CEDARS Security Officer List
The CEDARS data warehouse is accessible only to state and local public education employees. Security Officer in this list manage access to the data warehouse only. Staff on this list do not grant access to Student UID.
Users must obtain an NCID, register for access to the warehouse, and be granted access by the Security Officer of the system.
State level and PSU Security Officer access requests are granted by the state level Security Officer.
All PSUs must have a Security Officer to grant access to users at the local level. If no staff is identified in the list on this page, determine who will be the local Security Officer to the system and use the information on CEDARS Data Warehouse User Information page to get the process started.
If your Security Officer is not longer performing the task, contact Rebecca Davis to have the account disabled.
If there is no Security Officer at the local level the account will not be approved.
List updated January 2025
Access Code | First Name | Last Name | Email Address | Phone Num |
830 | Mark | Duckworth | mduckworth@scotland.k12.nc.us | 910-277-4459 |
110 | Debbie | Waller | debbie.waller@bcsemail.org | 828-271-4506 |
060 | Thomas | Howell | thomashowell@averyschools.net | |
36B | Elizabeth | Berkebile | elizabeth.berkebile@pccharter.org | 704-659-4808 ext 4645 |
540 | Shelia | Heath | sheath@lenoir.k12.nc.us | 252-527-1109 |
850 | James | Sands | michael.sands@stokes.k12.nc.us | 336-593-8146 |
34B | Tonya | Oliphant | toliphant@qeschools.org | 336-744-0804 |
240 | Tamra | Carter | tcarter@columbus.k12.nc.us | 910-642-5158 |
821 | John | Lowe | jlowe@clinton.k12.nc.us | 910-214-0387 |
92E | Carrie | Smith | carriesmith@sterlingmontessori.org | 919-462-8889x430 |
590 | Greg | Hughes | greg.hughes@mcdowell.k12.nc.us | 828-652-4535 |
710 | Carrie | Hankins | carrie_hankins@pender.k12.nc.us | 9106633549 |
880 | Tonya | James | tjames@tcsnc.org | 8285773589 |
90A | DAVID | FAUNCE | cfo@unionacademy.org | 8284291469 |
73A | Tina | Hildreth | tina.hildreth@bethelhill.net | 3365992823 |
60Q | Kerri | Eudy | kerrieudy@icimagine.org | |
230 | Traci | Gillespie | tbgillespie@clevelandcountyschools.org | 704-476-8081 |
020 | Anita | Jenkins | ajenkins@alexander.k12.nc.us | 828-632-7001 Ext 210 |
01B | Karen | Gobel | karen_gobel@att.net | 336-229-0909 |
400 | Cathy | Williams | Cathywilliams@greene.k12.nc.us | 252-747-3425 Ext 232 |
440 | Brandi | Stephenson | bstephenson@haywood.k12.nc.us | 828-456-2400 |
100 | Amanda | Richardson | arichardson@bcswan.net | 910-253-1061 |
360 | Timothy | Cassell | scassell@gaston.k12.nc.us | 704-866-8657 |
670 | Lisa | Thompson | lisa.thompson@onslow.k12.nc.us | 910-989-2021 |
34F | lori | hill | 25.lhill@heritageacademies.com | 336-922-1121 |
680 | Joy | Toellen | joy.toellen@orange.k12.nc.us | 919-245-4100 |
26B | Eugene | Slocum | Alphaacademy@earthlink.net | 910-223-7711 |
090 | Anthony | Hinson | adhinson@bladen.k12.nc.us | 910-862-4136 |
480 | Shelby | Gibbs | sgibbs@hyde.k12.nc.us | 252-945-2766 |
410 | Sharon | McCleese | mcclees@gcsnc.com | 336-370-8159 |
34G | Robin | Hollis | rhollis@artsbasedschool.com | 336-748-4116 |
