What Students Say About the Governor's School


We asked students to complete this statement: Because of my Governor's School experience ___ .

  • "I relearned how to believe—how to believe in my peers, believe in dreaming, and to believe in myself."
  • "I feel like I have a better sense of what college life will entail, being away from home and seeing a plethora of different perspectives."
  • "I know how to truly listen. Hearing the absolute genuineness and passion ring throughout campus was nothing short of inspiring. I was taught how to hear and appreciate that music."
  • "I understand myself on a deeper level, and have a better idea of how I want to explore my future—through asking questions and listening to the world around me."
  • "I was able to make amazing friends who came from different places and have different experiences than I do."
  • "I feel a reignited desire and passions towards learning and newfound excitement about life and future opportunities."
  • "I am more open minded. I have a desire to learn more. I have a new ability to make friends easier and get out of my comfort zone. My ideas have been tested and stretched, and I have learned more than I thought I would."
  • "I grew as a student, person, artist, and friend."
  • "I've become a better person. I’ve learned how best to treat others. Most importantly, I’ve learned how many amazing people there are out there. Everyone I was surrounded by was so bright and supportive of me. The whole Governor’s School experience made me learn how we as a species can hold each other up and grow together."
  • "I will be going into this next year with a more positive mindset and knowing that I am capable of so many things."
Students gather outside to talk and play musical instruments


What students shared about their time at Governor's School:

  • "Helped me find out so much about myself. I have grown mentally and I can’t wait to share my experiences and thoughts with others."
  • "The community and lifelong friends I made at Governor's School is something that I will never forget! I look forward to continuing our relationships and carrying out the reunions we have planned."
  • "The perspectives I encountered were unlike anything else and I truly believe that the GS classroom experience helped shape me and turned me into a better learner. All the faculty were extremely qualified and helpful."
  • "The whole experience was truly wonderful, as I have told everyone in my community back at home (as far as the eye can see). I have told people that this experience has been truly life changing. I feel as though I am a different person now; I see, think, and understand the world differently now."
  • "Govenor’s School was something new that I had never even imagined before. It made me more confident and open to speak for myself."
  • "I've never experienced such an engaging, interesting, and open-minded sort of classroom setup. The teachers here are so passionate, kind, thoughtful, and genuinely care about us and the topic they teach. I love how discussion-based the classes are and how encouraged we are to engage in conversation with both our teachers and our peers."
  • "I absolutely loved learning at Governor’s School. I learned so many new things and gained so much perspective on different issues. My biases were challenged and my experiences were shared to everyone, and everyone wanted to help me improve. It was such a caring and supportive environment, where I was able to openly discuss everything from values, morals, and ethics, to post-feminist literature and the immense world-building of Star Wars. It’s hard for me to believe that I would learn so much, and it honestly didn’t feel like learning sometimes. Feeling as natural as breathing, Governor’s School was as fleeting as the summer breeze, and I cannot express enough gratitude for this experience."
  • "My experience at Governor’s School was unique and transformative. I’ve never been in classrooms where I’ve felt so comfortable being myself and sharing my perspectives."

Group of Governor's School West students smiling


Governor's School – Selected Survey Results

"Overall, instructional experiences with Governor's School faculty were engaging."
Strongly agree or agree – 95.1%

"Overall, instructional experiences with Governor's School faculty required me to think critically."
Strongly agree or agree – 93.0%

"My overall experience at Governor's School was rewarding."
Strongly agree or agree – 95.2% 

"Governor's School offers a diverse and exciting set of social eactivities that contributed positively to my Governor's School experience."
Strongly agree or agree – 93.4%

"Because of my Governor's School experience, I will encourage other students to apply."
Strongly agree or agree – 94.9%