CEDARS Security Officer List

Three trees representing the longitudinal data system

The CEDARS data warehouse is accessible only to state and local public education employees.   Security Officer in this list manage access to the data warehouse only.  Staff on this list do not grant access to Student UID.

Users must obtain an NCID, register for access to the warehouse, and be granted access by the Security Officer of the system. 

State level and PSU Security Officer access requests are granted by the state level Security Officer. 

All PSUs must have a Security Officer to grant access to users at the local level.  If no staff is identified in the list on this page, determine who will be the local Security Officer to the system and use the information on CEDARS Data Warehouse User Information page to get the process started.

If your Security Officer is not longer performing the task, contact Rebecca Davis to have the account disabled.

If there is no Security Officer at the local level the account will not be approved.

List updated January 2025


Access Code First Name Last Name Email Address Phone Num
830 Mark Duckworth mduckworth@scotland.k12.nc.us 910-277-4459
110 Debbie Waller debbie.waller@bcsemail.org 828-271-4506
060 Thomas Howell thomashowell@averyschools.net
36B Elizabeth Berkebile elizabeth.berkebile@pccharter.org 704-659-4808 ext 4645
540 Shelia Heath sheath@lenoir.k12.nc.us 252-527-1109
850 James Sands michael.sands@stokes.k12.nc.us 336-593-8146
34B Tonya Oliphant toliphant@qeschools.org 336-744-0804
240 Tamra Carter tcarter@columbus.k12.nc.us 910-642-5158
821 John Lowe jlowe@clinton.k12.nc.us 910-214-0387
92E Carrie Smith carriesmith@sterlingmontessori.org 919-462-8889x430
590 Greg Hughes greg.hughes@mcdowell.k12.nc.us 828-652-4535
710 Carrie Hankins carrie_hankins@pender.k12.nc.us 9106633549
880 Tonya James tjames@tcsnc.org 8285773589
90A DAVID FAUNCE cfo@unionacademy.org 8284291469
73A Tina Hildreth tina.hildreth@bethelhill.net 3365992823
60Q Kerri Eudy kerrieudy@icimagine.org
230 Traci Gillespie tbgillespie@clevelandcountyschools.org 704-476-8081
020 Anita Jenkins ajenkins@alexander.k12.nc.us 828-632-7001 Ext 210
01B Karen Gobel karen_gobel@att.net 336-229-0909
400 Cathy Williams Cathywilliams@greene.k12.nc.us 252-747-3425 Ext 232
440 Brandi Stephenson bstephenson@haywood.k12.nc.us 828-456-2400
100 Amanda Richardson arichardson@bcswan.net 910-253-1061
360 Timothy Cassell scassell@gaston.k12.nc.us 704-866-8657
670 Lisa Thompson lisa.thompson@onslow.k12.nc.us 910-989-2021
34F lori hill 25.lhill@heritageacademies.com 336-922-1121
680 Joy Toellen joy.toellen@orange.k12.nc.us 919-245-4100
26B Eugene Slocum Alphaacademy@earthlink.net 910-223-7711
090 Anthony Hinson adhinson@bladen.k12.nc.us 910-862-4136
480 Shelby Gibbs sgibbs@hyde.k12.nc.us 252-945-2766
410 Sharon McCleese mcclees@gcsnc.com 336-370-8159
34G Robin Hollis rhollis@artsbasedschool.com 336-748-4116
420 LaVonne McClain mcclainl@halifax.k12.nc.us 252-583-5111
690 Nancy Ross nancyross@pamlicoschools.org 252-745-4171 Ext 641
490 Laura Elliott lelliott@iss.k12.nc.us 704-924-2023
132 Kelly Burgess kelly.burgess@kcs.k12.nc.us 704-938-1131