420 | LaVonne | McClain | mcclainl@halifax.k12.nc.us | 252-583-5111 |
690 | Nancy | Ross | nancyross@pamlicoschools.org | 252-745-4171 Ext 641 |
490 | Laura | Elliott | lelliott@iss.k12.nc.us | 704-924-2023 |
132 | Kelly | Burgess | kelly.burgess@kcs.k12.nc.us | 704-938-1131 |
770 | Michael | Williams | michaelwilliams@richmond.k12.nc.us | 910-582-5860 |
84B | Sherri | Sherrill | ssherrill@graystoneday.org | 704-850-4206 |
770 | Connie | Lindstrand | connielindstrand@richmond.k12.nc.us | 910-995-2753 |
630 | Tonia | Del Conte | tdelconte@ncmcs.org | 000-000-0000 |
54A | Lavinia | Hall | childrensvillage@coastalnet.com | 252-521-5841 |
861 | Britt | Shaw | shawb@elkin.k12.nc.us | 336-366-0404 |
182 | Joan | Munday | joan_munday@n-ccs.org | 828-464-3191 |
540 | Charles | White | cwhite@lenoir.k12.nc.us | 252-527-1109 |
870 | Jodi | Marr | jamarr@swainmail.org | 000-000-0000 |
90B | Rita | Williams | rita.williams@uniondayschool.com | 7042561494 |
610 | Chad | Calhoun | chadcalhoun@mcsnc.org | 828-766-2245 |
030 | Kristen | Carpenter | carpenterkk@alleghany.k12.nc.us | 336-372-4554 |
421 | Tracy | Myrick | myrickt.co@rrgsd.org | 252-519-7116 |
55A | Robin | Harwood | robin.harwood@lincolncharter.org | 704-483-6611 |
19A | Etta | Foushee | efoushee@chathamcharter.org | 919-742-4550 |
870 | Karen | Cook | kcook@swainmail.org | 828-488-3129 Ext 245 |
310 | Kim | Harvell | kharvell@duplinschools.net | 910-296-6636 |
010 | Julie | Cozort | julie_cozort@abss.k12.nc.us | 336-380-6546 |
950 | Wayne | Eberle | eberlew@watauga.k12.nc.us | 828-264-7190 |
510 | Dan | Hicks | danhicks@johnston.k12.nc.us | 919-934-2016 |
491 | Ginger | Huffstickler | ghuffstickler@mgsd.k12.nc.us | 704-658-2607 |
170 | David | Useche | Duseche@caswell.k12.nc.us | 000-000-0000 |
761 | Christina | Kinley | ckinley@asheboro.k12.nc.us | 336-625-5606 |
760 | Kari | Hulin | khulin@randolph.k12.nc.us | 336-318-6019 |
980 | Scott | Sage | scott.sage@wilsonschoolsnc.net | 252-399-7765 |
930 | Carolyn | Buffaloe | cbuffaloe@warrenk12nc.org | 252-257-3184 |
110 | Stephen | Earwood | stephen.earwood@bcsemail.org | 828-225-7360 |
60S | kelly | painter | kelly.painter@bradfordprepschool.org | 7045490080 |
63B | wes | graner | wgraner@starscharter.org | |
41G | Jennifer | Croatt | jcroatt@cornerstonek12.org | 336-482-3855 |
70A | Katie | Koch | katiekoch@northeastacademy.org | 2525620653 |
370 | John | Smith | smithjl@gatescountyschools.net | 252-357-0720 |
32A | Mark | Bailey | mbailey@joycharter.org | 919-908-1691 |
58B | Donna | Moore | dmoore@beargrasscharter.org | 2527891010 |
200 | Jeana | Hardin | jeana.conley@cherokee.k12.nc.us | 828-361-2161 |
34H | Renee | Faenza | rfaenza@thencla.org | rfaenza@thencla.org |
560 | Debbie | Cabe | debbie.cabe@macon.k12.nc.us | 828-524-3314 |
39B | Andrew | Swanner | swannerab@oxfordprep.org | 9196900360 |
450 | Susan | Sluder | sasluder@hcpsnc.org | 828-697-4733 |
470 | Dona | Long | dlong@hcs.k12.nc.us | 910-875-4106 |
910 | Diana | McCann | dmccann@vcs.k12.nc.us | 252-492-2127 X2703 |
23A | Robert | Brown | rbrown@pinnacleclassicalacademy.com | 7047404040 |
60B | Rudy | Swofford | 98.rswofford@nhaschools.com | 3366431974 |
