Data Sources and Information Guide
Report Cards are provided for all district, charter, and alternative schools operating during the school year. However, Report Cards for charter and alternative schools will vary slightly. Because charter schools are not part of a school district, only state comparisons are provided on their Report Cards. Additionally, data on teacher qualifications and experience are limited for charter schools due to the flexibility allowed in their operations. Federal schools, state-operated schools, and other special schools do not receive Report Cards due to differences in the way data are reported for these schools.
In most instances, data in the Report Cards are reported at the school, district, and state levels. School data are based on information from all grades within the school. However, for several indicators, data from all schools in the same grade-range category are averaged to produce district and state comparison results. Based on their grade range, all schools have been assigned to one of six categories: elementary; middle; high; combined elementary, middle and high; combined elementary and middle; or combined middle and high.
For additional information on the content located in the School Report Cards, please visit the links below:
ACT and ACT WorkKeys
Advanced Coursework
Advanced Placement (AP) Examination Participation and Performance
Arts and Education
Career and Technical Education
Class Size
Classroom Teachers
Cohort Graduation Rate
Comprehensive Support and Improvement and Targeted Support and Improvement Schools
Digital Teaching & Learning
Dropout and Discipline
Economically Disadvantaged
Educator Qualifications
English Learner Progress
End-of-Grade and End-of-Course
Funding and Per-pupil-expenditure
International Baccalaureate (IB) Examination Participation and Performance
Long-term Goals
Office of Civil Rights
Participation Targets
Read to Achieve (Source data are available from the Accountability test coordinator)
School Attendance
School and Administrator Effectiveness
School Size
School Directory Information
School Performance Grade
School Readiness (Elementary; Middle and high)
STEM Schools of Distinction
Title I Status
During the spring, North Carolina teachers are asked to complete a survey on the working conditions in their school. Data from this survey may be requested from your school principal or are available online at the Teacher Working Condition website.
For guidance on the ESSA Accountability plan, please refer to the document below.