Regional Services

Tab/Accordion Items

Tab/Accordion Paragraph

Section Chief for Regional Services - Robert Filter

District 1 - Northeast Region - Josh Davenport 

District 2 - Southeast Region - Amanda Dixon

District 3 - North Central Region - Bob Gantt

District 4 - Sandhills Region - Suzanne Lujan

District 5 - Piedmont-Triad Region - Lynn Hartley

District 6 - Southwest Region - Robin Bowers 

District 7 - Northwest Region - Karen Boyles

District 8 - Western Region - Anna Hair

Local Education Agencies (LEAs) use the Local Application System (LAS)  for strategic planning, managing performance, and being accountable for CTE at local, state, and federal levels. The LAS has transformed from being a mechanism for approval and release of state and federal CTE funds to one for strategic planning, improving performance, and assuring accountability. Local plans must outline strategies for continuous improvement of results of their students on performance indicators. These results are reported for each LEA overall, by subgroups and academic disadvantage, by program areas and career clusters. Administrators in each LEA must develop strategies to address improvement of performance by each reported category.


NC Career and Technical Education sponsors Moodle-based Professional Learning Communities for teachers, CTE Administrators, and support staff. These PLCs provide a place where staff members can access curriculum documents, share ideas and questions, and get information directly from consultants and CTE Leadership.