770 Michael Williams michaelwilliams@richmond.k12.nc.us 910-582-5860
84B Sherri Sherrill ssherrill@graystoneday.org 704-850-4206
770 Connie Lindstrand connielindstrand@richmond.k12.nc.us 910-995-2753
630 Tonia Del Conte tdelconte@ncmcs.org 000-000-0000
54A Lavinia Hall childrensvillage@coastalnet.com 252-521-5841
861 Britt Shaw shawb@elkin.k12.nc.us 336-366-0404
182 Joan Munday joan_munday@n-ccs.org 828-464-3191
540 Charles White cwhite@lenoir.k12.nc.us 252-527-1109
870 Jodi Marr jamarr@swainmail.org 000-000-0000
90B Rita Williams rita.williams@uniondayschool.com 7042561494
610 Chad Calhoun chadcalhoun@mcsnc.org 828-766-2245
030 Kristen Carpenter carpenterkk@alleghany.k12.nc.us 336-372-4554
421 Tracy Myrick myrickt.co@rrgsd.org 252-519-7116
55A Robin Harwood robin.harwood@lincolncharter.org 704-483-6611
19A Etta Foushee efoushee@chathamcharter.org 919-742-4550
870 Karen Cook kcook@swainmail.org 828-488-3129 Ext 245
310 Kim Harvell kharvell@duplinschools.net 910-296-6636
010 Julie Cozort julie_cozort@abss.k12.nc.us 336-380-6546
950 Wayne Eberle eberlew@watauga.k12.nc.us 828-264-7190
510 Dan Hicks danhicks@johnston.k12.nc.us 919-934-2016
491 Ginger Huffstickler ghuffstickler@mgsd.k12.nc.us 704-658-2607
170 David Useche Duseche@caswell.k12.nc.us 000-000-0000
761 Christina Kinley ckinley@asheboro.k12.nc.us 336-625-5606
760 Kari Hulin khulin@randolph.k12.nc.us 336-318-6019
980 Scott Sage scott.sage@wilsonschoolsnc.net 252-399-7765
930 Carolyn Buffaloe cbuffaloe@warrenk12nc.org 252-257-3184
110 Stephen Earwood stephen.earwood@bcsemail.org 828-225-7360
60S kelly painter kelly.painter@bradfordprepschool.org 7045490080
63B wes graner wgraner@starscharter.org
41G Jennifer Croatt jcroatt@cornerstonek12.org 336-482-3855
70A Katie Koch katiekoch@northeastacademy.org 2525620653
370 John Smith smithjl@gatescountyschools.net 252-357-0720
32A Mark Bailey mbailey@joycharter.org 919-908-1691
58B Donna Moore dmoore@beargrasscharter.org 2527891010
200 Jeana Hardin jeana.conley@cherokee.k12.nc.us 828-361-2161
34H Renee Faenza rfaenza@thencla.org rfaenza@thencla.org
560 Debbie Cabe debbie.cabe@macon.k12.nc.us 828-524-3314
39B Andrew Swanner swannerab@oxfordprep.org 9196900360
450 Susan Sluder sasluder@hcpsnc.org 828-697-4733
470 Dona Long dlong@hcs.k12.nc.us 910-875-4106
910 Diana McCann dmccann@vcs.k12.nc.us 252-492-2127 X2703
23A Robert Brown rbrown@pinnacleclassicalacademy.com 7047404040
60B Rudy Swofford 98.rswofford@nhaschools.com 3366431974
01B Jeff Dishmon jdishmon@rivermill-academy.org 336-229-0909
050 Terry Richardson terry.richardson@ashe.k12.nc.us
330 Nai Barnes nbarnes@ecps.us 2526412676
491 Scott Smith ssmith@mgsd.k12.nc.us (704) 658-2503
241 Linda Johnson ljohnson@whiteville.k12.nc.us 9106426238
92N Jackie Alluisi jalluisi@questcharter.org 919-841-0441
67B stacey owens-howard howard_stacey@hotmail.com 9102198603
27A Meghan Agresto corollaeducation@gmail.com 2524559449
26C Joe Salisbury jsalisbury@capitolencoreacademy.org 910-849-0888
510 Kristy Stephenson kristystephenson@johnston.k12.nc.us 919-934-9810 ext 1037
60I Angela Carbonaro acarbonaro@csdspartans.org 7048978061
49E Amanda Berridge amanda.berridge@pinelakeprep.org 704-237-5309
500 Adam Holt aholt@jcpsmail.org 8285862311
