Rethink Education Resources for Districts and Schools
Rethink Education Caregiver Toolkit
Want to help caregivers better understand how to support their children at home? We have created facilitation guides for all of our popular caregiver webinars so that you can facilitate these sessions in your own school or district.
The facilitation guides include links to the slide deck, links to the webinar recording, script, discussion questions, and resources. Use these to facilitate informative sessions at your next Title I night, ML Family Night, or other events where caregivers will be present. You can access all of the facilitation guides in our Caregiver Toolkit.
Don’t have time to facilitate the sessions yourself? Request to have one of our Virtual Instruction Consultants come to present the session live in your district or school.
Submit your request on our Assistance Request Form.
Rethink Education Facilitator Cohorts
Since September of 2021, the Rethink Education Initiative has badged 1,883 Blended Learning Facilitators statewide in 100 districts, 51 charter schools, and 2 tribal schools. Using a train-the-trainer model, Regional Virtual Instruction Consultants from the Office of Virtual Instruction Services facilitated professional development sessions around the four blended learning models and coaching sessions focused on the implementation of those models. Cohorts of educators participated in one of the four Badged Facilitator cohorts or the 2023 Summer Symposium to learn
- practical ideas for implementing blended learning models across grade levels and subjects
- innovative ways to create more personalized, student-centered learning experiences
- effective strategies for blending the best of digital and in-person instruction
Serving at the classroom, school, and district level, these badged facilitators are helping to build the capacity of other educators to implement blended learning instructional strategies. Through blended learning, students are becoming more engaged in their own learning journey. Would you like to know more about the impact of the 1,883 Blended Learning Badged Facilitators in NC? Check out the Stories of Success on the Rethink Education Announcements page!
Rethink Education K-8 Content
One of the central goals of Rethink Education is equipping educators with the training and resources to help meet the needs of K-8 students through in-person and blended learning environments. To support this goal, DPI has designed, shared and increased access to high-quality, standards-aligned remote learning content. Educators across the state have diligently planned, designed, and written that content for Math, Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies for kindergarten through eighth grade; it is now available on GoOpenNC. Course materials are available as Canvas Course packages and non-Canvas course packages. We have also created this convenient Google Doc with links to course content, Parent Guides, Teacher Guides, and Outline and Alignment Charts: Available K-8 Content. Check them out! If you use one of these resources, please consider providing us with feedback!
If you have questions, please contact Content Development Lead, Kelly Rawlston, at
Additional Information & Resources
If you’re interested in learning more about how Rethink Education’s approach is strengthening remote learning instruction, content, and access across North Carolina, please click here Rethink Education Summer Webinar 2021 - Google Slides for more details about the goals and approach of this work.
Shareable Parent and Guardian Resources: We have also created resources focusing on important, timely topics for North Carolina parents and guardians. Please consider sharing these guides with parents and guardians at your school, so they have the support needed to set up their child for success.