Educator Effectiveness Model
Great teachers and leaders are the key to success in North Carolina's public schools. The State Board of Education and Department of Public Instruction are building upon the statewide North Carolina Educator Evaluation System to create an educator effectiveness model that recognizes great educators and provides targeted support for educators who want to improve their skills and knowledge.
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On this site, you can find information about the following topics:
- State Board Policies: the Twenty-First Century Professionals policies related to educator evaluation and data collection. The State Board has added new policies in this area, as well as revised existing policies to include new standards focused on student growth.
- Educator Effectiveness Data: aggregate data on the evaluation ratings of teachers and principals during the previous school year. These data provide greater transparency into the quality of educators in public schools.
- EVAAS: more information and resources on the Education Value-Added Assessment System (EVAAS), which is the State Board of Education-adopted model for measuring growth for school accountability and educator effectiveness.
- Roster Verification: more details about the roster verification process, which allows teachers, school administrators, and district leaders to ensure high-quality student-teacher data links.
- Student Growth: the definition of student growth and descriptions of the assessments and processes being used to measure student growth across North Carolina's diverse content standards.
- NC Educator Evaluation System: the standards for professionals working in public schools, as well as instruments and processes used for evaluation. The evaluation tools and processes for teachers and school administrators function in an online environment hosted in Home Base.
- Resources: information for school professionals, parents, and community members. This section will expand as new information becomes available.
Educator Effectiveness Directory: contact information for DPI staff members working on educator effectiveness.