01B | Jeff | Dishmon | jdishmon@rivermill-academy.org | 336-229-0909 |
050 | Terry | Richardson | terry.richardson@ashe.k12.nc.us | |
330 | Nai | Barnes | nbarnes@ecps.us | 2526412676 |
491 | Scott | Smith | ssmith@mgsd.k12.nc.us | (704) 658-2503 |
241 | Linda | Johnson | ljohnson@whiteville.k12.nc.us | 9106426238 |
92N | Jackie | Alluisi | jalluisi@questcharter.org | 919-841-0441 |
67B | stacey | owens-howard | howard_stacey@hotmail.com | 9102198603 |
27A | Meghan | Agresto | corollaeducation@gmail.com | 2524559449 |
26C | Joe | Salisbury | jsalisbury@capitolencoreacademy.org | 910-849-0888 |
510 | Kristy | Stephenson | kristystephenson@johnston.k12.nc.us | 919-934-9810 ext 1037 |
60I | Angela | Carbonaro | acarbonaro@csdspartans.org | 7048978061 |
49E | Amanda | Berridge | amanda.berridge@pinelakeprep.org | 704-237-5309 |
500 | Adam | Holt | aholt@jcpsmail.org | 8285862311 |
65D | Brittany | Ivey | bivey@islandmontessorischool.com | 910-795-4860 |
86T | Kirby | McCrary | kirbymccrary@mcacademy.com | (336) 789-7570 |
190 | Jennette | Horton | jhorton@chatham.k12.nc.us | (919) 542-6400 |
111 | Holly | Murray | holly.murray@ashevillecityschools.net | 828-350-6143 |
11B | Lucy | Sawyer | lucy.sawyer@artspacecharter.org | 828-298-2787 |
900 | Beth | Broadway | beth.broadway@ucps.k12.nc.us | 704-296-3143 ext 2016 |
220 | Shelley | Hollingsworth | shelley.hollingsworth@clayschools.org | 8283898513 |
41G | Joseph | Caraher | jcaraher@cornerstonek12.org | 336-482-3855 |
60I | Erika | Bowen | ebowen@csdspartans.org | 704-5785715 |
95A | beth | vossen | bethv@tworiverscommunityschool.net | 828-262-5411 |
73B | Lisa | Rimmer | rimmerld@roxborocommunityschool.org | 336-597-0020 |
93T | Jahnel | Bocus | jbocus@charterschoolsusa.com | 7576378822 |
49B | John | Mairs | mairsj@arsnc.org | 7048786009 |
13B | Jahnel | Bocus | jbocus@charterschoolsusa.com | 7576378822 |
780 | Angela | Jones | angela.jones@robeson.k12.nc.us | 910-671-4340 |
92U | Consuelo | Babb | babb@longleafschool.com | 919-480-8207 |
41F | Sobirzhon | Azimov | sazimov@tmsapcs.org | |
60Z | Pamela | Broome | pamela.broome@uncc.edu | 7049758304 |
87A | Carter | Petty | cpetty@mountaindiscovery.org | cpetty@mountaindiscovery.org |
86T | Patty | Bare | pattybare@mcacademy.com | 336-789-7570 |
13C | Shannon | Martin | s.martin@aceacademycharter.org | 7044567153 |
51B | Mindy | Atton | mmanser@nhaschools.com | 616-464-2531 |
13D | Jahnel | Bocus | jbocus@charterschoolsusa.com | 7576378822 |
61Y | Jahnel | Bocus | jbocus@charterschoolsusa.com | 7576378822 |
49F | Jahnel | Bocus | jbocus@charterschoolsusa.com | 7576378822 |
49G | Jahnel | Bocus | jbocus@charterschoolsusa.com | 7576378822 |
90C | Jahnel | Bocus | jbocus@charterschoolsusa.com | 7576378822 |
55B | Jahnel | Bocus | jbocus@charterschoolsusa.com | 7576378822 |
120 | Ross | Rumbaugh | rrumbaugh@burke.k12.nc.us | 828-432-7035 |
96C | Danielle | Baptiste | dbaptiste@dillardacademy.org | 9195810128 |
45B | Michael | Luplow | michael.luplow@fernleafccs.org | 8286843645 |
32R | Cynthia | Gadol | cgadol@excelsiorca.org | 9192138585 |
41L | Laurie | Haan | lhaan@nhaschools.com | 616-929-1273 |
60Y | Glenda | Cheek | glendac@pioneersprings.org | 7044940777 |
