Training Videos
*** NEW Videos ***
Advanced Reporting Basics
The following videos provide step by step tutorials on how to navigate and use basic functions within the Advanced Reporting system in ECATS. This reporting tool can pull both historical and current workspace data, allowing users with designated access to perform customized data analysis. These videos cover material included in the Advanced Reporting Basics (AR 101) manual found under Resources. (PCG)
- ECATS AR Video 1: Overview of Advanced Reporting Module & Navigating the Advanced Reporting System.
- ECATS AR Video 2: Data Types within Advanced Reporting.
- ECATS AR Video 3: Basic AR Mechanics - Opening Existing Reports or Starting a New Report.
- ECATS AR Video 4: Creating a Query for a Report in Advanced Reporting.
- ECATS AR Video 5: Sorting and Grouping Data in Reports.
- ECATS AR Video 6: Searching for Data Fields in the Query Panel.
- ECATS AR Video 7: Additional Report Functionality.
- ECATS AR Video 8: Saving, Exporting and Scheduling Reports.
ECATS Training Videos: System Overview
ECATS Training Videos: Special Education Topics
Accommodation Review Document: Learn how to create the Accommodation Review Document. (PCG)
Accommodations in ECATS: The OEC has prepared a short video to demonstrate the sequence of data entry for accommodations in ECATS as a response to reports from the field. This video is for demonstration purposes only, and the information entered for implementation specifications is for a placeholder only and should not be considered compliant. (OEC)
- Annual IEP Video Companion Document: A sample IEP has been created in ECATS to demonstrate options for documenting services and supports. It is highly recommended that the sample IEP be used in conjunction with the Training Video to enhance the data entry process. This sample is not intended to be generalized into practice beyond the purpose for which it was intended.
Assessment Review: Learn how to complete the Assessment Review link within the Referral process. (PCG)
Assessment Summary Within the Referral Process: Learn how to complete the Assessment Summary within the Referral process. (PCG)
Student Record Review Checklist to Ensure Accuracy for December 1 Child Count (referenced in the video).
Communication Plan: Learn how to complete a Communication Plan in the IEP process. (PCG)
Compliance Symbols: An explanation about the various symbols that may appear for a student's record in ECATS. (PCG)
Consent for Services: An overview of the Consent for Services section of the EC process. (PCG)
Consent Process Introduction: An introduction to the Consent process. (PCG)
Consent to Evaluate: An overview of the Consent to Evaluate section of the EC process. (PCG)
Correction of Student Enrollment Events: Learn how to correct incorrect LEA Entry/School Entry Dates, shown as ‘Student Enrollment’ events in ECATS. (DPI)
Create Draft/Create Final Eligibility Determination: Learn how to complete the eligibility process and create a final Eligibility Determination and disability worksheet. (PCG)
Create Draft/Create Final in the Referral Process: Learn how to complete the Create Draft/Final link within the Referral process. (PCG)
Create Draft/Final IEP: Learn how to create a Draft/Final IEP. (PCG)
Data Collection and Referral Delay: An overview of the Data Collection section as well as the referral delay of the EC process. (PCG)
Disciplinary Change in Placement: Learn how to complete Disciplinary Change in the Placement process. (PCG)
Eligibility Determination: Learn how to complete an eligibility determination within the Eligibility process. (PCG)
Eligibility Worksheets: Learn how to complete an eligibility worksheet within the Eligibility process. (PCG)
ESY Services and Services/Goal Integration: An overview of ESY Services and Services Goal Integration sections of the IEP Process. (PCG)
Evaluation Plan: An overview of the Evaluation Plan within the Referral process. (PCG)
General Documentation: An overview of general documentation within the EC Process, including screenings, contacts, and the creation of documents. (PCG)
Goals and Objectives: the Goals and Objectives sections of the IEP Process. (PCG)
IEP Introduction, Purpose, Profile, and Summary: An overview of the Introduction, Purpose, Profile, and Summary sections of the IEP process. (PCG)
IEP Team and Invitation Documents: Learn how to update the IEP Team page, change the case manager and add ECATS users to a student’s IEP team. (PCG)
Invitation of Outside Agencies for Transition Services: Learn how to develop invitations to be sent to outside agencies for transition services. (PCG)
Main Menu and Tab Navigation: An overview of the main menu and tab navigation of ECATS. (PCG)
MDR - Assessment and Review of Participants: Learn how to complete the assessment and review of participant steps within the manifestation determination process. (PCG)
MDR - Overview, Current Disciplinary Event and Data Used: An overview of the manifestation determination process and demonstrate how to complete the first two steps in the process. (PCG)
Meeting Purpose and Assessment Summary/Review for IEP: An overview of the Meeting Purpose and Assessment Summary/Review sections of the IEP process. (PCG)
Present Level(s) of Performance and Special Factors: An overview of the present levels of performance and special factors section of the IEP Process. (PCG)
Prior Written Notice: An overview of the Prior Written Notice section of the EC process. (PCG)
Progress Monitoring with Data Collection: Learn how to navigate the Progress Monitoring section found under the Wizards tab. (PCG)
Progress Report Document: Learn how to complete a progress report document. (PCG)
PSSP Create Draft/Final Private School Service Plan: Learn how to create a draft/final Private School Service Plan (PSSP). (PCG)
PSSP Goals and Objectives: An overview of the goals and objectives section of the PSSP process. (PCG)
PSSP Present Levels of Performance: An overview of the present levels of performance and special factors section of the PSSP process. (PCG)
PSSP Section of EC Process - Intro and Overview: An overview of the PSSP section of the EC process. (PCG)
PSSP Services: An overview of the PSSP Services and the Services Goal Integration sections of the PSSP process. (PCG)
PSSP Source of Relevant Information: An overview of the Source of Relevant Info section of the PSSP process. (PCG)
Reason for Referral and IEP Team Determination: Learn how to complete the Reason for Referral and IEP Team Determination links within the Referral process. (PCG)
Reevaluation Process and Assessment Summary: An overview of the Reevaluation process and Assessment Summary link. (PCG)
Reevaluation Process Decision, Evaluation Plan, and Create Draft/Final Reevaluation: Learn how to complete the Reevaluation Decision, Evaluation Plan, and create draft or final pages within the Reevaluation process. (PCG)
Reevaluation Process Review of Existing Data: Learn how to complete the review of the existing data page within the Reevaluation process. (PCG)
Referral Information: Learn how to enter Referral information. (PCG)
Referral Process: An overview of the Referral process. (PCG)
Request to Excuse an IEP Team Member: Learn how to create a Request to Excuse an IEP Team Member document. (PCG)
Review of Existing Data: Learn how to complete the Review of Existing Data link within the Referral process. (PCG)
Review of Existing Data - Preschool: Learn how to complete the Review of Existing Data – Preschool link within the Referral process. (PCG)
Secondary Transition: An overview of the Secondary Transition section of the IEP Process. (PCG)
Services and Services/Goal Integration: An overview of the Services and Services Goal Integration sections of the IEP process. (PCG)
SLD Tip Sheet – Technical Assistance Video
Source of Relevant Information: An overview of the Sources of Relevant Info section of the IEP process. (PCG)
Student Information and Data Movement: Learn how how to access Student Information and Data. (PCG)
Student Search: Learn how to complete student searches and print or export the search results. (PCG)
Student Strengths: Learn how to complete the Student Strengths section of the Referral process. (PCG)
Student Strengths - Preschool: Learn how to complete the Students Strengths – Preschool link within the Referral process. (PCG)