65D Brittany Ivey bivey@islandmontessorischool.com 910-795-4860
86T Kirby McCrary kirbymccrary@mcacademy.com (336) 789-7570
190 Jennette Horton jhorton@chatham.k12.nc.us (919) 542-6400
111 Holly Murray holly.murray@ashevillecityschools.net 828-350-6143
11B Lucy Sawyer lucy.sawyer@artspacecharter.org 828-298-2787
900 Beth Broadway beth.broadway@ucps.k12.nc.us 704-296-3143 ext 2016
220 Shelley Hollingsworth shelley.hollingsworth@clayschools.org 8283898513
41G Joseph Caraher jcaraher@cornerstonek12.org 336-482-3855
60I Erika Bowen ebowen@csdspartans.org 704-5785715
95A beth vossen bethv@tworiverscommunityschool.net 828-262-5411
73B Lisa Rimmer rimmerld@roxborocommunityschool.org 336-597-0020
93T Jahnel Bocus jbocus@charterschoolsusa.com 7576378822
49B John Mairs mairsj@arsnc.org 7048786009
13B Jahnel Bocus jbocus@charterschoolsusa.com 7576378822
780 Angela Jones angela.jones@robeson.k12.nc.us 910-671-4340
92U Consuelo Babb babb@longleafschool.com 919-480-8207
41F Sobirzhon Azimov sazimov@tmsapcs.org
60Z Pamela Broome pamela.broome@uncc.edu 7049758304
87A Carter Petty cpetty@mountaindiscovery.org cpetty@mountaindiscovery.org
86T Patty Bare pattybare@mcacademy.com 336-789-7570
13C Shannon Martin s.martin@aceacademycharter.org 7044567153
51B Mindy Atton mmanser@nhaschools.com 616-464-2531
13D Jahnel Bocus jbocus@charterschoolsusa.com 7576378822
61Y Jahnel Bocus jbocus@charterschoolsusa.com 7576378822
49F Jahnel Bocus jbocus@charterschoolsusa.com 7576378822
49G Jahnel Bocus jbocus@charterschoolsusa.com 7576378822
90C Jahnel Bocus jbocus@charterschoolsusa.com 7576378822
55B Jahnel Bocus jbocus@charterschoolsusa.com 7576378822
120 Ross Rumbaugh rrumbaugh@burke.k12.nc.us 828-432-7035
96C Danielle Baptiste dbaptiste@dillardacademy.org 9195810128
45B Michael Luplow michael.luplow@fernleafccs.org 8286843645
32R Cynthia Gadol cgadol@excelsiorca.org 9192138585
41L Laurie Haan lhaan@nhaschools.com 616-929-1273
60Y Glenda Cheek glendac@pioneersprings.org 7044940777
13C Kylese Hammond k.hammond@aceacademycharter.org 7044567153
11D Donnie Stahlke dstahlke@thefsi.us 1-828-318-8157
840 Derek Busch derek.busch@stanlycountyschools.org 704-961-3006
800 Lisa Bracewell Lisa.Bracewell@rss.k12.nc.us 7046306016
41N Kathy Davies kdavies@anscharter.com 9192582161
60B Christopher Dunn cdunn@thesugarcreek.org 7045095470
19B Cotton Bryan cbryan@woodscharter.org (919) 951-0544
030 Steve Hall steve.hall@alleghany.k12.nc.us 336-372-4345
470 Chad Hunt chunt@hcs.k12.nc.us 9108754106
60Y Don Folz donf@pioneersprings.org 7045099864
92E Denise Kimball dkimball@sterlingmontessori.org 919-462-8889 ext. 417
862 Jesse Hiatt jhiatt@mtairy.k12.nc.us 336-786-8355
800 Lisa Bracewell bracewelllq@rss.k12.nc.us 7046306016
92F Denise Kent kentd@franklinacademy.org 9195708262
93A Dormick Locklear dormick.locklear@hstsedu.org 9198535384
10A Laurie Benton lbenton@rogerbacon.net 17049575065
700 Tanya Proctor tproctor@ecpps.k12.nc.us 12523352981
13B Kayleigh Easton keaston@charterschoolsusa.com
00A Kris Yerkie kyerkie@myncca.com 984-208-7113
41K Angela Jackson ajackson@piedmontclassical.com 13368971128
61R Laurie Haan lhaan@nhaschools.com 616-929-1293