13C | Kylese | Hammond | k.hammond@aceacademycharter.org | 7044567153 |
11D | Donnie | Stahlke | dstahlke@thefsi.us | 1-828-318-8157 |
840 | Derek | Busch | derek.busch@stanlycountyschools.org | 704-961-3006 |
800 | Lisa | Bracewell | Lisa.Bracewell@rss.k12.nc.us | 7046306016 |
41N | Kathy | Davies | kdavies@anscharter.com | 9192582161 |
60B | Christopher | Dunn | cdunn@thesugarcreek.org | 7045095470 |
19B | Cotton | Bryan | cbryan@woodscharter.org | (919) 951-0544 |
030 | Steve | Hall | steve.hall@alleghany.k12.nc.us | 336-372-4345 |
470 | Chad | Hunt | chunt@hcs.k12.nc.us | 9108754106 |
60Y | Don | Folz | donf@pioneersprings.org | 7045099864 |
92E | Denise | Kimball | dkimball@sterlingmontessori.org | 919-462-8889 ext. 417 |
862 | Jesse | Hiatt | jhiatt@mtairy.k12.nc.us | 336-786-8355 |
800 | Lisa | Bracewell | bracewelllq@rss.k12.nc.us | 7046306016 |
92F | Denise | Kent | kentd@franklinacademy.org | 9195708262 |
93A | Dormick | Locklear | dormick.locklear@hstsedu.org | 9198535384 |
10A | Laurie | Benton | lbenton@rogerbacon.net | 17049575065 |
700 | Tanya | Proctor | tproctor@ecpps.k12.nc.us | 12523352981 |
13B | Kayleigh | Easton | keaston@charterschoolsusa.com | |
00A | Kris | Yerkie | kyerkie@myncca.com | 984-208-7113 |
41K | Angela | Jackson | ajackson@piedmontclassical.com | 13368971128 |
61R | Laurie | Haan | lhaan@nhaschools.com | 616-929-1293 |
60G | Laurie | Haan | lhaan@nhaschools.com | 616-929-1273 |
41J | Laurie | Haan | lhaan@nhaschools.com | 616-929-1273 |
74C | Laurie | Haan | lhaan@nhaschools.com | 616-929-1273 |
210 | Shirley | Madry | smadry@ecps.k12.nc.us | 252-333-0244 |
310 | Kevin | Smith | ksmith@duplinschools.net | 9102966092 |
70A | Andrew | Harris | ceo@northeastacademy.org | 2523125990 |
60J | Lena | Bakis | lbakis@socratesacademy.us | 704-321-1711 |
780 | Billie Jo | Harris | billie.harris@robeson.k12.nc.us | 910-671-6000 |
422 | Akeilah | Robinson | robinsona@weldonk12.org | 252-536-4821 |
55A | Christy | Hutchinson | christy.hutchinson@lincolncharter.org | 7049147310 |
491 | Angela | Davis | aldavis@mgsd.k12.nc.us | 7046582540 |
60U | Jonathan | Kay | Jonathan.kay@als-education.com | 7046120149 |
91A | Tyler | Woodside | woodsidet@vancecharter.org | 9193399032 |
750 | Amanda | Ruff | aruff@polkschools.org | 828-894-6125 |
650 | Scott | Hall | scott.hall@nhcs.net | 910-254-4259 |
61W | Renee | Mathews | rmathews@eastvoyager.org | |
93J | Dawn | Arthur | darthur@risese.org | 9194464777 |
93T | Kayleigh | Easton | keaston@charterschoolsusa.com | |
61Y | Kayleigh | Easton | keaston@charterschoolsusa.com | |
880 | Darren | Putnam | kputnam@tcsnc.org | 828-885-7373 |
380 | Myra | Waldroup | mwaldroup@graham.k12.nc.us | 18284799820 |
890 | Audrey | Curles | acurles@tycomail.net | 252-796-1121 |
280 | Holly | King | kingholly@daretolearn.org | 2524418888 |
78A | Billy | Haggans | bhaggans@cisacademy.us | (910) 521-1669 |
32C | LaManda | Pryor | Lpryor@carterschool.org | |
49F | Mishael | Hamrick | mhamrick@langtreecharter.org | 704-942-8282 |
39A | Amy | Hobgood | amyhobgood@fallslakeacademy.com | 9196034559 |
860 | Amber | Flippen | flippena@surry.k12.nc.us | 3363868211 |
