
2025 NC Governor's School

September 2024Information on the 2025 session of Governor's School will be sent to school/school system officials and posted on the Governor's School website. Informational meetings will be recorded and made available to schools/school systems throughout the state to complement local nomination efforts. 
October/NovemberLocal district/school processes for selection of state nominees.  
December 13, 2024All nominations must be submitted electronically by the official Governor's School Contact of the district/school. 
January/February 2025State application review process.
Early March 2025Notices of students selected to attend the 2024 session of Governor's School will be sent to Governor's School Local Coordinators for each district/school to share with students.
April (TBD)Deadline for selected students to notify NCDPI of their decision to accept or decline.  
May 2025Selected students submit forms and prepare for arrival.
June 22 - July 19, 2025 2025 session of Governor's School.