Global Education Recognitions
A main focus or goal of the State Board of Education's Task Force report, "Preparing Students for the World" (January 2013) was to establish criteria for Global Education designations that would recognize the work of individuals and organizations.
There are now designations that can be earned by students graduating from high school and educators implementing global education in various learning environments. There are also designations for K-12 public schools and districts that recognize significant focus and dedication to global education.
For details about how to earn each recognition, please click on the links below.
Students can earn the Global Languages Endorsement (GLE), one of five High School Diploma Endorsements available to graduates. The purpose is to provide a way for students to show their multiliteracy in English and at least one World Language. Students may add as many World Languages for which they qualify to a GLE on their diploma.
The GLE, North Carolina's Seal of Biliteracy, has been available since the Class of 2015. Details about earning this recognition are posted below.
Questions about the Global Languages Endorsement, NC's Seal of Biliteracy, can be emailed to the GLE Team using the NCDPI Global Education Steering Committee email at
Policy Requirements
Please see the GLE Infographic of the policy requirements if you would prefer a visual version of the text below.
Meet High School English Language Arts requirements by earning an unweighted 2.5 GPA or higher in the required 4 English courses.
Note: English Learners (ELs) complete the English Language Arts courses requirement above and also reach "Developing" (Level 3) proficiency per the proficiency scale in all 4 domains on the most recent state-identified English language proficiency test.
World Languages
Establish Intermediate Low proficiency or higher in a World Language using ONE of the options described below for each language added.
- Complete 4 levels of the same language with an unweighted 2.5 GPA or higher
Note: The automated process in PowerSchool will search for a Level IV World Language course (or higher) to meet this requirement. - Take an exam on the NCDPI approved external assessment list and achieve a minimum language proficiency score of Intermediate Low (IL) or higher
- Use the Credit by Demonstrated Mastery (CDM) Policy to establish Intermediate Low (IL) proficiency or higher
Additional Notes & Information
North Carolina's Seal of Biliteracy, the GLE, is automated in PowerSchool and the qualifying World Language(s) and proficiency level(s) will appear on the student transcript.
For the World Language(s) of a GLE, the minimum proficiency level is Intermediate Low.
- If a student meets the World Language requirement through course completion, Intermediate Low proficiency will be posted on the transcript.
- If a student meets the World Language requirement through the exam or CDM option at the Intermediate Low level or a higher level of proficiency (ex. Intermediate Low, Intermediate Mid, Intermediate High, Advanced Low, Advanced Mid, etc.), the proficiency level obtained will be posted on the transcript.
GLE Exam List
The school or district must enter qualifying scores from the NCDPI approved external assessments taken by students and their corresponding proficiency levels manually in PowerSchool so that these artifacts can be located in the automated identification logic.
CDM Support
The school or district must enter the proficiency level code for the GLE from the World Language Course Codes for CDM manually in PowerSchool so that these artifacts can be located in the automated identification logic. For additional information about using the CDM with World Language courses, please see the CDM Back to School memo.
GLE User Guide for PowerSchool
The Global Languages Endorsement User Guide provides information on the requirements and how PowerSchool will automatically identify qualifying students. Information is also provided on how and where one can check in PowerSchool for students in a school that may be qualifying for any of the High School Diploma Endorsements.
Please see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Global Languages Endorsement (GLE) for details that may be helpful in understanding the overall GLE policy, supporting students in different types of language learning environments in meeting the requirements, and documenting the proficiency level(s) of World Language(s).
GLE Data, 2015 - Present
So far, the Global Languages Endorsement (GLE), North Carolina's Seal of Biliteracy has recognized graduates with proficiency in over a dozen World Languages, including: American Sign Language (ASL), Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Persian, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, and Ukrainian.
Details for each graduating class, 2015 - present, are available by clicking on these spreadsheets:
Feel free to download a copy of the View Only spreadsheets for your own analysis.
If you have questions about your district's results, please use the statewide directories on the World Languages Networking page to contact your public school unit's K-12 World Language Coordinator(s).
If you have questions about your school's results, you can access your high school's North Carolina School Report Card and view the Career and College Ready section with data for all of the High School Diploma Endorsements, which is available for 2018 - present.
GLE Materials
Please download and/or access the materials you need to learn about the GLE or share with others.
GLE Brochure
The current GLE Brochure is at and features information about how the Seal of Biliteracy recognizes career and college-ready language skills. A summary of the GLE policy requirements and quick facts are included, along with the benefits of earning a Seal of Biliteracy and student testimonials. The GLE Brochure can also be purchased in packs of 10 (GL100) from NCDPI Publications.
GLE Communications Toolkit
The GLE Communications Toolkit is at and has links to this webpage, the GLE FAQs, the GLE policy infographics, the current GLE brochure, and the CAST for World Languages Canvas course. It also includes social media materials that are adaptable.
GLE Diploma Seals
Each of the Diploma Endorsements earned by graduating seniors has a seal that may be used by school districts and charter schools to recognize students. The seal may be affixed to the diploma, used locally, etc. The seals can be purchased in sheets of 63 sticker seals (GLE seals are IS182) from NCDPI Publications. Districts and charters may print their own diploma seals, but must follow the Diploma Seals Specifications.
GLE Presentations
Presentations about the GLE, NC's Seal of Biliteracy, are shared periodically at conferences and as part of professional learning. The slides, infographics, and other materials from these presentations are posted here so that they are accessible and can be repurposed for local presentations.