93Q | Stephanie | Nall | snall@carolinacharter.org | 9843003015 |
98A | Sandeep | Aggarwal | sandeep@sallieb.net | 2522934150 |
61Y | Kimberly | Alexander | kalexander@steelecreekprep.org | 980-243-5580 |
998 | Adam | Johnson | adam.johnson@ncdps.gov | 9193246420 |
070 | Gayle | Rowell | growell@beaufort.k12.nc.us | 252.940.6609 |
182 | Dawn | West | dawn.west@n-ccs.org | 828-464-3191 |
681 | Diane | Villwock | dvillwock@chccs.k12.nc.us | 9199678211,x22449 |
69A | CHRIS | WATSON | chris.watson@arapahoecharter.org | 2522492599 |
90F | Barry | Ross | principal@aahsnc.org | 19803138610 |
43D | Leaja | Horne | leaja@achievementcharteracademy.org | 9195671234 |
06B | Cyndi | Austin | caustin@williamsacademy.org | 8287335241 |
60M | Stacey | Haskell | stacey.haskell@corvian.org | 9802483976 |
93N | Bruce | Friend | bfriend@pinespringsprep.org | 9198020832 |
92Y | Eleanor | Bradley | ebradley@envisionscienceacademy.com | 919-435-4002 |
32T | Barbara | Whitfield | Barbara@chartersuccesspartners.com | |
62J | Tarita | Brown | tbrown@scstemacademy.org | |
88A | Ryan | Hinkleman | rhinkleman@brevardacademy.org | 828-885-3111 |
32Q | Thomas | Mckoy | tmckoy@reachingallminds.com | 9195961899 |
36G | Donna | Johnson | djohnson@cpcsnc.org | 704-689-0336 |
92L | Cynthia | McQueen | adminmcqueen@tlaedu.org | (919) 538-6740 |
860 | Shannon | Collins | collinssh@surry.k12.nc.us | 3363868211 |
960 | Robert | Yancey | robertyancey@wcps.org | 919-705-6091 |
92W | Kayleigh | Easton | keaston@charterschoolsusa.com | |
49G | Kayleigh | Easton | keaston@charterschoolsusa.com | |
13D | Kayleigh | Easton | keaston@charterschoolsusa.com | |
49F | Kayleigh | Easton | keaston@charterschoolsusa.com | |
90C | Kayleigh | Easton | keaston@charterschoolsusa.com | |
55B | Kayleigh | Easton | keaston@charterschoolsusa.com | |
690 | Shakia | Robinson | shakiarobinson@pamlicoschools.org | 2527454171 |
96F | John | Twitty | jtwitty@wpanc.org | 919.734.8085 |
93J | Ryan | Brock | rbrock@risese.org | 5405976617 |
07A | Carol | Collier | carol.collier@wmpcs.org | 2529761977 |
340 | Homan | Atashbar | hatashbar@wsfcs.k12.nc.us | 3363062213 |
298 | Heather | Mazzolini | heather.mazzolini@esdb.dpi.nc.gov | 828-432-5200 |
100 | Natalie | Brozy | nbrozy@bcswan.net | 9102531019 |
730 | Tara | Holmes | holmest@person.k12.nc.us | 336-599-2191 |
810 | Kimberly | Carpenter | khcarpenter@rcsnc.org | 8282882221 |
92P | Magdalena | Lyles | magdalena.lyles@swake.org | 919-567-9955 |
996 | Sharon | Van Hoy | sharon.vanhoy@ncdps.gov | 9842556157 |
68C | Tammy | Finch | tammyfinch@theexpeditionschool.com | 919-245-8432 |
81A | Cindy | Dotson | cdotson@tjca.org | 8282166404 |
61S | Alicia | Hamp | ahamp@unityclassical.org | 9802025899 |
29A | Ava | Palmer | apalmer@davidsoncharter.org | 3368037809 |
51A | Brad | Williams | bwilliams@neusecharterschool.org | 9195183077 |
320 | David | Surles | david_surles@dpsnc.net | 9193419195 |
996 | Shanon | White | shanon.white@ncdps.gov | |
32D | Suzanne | Vargas | Vargas@kestrelheights.org | 9194841300 |
51B | Mindy | Manser | mmanser@nhaschools.com | 616-464-2531 |
34F | Mindy | Manser | mmanser@nhaschools.com | 616-464-2531 |
