System Access and User Types
How do I access ECATS?
User information including Staff UID, other demographics, and job code are used as the basis for access to the ECATS system. This information typically populates in the system overnight.
Is there consideration for LEAs to provide access for Contract Providers that are not employed by the Public School Unit (PSU)?
All staff will need a UID number; All staff information should be entered into the LEA/charter school payroll system as a contractor. LEA Payroll systems update the state Staff UID system such that the user will then gain a UID. Once the contractor has a UID and is listed as active in Staff UID, their account will be automatically sent to IAM and will be ready for claiming the following day.
How will logins be maintained?
Logins into the ECATS system will be done through the IAM system. This is the same system used by PowerSchool for secure access. Users should go to NCEdCloud and log in the same way that they access PowerSchool. In NCEDCloud, users should see the ECATS icon.
We have service providers that are part of multiple LEA's. Has this been considered in the planning and accounted for with UID's and accessibility?
Users will need to be set up in IAM with all relevant LEA associations. These accounts will then be imported into ECATS associated to all designated PSUs. District staff will then need to assign an appropriate role within each LEA.
Regarding user types: are there set types that can be sent to LEAs so that we can plan for who in the LEA is each type of user and what they have access to in the ECATS platform?
Yes, set user types are established to cover the ECATS system. For more information on all DPI approved User Types in ECATS, please see the User Type Guide by using the following path:
Log into the ECATS System and from the landing page, scroll down to Resources and click on ECATS Documents. To the far right you will see ECATS_User_Type_LEA.01.11.21.xlsx. This is the document you need to access.
The LEA Administrator 4 and EC Administrator user types do not have access at all to Student Info > Eligibility Information. These user types should have edit access to this screen.
Edit EC Data and Can search All Students in the LEA is a part of LEA Administrator 4: LEA Administrator 4: This permission is for those LEA-wide administrators who are actively managing users or students in ECATS. LEA Administrator 4allows the highest permissions for both Gen Ed/MTSS and EC.Key Considerations: •All Schools Access•Edit Message of the day•Can search for all students in LEA•Can submit help desk tickets•Can be an EC team member and/or case manager, build caseloads, and edit EC data•Can manage and submit state/federal EC reports•Can view intervention planning and manage group information•Can view service logs, enter/manage Medicaid parent consents, and edit Plan of Care data The EC Administrator can edit EC Data and has access to ALL schools: EC Administrator: This is the chief EC administrative role in the LEA. This user will have access to all schools, can edit EC data, run reports, manage data, and often fills the role of trainer, user account management (e.g. assigning usertypes), assign caseloads, and liaison regarding EC policy questions. Key Considerations: •All school access•Can edit message of the day•Can manage group associations•Can be an EC team member and/or case manager, build caseloads, and edit EC data•Can view MTSS plan history and profile page•Can view service logs, enter/manage Medicaid parent consents, and edit Plan of Care data
Upon initial import to ECATS, will all user types have a particular user type? Which one? We recommend the General Education Teacher 1 user type, as it is the most restrictive and this is the user type a large portion of school staff will need. This will limit the number of users that have to be manually changed to an appropriate user type.
The Gen Ed Teacher 1 will be the default user type for all users imported into ECATS.
Will select district-level staff be able to manually adjust school access for any user types? While some user types have access to all schools, many only have access to the school(s) they are assigned. It is frequently necessary to give access to an additional school to certain staff (i.e. OTs, PTs, EC Case Managers).
There are DPI approved user types available that will allow district-level staff to manually adjust school access for users. The User Type Guide is available using the following path:
Log into the ECATS System and from the landing page, scroll down to Resources and click on ECATS Documents. To the far right you will see ECATS_User_Type_LEA.01.11.21.xlsx. This is the document you need to access.
We are trying to determine the best user type to assign to our SLPs. There are some SLPs that are qualified to serve as LEA. Currently, if we select Service Provider 2 as their user type, they will not be able to serve as LEA. But if we select EC Teacher 2, they will not be able to enter their documentation.
It is up to each LEA which User Type they give their employees. This is not a decision that DPI can make for the LEA. Please look at the areas a User Type addresses, not necessarily the name of the User Type. If you feel that there is not a User Type that will adequately meet all the needs you are looking for, in the case of this user, please let us know through this e-mail what you feel is missing.
The Interpreter of Evaluation Results cannot be the case manager, according to the program, which means that the case manager cannot be the primary evaluator leading up to the eligibility meeting. There are several cases where the EC teacher would case manage and conduct the educational, or the SLP would case manage and conduct the majority of evaluations.
Depending on the user type, the case manager can fulfill other roles, including interpreter of educational results. There should only be one case manager with no need to switch it to anyone else on the team. There are also other team members who could serve as the interpreter of results depending on what is being discussed at the meeting.
Is it possible to impersonate someone while they are also using ECATS? Can they also be working on the same student file?
Yes. The intent of impersonation is for someone with a different user type to be able to see what is happening in another user's records and help them troubleshoot problems.