruction Without Videos (ppt)

CPR Instruction with ARC link (ppt)

CPR Instruction with Videos (ppt)

  • Allow extra time for download due to file size


Without doubt, COVID-19 will affect the start of the 2020 - 2021 school year. Healthful Living teachers will encounter many unique situations as instruction is provided. In this session, we will look at the challenges of our returning students, explore possible remedies to our unique situations and examine the impact Healthful Living can have across all curriculum areas.

Presenters: Burt Jenkins

Recorded Webinar

Returning to the Classroom PPT (pdf)

Materials & Resources

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