41B | Mindy | Manser | mmanser@nhaschools.com | 616-464-2531 |
92M | Mindy | Manser | mmanser@nhaschools.com | 616-464-2531 |
11C | Kerri | Eudy | kerrieudy@icimagine.org | 8287746571 |
790 | Barry | Mccorkle | bmccorkle@rock.k12.nc.us | 3363421823 |
820 | Wanda | Jackson | wjackson@sampson.k12.nc.us | 910-592-1401 |
61N | Aydin | Satici | asatici@tmsapcs.org | 9196502270 |
200 | Chanda | Pace | chanda.pace@cherokee.k12.nc.us | 8288372722 |
73B | Candice | Jones | jonescc@roxborocommunityschool.org | 3365833728 |
36F | Doris | Sanders | d.sanders@ridgeviewcharter.org | 17048676635 |
270 | Sandra | Reynolds | sreynolds@currituck.k12.nc.us | 252-202-3608 |
01C | Heather | Vereyken | heathervereyken@cgsnc.org | (336) 586-9440 |
61Y | Claire | Porter | cporter1@charterschoolsusa.com | 8609223512 |
61Q | Deanna | Smith | dsmith@mcstemacademy.org | 9802884811 |
340 | Kelly | Moore | kbmoore@wsfcs.k12.nc.us | 336-748-4000 |
61Y | Darrell | Cotton | dcotton@steelecreekprep.org | 9802435580 |
93T | Claire | Porter | cporter1@charterschoolsusa.com | 8609223512 |
41H | TACUMA | JOHNSON | tjohnson@thepointcollegeprep.org | 3368840131 |
92W | Claire | Porter | cporter1@charterschoolsusa.com | 8609223512 |
49F | Claire | Porter | cporter1@charterschoolsusa.com | 8609223512 |
13B | Claire | Porter | cporter1@charterschoolsusa.com | 8609223512 |
92T | Aydin | Satici | asatici@tmsapcs.org | 9196502270 |
160 | Anita | Willis | anita.willis@carteretk12.org | 252-728-4583 |
990 | Robert | Kennedy | robert.kennedy@yadkin.k12.nc.us | |
209 | Heather | Driver | heather.driver@ccs-nc.org | 8285545127 |
180 | Amy | Sigmon | amyl_sigmon@catawbaschools.net | 828-695-2691 |
090 | Allison | Kirby | apkirby@bladen.k12.nc.us | 910-862-4136 |
140 | Leigh | Frye | lfrye@caldwellschools.com | 8287288407 x 140143 |
900 | James | Parker | james.parker@ucps.k12.nc.us | 7042963143 |
06B | Whitney | Shoupe | wshoupe@williamsacademy.org | |
140 | Tamara | Dillard | tadillard@caldwellschools.com | 8283962188 |
580 | Lisa | Adams | ladams@martin.k12.nc.us | |
90C | Claire | Porter | cporter1@charterschoolsusa.com | 8609223512 |
93T | Jack | Zellmer | jzellmer@ccawendellfalls.org | 9197528864 |
100 | Ashley | Dubisky | adubisky@bcswan.net | 9107825021 |
520 | Susan | Brown | susan.brown@jonesnc.net | 2524482531 |
760 | Meredith | Weipert | mweipert@randolph.k12.nc.us | 336-633-5044 |
13A | Tasha | Parks | tashaparks@ciscomets.com | 704-455-3847 |
13D | Kendra | Woods | KWoods@concordlakeacademy.org | |
49F | Jennifer | Wilson | jwilson1@langtreecharter.org | (704)705-1698 |
55B | Charlotte | Beck | cbeck@wlakeprep.org | 7049662202 |
51C | Sophia | Lin | sophia.lin@charter.one | |
35C | Sophia | Lin | sophia.lin@charter.one | |
60N | Sophia | Lin | sophia.lin@charter.one | |
62M | Sophia | Lin | sophia.lin@charter.one | |
01C | LEA/Charter Security Officer | Test | rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov | |
55B | Claire | Porter | cporter1@charterschoolsusa.com | 8609223512 |
760 | Melissa | Kidd | m1kidd@randolph.k12.nc.us | 336-633-5042 |
420 | LaVonne | McClain | mcclainl@halifax.k12.nc.us | 2525835111 |
390 | Carolyn | Buffaloe | buffaloec@gcs.k12.nc.us | 919-693-4613 |