60G Laurie Haan lhaan@nhaschools.com 616-929-1273
41J Laurie Haan lhaan@nhaschools.com 616-929-1273
74C Laurie Haan lhaan@nhaschools.com 616-929-1273
210 Shirley Madry smadry@ecps.k12.nc.us 252-333-0244
310 Kevin Smith ksmith@duplinschools.net 9102966092
70A Andrew Harris ceo@northeastacademy.org 2523125990
60J Lena Bakis lbakis@socratesacademy.us 704-321-1711
780 Billie Jo Harris billie.harris@robeson.k12.nc.us 910-671-6000
422 Akeilah Robinson robinsona@weldonk12.org 252-536-4821
55A Christy Hutchinson christy.hutchinson@lincolncharter.org 7049147310
491 Angela Davis aldavis@mgsd.k12.nc.us 7046582540
60U Jonathan Kay Jonathan.kay@als-education.com 7046120149
91A Tyler Woodside woodsidet@vancecharter.org 9193399032
750 Amanda Ruff aruff@polkschools.org 828-894-6125
650 Scott Hall scott.hall@nhcs.net 910-254-4259
61W Renee Mathews rmathews@eastvoyager.org
93J Dawn Arthur darthur@risese.org 9194464777
93T Kayleigh Easton keaston@charterschoolsusa.com
61Y Kayleigh Easton keaston@charterschoolsusa.com
880 Darren Putnam kputnam@tcsnc.org 828-885-7373
380 Myra Waldroup mwaldroup@graham.k12.nc.us 18284799820
890 Audrey Curles acurles@tycomail.net 252-796-1121
280 Holly King kingholly@daretolearn.org 2524418888
78A Billy Haggans bhaggans@cisacademy.us (910) 521-1669
32C LaManda Pryor Lpryor@carterschool.org
49F Mishael Hamrick mhamrick@langtreecharter.org 704-942-8282
39A Amy Hobgood amyhobgood@fallslakeacademy.com 9196034559
860 Amber Flippen flippena@surry.k12.nc.us 3363868211
93Q Stephanie Nall snall@carolinacharter.org 9843003015
98A Sandeep Aggarwal sandeep@sallieb.net 2522934150
61Y Kimberly Alexander kalexander@steelecreekprep.org 980-243-5580
998 Adam Johnson adam.johnson@ncdps.gov 9193246420
070 Gayle Rowell growell@beaufort.k12.nc.us 252.940.6609
182 Dawn West dawn.west@n-ccs.org 828-464-3191
681 Diane Villwock dvillwock@chccs.k12.nc.us 9199678211,x22449
69A CHRIS WATSON chris.watson@arapahoecharter.org 2522492599
90F Barry Ross principal@aahsnc.org 19803138610
43D Leaja Horne leaja@achievementcharteracademy.org 9195671234
06B Cyndi Austin caustin@williamsacademy.org 8287335241
60M Stacey Haskell stacey.haskell@corvian.org 9802483976
93N Bruce Friend bfriend@pinespringsprep.org 9198020832
92Y Eleanor Bradley ebradley@envisionscienceacademy.com 919-435-4002
32T Barbara Whitfield Barbara@chartersuccesspartners.com
62J Tarita Brown tbrown@scstemacademy.org
88A Ryan Hinkleman rhinkleman@brevardacademy.org 828-885-3111
32Q Thomas Mckoy tmckoy@reachingallminds.com 9195961899
36G Donna Johnson djohnson@cpcsnc.org 704-689-0336
92L Cynthia McQueen adminmcqueen@tlaedu.org (919) 538-6740
860 Shannon Collins collinssh@surry.k12.nc.us 3363868211
960 Robert Yancey robertyancey@wcps.org 919-705-6091
92W Kayleigh Easton keaston@charterschoolsusa.com
49G Kayleigh Easton keaston@charterschoolsusa.com
13D Kayleigh Easton keaston@charterschoolsusa.com
49F Kayleigh Easton keaston@charterschoolsusa.com
90C Kayleigh Easton keaston@charterschoolsusa.com
55B Kayleigh Easton keaston@charterschoolsusa.com
690 Shakia Robinson shakiarobinson@pamlicoschools.org 2527454171
96F John Twitty jtwitty@wpanc.org 919.734.8085
93J Ryan Brock rbrock@risese.org 5405976617
