ECATS Special Education
The Special Education module is a case management and data analysis module that allows for the efficient capture of statewide Exceptional Children data. It offers NCDPI and PK-13 Educational Institutions a means to manage and analyze exceptional children data. ECATs eliminates redundant data collection, reduces paperwork, and focuses on ease of use of the Exceptional Children process for the user while still maintaining compliance to federal and state mandates.
- A case management/workflow-oriented application for Exceptional Children professionals that eliminates redundant data collection, reduces paperwork, and allows the efficient capture of statewide Exceptional Children data, and focuses on ease of use of the Exceptional Children process for the user while still maintaining compliance to federal and state mandates.
- A process to perform child counts including the validation, verification, and reporting of
- the counts per federal and state mandates.
- A Behavior Support Services (BSS) component to collect and report data pertaining to students who have been identified as having a behavioral or emotional disability and other exceptional children who have discipline problems and severe behaviors.
- A Record Review component allowing users to report on items being monitored and the corrective actions for the student record to meet compliance.
- A Mediation, Due Process, Complaint and Facilitation component, which tracks and reports on events that occur with disputes pertaining to a student’s free and appropriate public education and any corrective actions and/or resolutions to the issues.
- A Funding Source component which allows for entry designations and reporting of students that are receiving special funding such as, but not limited to, PRC29, Deaf-Blind Census, Group Home, and Risk Pool.