73B | Darkarai | Bryant | bryantds@roxborocommunityschool.org | 336-597-0020 ext 313 |
450 | Lisa | Coley | lbcoley@hcpsnc.org | (828) 697-4733 |
997 | Shavona | Burton | shavona.burton@dhhs.nc.gov | 919-855-4716 |
260 | Chris | Young | chrisyoung@ccs.k12.nc.us | 910-584-2441 |
150 | Amy | Gillikin | agillikin@camden.k12.nc.us | 252-335-0831 ext. 100 |
49G | Claire | Porter | cporter1@charterschoolsusa.com | 8609223512 |
330 | Thomas | Holland | tholland@ecps.us | 252-641-2639 |
440 | Kimberly | Jackson | kjackson@haywood.k12.nc.us | 828-627-8314 |
460 | Jacqueline | Perry-Higgs | jperryhiggs@hertford.k12.nc.us | 252-348-1761 |
850 | Rachel | Cain | rachel.cain@stokes.k12.nc.us | 336-591-4319 |
19C | Jon | Groves | jgroves@willowoakmontessori.org | 9194417893 |
660 | Joseph | Baisley | baisleyj@northampton.k12.nc.us | 2525341371 |
292 | Jennifer | Buck | buckj@tcs.k12.nc.us | 3368704892 |
020 | LEA/Charter Security Officer | Test | rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov | |
570 | Eric | Wallin | ericwallin@madisonk12.net | |
16B | Cassandra | Rosen | executivedirector@tillerschool.org | 2525032964 |
11K | Britney | Ross | britney@fdnsc.net | 828.236.9441 ext 1 |
01B | LEA/Charter Security Officer | Test | rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov | |
250 | LEA/Charter Security Officer | Test | rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov | |
420 | Nathan | Squire | squiren@halifax.k12.nc.us | 2525835111 |
13B | Sophia | Lin | sophia.lin@charter.one | |
06B | Cyndi | Austin | caustin@williamsacademy.org | 8287335241 |
030 | LEA/Charter Security Officer | Test | rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov | |
300 | LEA/Charter Security Officer | Test | rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov | |
290 | LEA/Charter Security Officer | Test | rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov | |
670 | LEA/Charter Security Officer | Test | rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov | |
39A | LEA/Charter Security Officer | Test | rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov | |
220 | LEA/Charter Security Officer | Test | rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov | |
590 | LEA/Charter Security Officer | Test | rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov | |
460 | Thomas | Grimes | tgrimes@hertford.k12.nc.us | 2525181258 |
330 | Joseph | Hayes | jhayes@ecps.us | |
65G | Lisa | Wolfe | lwolfe@glowacademy.net | 9103385258 |
440 | Kelly | Davis | kdavis@haywood.k12.nc.us | 828-627-8314 |
62M | Sophia | Lin | sophia.lin@charter.one | |
61V | Sophia | Lin | sophia.lin@charter.one | |
65F | Sophia | Lin | sophia.lin@charter.one | |
36B | Claire | Wilson | claire.wilson@pccharter.org | 7046594808 |
60S | Candace | Clifton | candace.clifton@bradfordprep.org | 7045490080 |
13B | Sophia | Lin | sophia.lin@charter.one | |
800 | Karen | Rusher | rusherk@rss.k12.nc.us | 7046306095 |
010 | LEA/Charter Security Officer | Test | rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov | |
020 | LEA/Charter Security Officer | Test | rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov |