NC Healthy School State Board Policy
The State Board of Education is committed to the health of all students in North Carolina and includes healthy, safe and responsible students as part of their overall strategic plan.
Strategic Goal I: Eliminate opportunity gaps by 2025
- Objective 2 - Improve school climate measures across all schools and grade levels
- Component 1 - Increase the number of school-based mental health professionals.
- Component 2 - Increase opportunities to develop healthy habits in students
Healthy Active Children Policy - SHLT-000
TBI - Return to Learn Policy - SHLT-001
Health and Safety Related to Concussions
The TBI – Return to Learn Policy has been created to assist LEAs and Charters in the development of a plan that address the needs of student's preschool through twelfth grade suffering concussions. The plan must include:
- guidelines for removal of a student from physical and mental activity when there is suspicion of concussion;
- a notification procedure to education staff regarding removal from learn or play;
- expectations regarding annual medical care update from parents, medical care plan/school accommodations in the event of concussion; and
- delineation of requirements for safe return-to-learn or play following concussion.
Return to Learn Implementation Guide (pdf.519kb)
NC Healthy School Legislation
Care for School Children with Diabetes - Senate Bill 911 (pdf.17kb)
Session Law 2002-103 (Expanded to include charter schools by Senate Bill 738 / House Bill 744, Session Law 2009-563)
Care for School Children with Diabetes - Senate Bill 911 (pdf.17kb)
Session Law 2002-103 (Expanded to include charter schools by Senate Bill 738 / House Bill 744, Session Law 2009-563)
CPR Graduation Requirement - HB 837
- CPR Resources Page
Eliminate Cost of Reduced-Price School Breakfast - Senate Bill 415 (pdf.15kb)
- Session Law 2011-342
Fitness Testing in Schools - House Bill 1757 / Senate Bill 1296 (pdf.15kb)
- Session Law 2004-118
Garrett's Law: School Information: Meningitis and Flu - Senate Bill 444 (pdf.18kb)
- Session Law 2004-118
Gfeller-Waller Concussion Awareness Act - House Bill 792 (pdf.66kb)
- Session Law 2011-147
Healthy Youth Act - House Bill 88 / Senate Bill 221 (pdf.24kb)
- Session Law 2009-213
- SB 279 Resources Page
Standard Course of Study - G.S. 115c-81
SCOS Review, Revision and Implementation NC State Board of Education
Student Asthma Medications - House Bill 496 (pdf.26kb)
School Violence Prevention - Senate Bill 526 (pdf.28kb)
School Health Assessment - House Bill 13
Duties of School Counselors Law G.S. 115C-316.1
School Counseling Inadmissible Evidence G.S. 115C-401
School Based Mental Health Policy SL 2020-7
SHLT-003:School-Based Mental Health Policy
School social workers, reports, prosecutions GS 115C-381
Liability Insurance for Transporting Students HB 1491
Title Protection for Social Workers HB 1168