07A Carol Collier carol.collier@wmpcs.org 2529761977
340 Homan Atashbar hatashbar@wsfcs.k12.nc.us 3363062213
298 Heather Mazzolini heather.mazzolini@esdb.dpi.nc.gov 828-432-5200
100 Natalie Brozy nbrozy@bcswan.net 9102531019
730 Tara Holmes holmest@person.k12.nc.us 336-599-2191
810 Kimberly Carpenter khcarpenter@rcsnc.org 8282882221
92P Magdalena Lyles magdalena.lyles@swake.org 919-567-9955
996 Sharon Van Hoy sharon.vanhoy@ncdps.gov 9842556157
68C Tammy Finch tammyfinch@theexpeditionschool.com 919-245-8432
81A Cindy Dotson cdotson@tjca.org 8282166404
61S Alicia Hamp ahamp@unityclassical.org 9802025899
29A Ava Palmer apalmer@davidsoncharter.org 3368037809
51A Brad Williams bwilliams@neusecharterschool.org 9195183077
320 David Surles david_surles@dpsnc.net 9193419195
996 Shanon White shanon.white@ncdps.gov
32D Suzanne Vargas Vargas@kestrelheights.org 9194841300
51B Mindy Manser mmanser@nhaschools.com 616-464-2531
34F Mindy Manser mmanser@nhaschools.com 616-464-2531
41B Mindy Manser mmanser@nhaschools.com 616-464-2531
92M Mindy Manser mmanser@nhaschools.com 616-464-2531
11C Kerri Eudy kerrieudy@icimagine.org 8287746571
790 Barry Mccorkle bmccorkle@rock.k12.nc.us 3363421823
820 Wanda Jackson wjackson@sampson.k12.nc.us 910-592-1401
61N Aydin Satici asatici@tmsapcs.org 9196502270
200 Chanda Pace chanda.pace@cherokee.k12.nc.us 8288372722
73B Candice Jones jonescc@roxborocommunityschool.org 3365833728
36F Doris Sanders d.sanders@ridgeviewcharter.org 17048676635
270 Sandra Reynolds sreynolds@currituck.k12.nc.us 252-202-3608
01C Heather Vereyken heathervereyken@cgsnc.org (336) 586-9440
61Y Claire Porter cporter1@charterschoolsusa.com 8609223512
61Q Deanna Smith dsmith@mcstemacademy.org 9802884811
340 Kelly Moore kbmoore@wsfcs.k12.nc.us 336-748-4000
61Y Darrell Cotton dcotton@steelecreekprep.org 9802435580
93T Claire Porter cporter1@charterschoolsusa.com 8609223512
41H TACUMA JOHNSON tjohnson@thepointcollegeprep.org 3368840131
92W Claire Porter cporter1@charterschoolsusa.com 8609223512
49F Claire Porter cporter1@charterschoolsusa.com 8609223512
13B Claire Porter cporter1@charterschoolsusa.com 8609223512
92T Aydin Satici asatici@tmsapcs.org 9196502270
160 Anita Willis anita.willis@carteretk12.org 252-728-4583
990 Robert Kennedy robert.kennedy@yadkin.k12.nc.us
209 Heather Driver heather.driver@ccs-nc.org 8285545127
180 Amy Sigmon amyl_sigmon@catawbaschools.net 828-695-2691
090 Allison Kirby apkirby@bladen.k12.nc.us 910-862-4136
140 Leigh Frye lfrye@caldwellschools.com 8287288407 x 140143
900 James Parker james.parker@ucps.k12.nc.us 7042963143
06B Whitney Shoupe wshoupe@williamsacademy.org
140 Tamara Dillard tadillard@caldwellschools.com 8283962188
580 Lisa Adams ladams@martin.k12.nc.us
90C Claire Porter cporter1@charterschoolsusa.com 8609223512
93T Jack Zellmer jzellmer@ccawendellfalls.org 9197528864
100 Ashley Dubisky adubisky@bcswan.net 9107825021
520 Susan Brown susan.brown@jonesnc.net 2524482531
760 Meredith Weipert mweipert@randolph.k12.nc.us 336-633-5044
13A Tasha Parks tashaparks@ciscomets.com 704-455-3847
13D Kendra Woods KWoods@concordlakeacademy.org
49F Jennifer Wilson jwilson1@langtreecharter.org (704)705-1698
55B Charlotte Beck cbeck@wlakeprep.org 7049662202