GLE Asynchronous Webinar Series - Spring 2023
This webinar series was done in three parts to consolidate what we have learned about the GLE, NC's Seal of Biliteracy, over time:
- Part 1: Supporting & Implementing the GLE with Students
- Part 2: Reflecting on & Responding to GLE Data
- Part 3: Strengthening the GLE through K-20 Connections
Please go to the GLE Asynchronous Webinar Series document for the Google slides and recordings on the NCDPI YouTube channel playlist for Global Education.
CAST for World Languages self-paced Canvas Course
The Counselor Advising and Scheduling Tips (CAST) for World Languages mini-course is designed to guide school counselors and other course advisors in understanding North Carolina World Language programs, course codes, options, best practices, resources, etc., so that these educators can be best equipped to advise students on what courses to take to align with their future aspirations, including earning the Global Languages Endorsement (GLE), NC's Seal of Biliteracy.
- If you are a K-12 educator in NC Public Schools, use these step-by-step directions to enroll for 5 contact hours (or 0.5 CEU) in the HomeBase NCEES PD space.
- If you are a K-20 educator who wants to adapt this course to offer locally within your instance of Canvas, is at a K-12 independent/private school, a community college, or a higher education organization, or lives in a different state or country, use these instructions to download or import the course, in whole or in part, from Instructure's Canvas Commons.
The Global Educator Digital Badge (GEDB) process increases educators' awareness and implementation of global competence. It also allows educators to receive credit for what is already being done in schools and classrooms and for professional learning experiences.
To earn the GEDB, educators complete micro-credentials, which address six Professional Teaching Standards related to Global Education, collect artifacts/evidence for each Global Education Competency, and submit a final portfolio in the Global Educator Micro-Credentials and Digital Badge Canvas Site. All educators are welcome to pursue the GEDB, including teachers (in-service and pre-service), instructional support personnel, and administrators at the building or central office level.
Please click on the links below to access resources with information about earning the GEDB:
- GEDB Guide with an overview and the step-by-step process
- GEDB flyer to share in PDF format or as a PNG visual
- GEDB Canvas Site
- Pre-Service Educator GEDB Materials
Currently, there are over 140 educators who have earned their GEDB, including teachers and principals from across the K-12 spectrum in Arts Education, Career & Technical Education (CTE), English as a Second Language (ESL), English Language Arts (ELA), Instructional Technology (IT), Math, Physical Education, Science, STEM, Social Studies, and World Languages.
The Global Ready Designations were created to recognize schools and districts for their efforts in supporting global awareness, increasing global competence, and highlighting global education initiatives.
Schools can be recognized with the Global Ready School (GRS) designation by demonstrating that they meet the criteria on the GRS rubric at the "Prepared" or "Model" level through the application process. There are 10 Global-Ready Attributes on the rubric with 2 - 6 Key Elements each that address the following:
- Career-ready employer requirements and community connections across the school's grade levels
- Global school partnerships and classroom projects focused on thinking global and acting local
- K-12 world language opportunities for all, including the school's students
- Local resolutions, strategic plans, and teams supporting global education
- Pathways for educators in the school to achieve the Global Educator Digital Badge (GEDB)
Please click on the links below to access and share resources for submitting a Global Ready School (GRS) application:
- GRS Designation Application Guide
- GRS Designation Renewal Guide
- Global Ready Designation flyer in PDF format or as a PNG visual
* GRS applications for the initial designation or a renewal can be submitted at any time. They are reviewed on an ongoing basis, and schools that earn the GRS Designation will be publicly recognized during the October State Board of Education meeting.
Questions about the GRS Designation can be emailed to the NCDPI Global Education Steering Committee at
Current Global Ready School Designation recipients:
Elementary & K - 8 Schools
- Carolina Forest International Elementary School (Onslow County Schools)
- Dixon Elementary School (Onslow County Schools)
- Endy Elementary School (Stanly County Schools)
- Glen Arden Elementary School (Buncombe County Schools)
- Harrisburg Elementary School (Cabarrus County Schools)
- Unionville Elementary School (Union County Public Schools)
- Western Union Elementary School (Union County Public Schools)
Middle Schools
- Harris Road Middle School (Cabarrus County Schools)
High Schools
- Davidson Early College High School (Davidson County Schools)
Past Global-Ready School Designation recipients:
- East Mecklenburg High School (Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools)
- Elon Elementary School (Alamance-Burlington School System)
- Piedmont Middle School (Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools)
- South Academy of International Languages (Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools)
The Global Ready Designations were created to recognize schools and districts for their efforts in supporting global awareness, increasing global competence, and highlighting global education initiatives.
Districts can be recognized with the Global-Ready District (GRD) designation by demonstrating that they meet the criteria on the GRD rubric at the "Prepared" or "Model" level through the application process. There are 10 Global-Ready Attributes on the rubric with 2 - 6 Key Elements each that address the following:
- Career-ready employer requirements and community connections across the district's schools
- Global school and/or district partnerships and classroom projects focused on thinking global and acting local
- K-12 world language opportunities for all of the district's students
- Local resolutions, strategic plans, and teams supporting global education
- Pathways for educators in schools across the district to achieve the Global Educator Digital Badge (GEDB)
Please click on the links below to access and share resources for submitting a Global Ready District (GRD) application:
- GRD Designation Application Guide
- GRD Designation Renewal Guide
- Global Ready Designation flyer in PDF format or as a PNG visual
* GRD applications for the initial designation or a renewal can be submitted at any time. They are reviewed on an ongoing basis, and districts that earn the GRD Designation will be publicly recognized during the October State Board of Education meeting.
Questions about the GRD Designation can be emailed to the NCDPI Global Education Steering Committee at
Current Global Ready District Designation recipients:
Past Global Ready District Designation recipients: