Research Data Requests

Available Data Sources

NCDPI does have publicly available data sets on Student, Educator, and School Performance which can be used to assist in research at the school and/or district level; and supports a set of dashboards.
Prior to requesting data, please check the reports and data listed in the menu on the right side of this page and posted at these links:

State Data Sources

External Data Sources

Requests for email addresses and other contact information for parents/guardians and school/district staff should be directed to the administrative points of contact in Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and other Public School Units (PSUs). The Educational Directory and Demographical Information Exchange (EDDIE) provides the contact information for all LEAs and PSUs in North Carolina.

Additional Information

NCDPI often partners with the North Carolina Education Research Data Center (NCERDC) at Duke University to provide de-identified, record level student/staff data sets; if this is of interest, please contact them here: North Carolina Education Research Data Center.

Requirements for NCDPI Data Requests

Thank you for your interest in partnering with NCDPI for research on issues related to improving student learning and instructional strategies in North Carolina public schools.

Please complete these forms as the first step in partnering with NCDPI - Research Data Request Form or Letter of Support Form

Once the appropriate form is submitted, it will be reviewed by our internal Research Review Committee for approval during the next monthly meeting.
Please see this slide deck for more information on the NC DPI Data Request process:

The link below inlcudes a sound recording of the presentation:…
Passcode: UyU@k9g7
If you have any questions, please email