51C Sophia Lin sophia.lin@charter.one
35C Sophia Lin sophia.lin@charter.one
60N Sophia Lin sophia.lin@charter.one
62M Sophia Lin sophia.lin@charter.one
01C LEA/Charter Security Officer Test rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov
55B Claire Porter cporter1@charterschoolsusa.com 8609223512
760 Melissa Kidd m1kidd@randolph.k12.nc.us 336-633-5042
420 LaVonne McClain mcclainl@halifax.k12.nc.us 2525835111
390 Carolyn Buffaloe buffaloec@gcs.k12.nc.us 919-693-4613
73B Darkarai Bryant bryantds@roxborocommunityschool.org 336-597-0020 ext 313
450 Lisa Coley lbcoley@hcpsnc.org (828) 697-4733
997 Shavona Burton shavona.burton@dhhs.nc.gov 919-855-4716
260 Chris Young chrisyoung@ccs.k12.nc.us 910-584-2441
150 Amy Gillikin agillikin@camden.k12.nc.us 252-335-0831 ext. 100
49G Claire Porter cporter1@charterschoolsusa.com 8609223512
330 Thomas Holland tholland@ecps.us 252-641-2639
440 Kimberly Jackson kjackson@haywood.k12.nc.us 828-627-8314
460 Jacqueline Perry-Higgs jperryhiggs@hertford.k12.nc.us 252-348-1761
850 Rachel Cain rachel.cain@stokes.k12.nc.us 336-591-4319
19C Jon Groves jgroves@willowoakmontessori.org 9194417893
660 Joseph Baisley baisleyj@northampton.k12.nc.us 2525341371
292 Jennifer Buck buckj@tcs.k12.nc.us 3368704892
020 LEA/Charter Security Officer Test rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov
570 Eric Wallin ericwallin@madisonk12.net
16B Cassandra Rosen executivedirector@tillerschool.org 2525032964
11K Britney Ross britney@fdnsc.net 828.236.9441 ext 1
01B LEA/Charter Security Officer Test rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov
250 LEA/Charter Security Officer Test rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov
420 Nathan Squire squiren@halifax.k12.nc.us 2525835111
13B Sophia Lin sophia.lin@charter.one
06B Cyndi Austin caustin@williamsacademy.org 8287335241
030 LEA/Charter Security Officer Test rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov
300 LEA/Charter Security Officer Test rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov
290 LEA/Charter Security Officer Test rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov
670 LEA/Charter Security Officer Test rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov
39A LEA/Charter Security Officer Test rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov
220 LEA/Charter Security Officer Test rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov
590 LEA/Charter Security Officer Test rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov
460 Thomas Grimes tgrimes@hertford.k12.nc.us 2525181258
330 Joseph Hayes jhayes@ecps.us
65G Lisa Wolfe lwolfe@glowacademy.net 9103385258
440 Kelly Davis kdavis@haywood.k12.nc.us 828-627-8314
62M Sophia Lin sophia.lin@charter.one
61V Sophia Lin sophia.lin@charter.one
65F Sophia Lin sophia.lin@charter.one
36B Claire Wilson claire.wilson@pccharter.org 7046594808
60S Candace Clifton candace.clifton@bradfordprep.org 7045490080
13B Sophia Lin sophia.lin@charter.one
800 Karen Rusher rusherk@rss.k12.nc.us 7046306095
010 LEA/Charter Security Officer Test rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov
020 LEA/Charter Security Officer Test rebecca.davis@dpi.nc.gov