
Tab/Accordion Items

The purpose of Career and Technical Education (CTE) Curriculum and Instructional Management is to provide schools with an online system that can be used to:

  • Disseminate essential standards CTE for courses
  • Provide instructional strategies to teach essential standards containing 21st century content
  • Provide CTE teachers with guidance on developing formative, performance, and summative assessments
  • Document student achievement and academic growth
  • Provide accountability data

Program Design

CTE Curriculum and Instructional Management is a standards-based, online system that encompasses:

  • Instructional planning informed by data
  • 21st century assessment of students using technology tools for delivery.
  • Aggregated and disaggregated reports by student, by class, by teacher, by school, by PSU, by region and by state.
  • Involvement of business representatives, local administrators, and teachers.
  • Comprehensive, customized professional development for all CTE teachers.

Components provided by North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI)

  • Development of the Essential Standards with validation by business and industry
  • Course design and development
  • New course design and revision using the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy
  • Over 100 course standards documents containing 21st century content developed by teachers and reviewed by business and industry
  • Curriculum guides developed or adopted for use containing instructional activities and instructional support materials
  • Online classroom and secure test item banks and performance assessments aligned to essential standards for courses
  • Customized comprehensive professional development
  • Regional User Group assistance with implementation and use of related technology
  • Summer Conference professional development opportunities

Formative Assessing


Schoolnet is an online platform that provides formative assessment items. Educators may use Schoolnet to gauge student learning on specific standards. All CTE courses in standard status with a CTE State Assessment as the Proof of Learning have a formative assessment item bank available for teacher use. A list of course item banks that are available in Schoolnet can be found on the Curriculum and Instructional Management Moodle PLC.


CTE Proofs of Learning

Each CTE course has an aligned Proof of Learning (POL). The four types of POLs are CTE State Assessments, Performance-based Measurements (PBM), Local Assessments and Credential. The POL for each CTE course is identified in the Status of Curriculum and Assessment (SOCA) found in NCCTE Admin and in the CTE Course Management System. 

CTE State Assessments through the NCTest® Application. 

In addition to improving curriculum, NC CTE State Assessments are used for three reasons:

  • Meet requirements of NC CTE’s federal plan under the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V),
  • Provide EVAAS and other evidence for Standard Three of the NC Teacher Evaluation Process, and
  • Standard Eight, the School Executive Evaluation Process.

Performance-based Measurements

A PBM is a tool that teachers use to evaluate student achievement and mastery of a course concepts. A PBM measures a student's ability to apply the skills an knowledge learned from the course standards through a performance-based task.

Local Assessments

Local Assessments are developed by the PSU to assess student mastery of course standards and concepts. The PSU is responsible for ensuring that the course standards align with the Local Assessment.


When an industry recognized credential aligns with 80% of the standards in the CTE course, it may be identified as the Proof of Learning for the course. 



NC CIMC Education State Staff

Misty Wolfe

Kim Sexton

The Career and Technical Education Course Inventory document provides program area and course descriptions, work-based learning opportunities, career and technical student organization opportunities, and other curriculum information.

To view more specific current year course information, standards, credentials, and career pathways, please visit the CTE Course Management System at

For information on available assessments and release dates of curriculum materials, contact your program area consultant.

Career Clusters identify pathways from secondary school to two- and four-year colleges, graduate school, and the workplace, so students can link what they learn in school and what they can do in the future. Career Clusters allow students to access a nationwide framework to help them better analyze their long- and short-term career goals, plan what to take in high school to begin to move toward those goals, and implement strategies for further education and work experience that will prepare them for high-skill, high-wage, high-demand careers in the 21st Century.

The States' Career Clusters Framework for Lifelong Learning updates the Career Pathways used previously in North Carolina and provides links to related academic instruction and electives. The States' Career Clusters initiative further developed pathways to provide a national structure for this effort. The Career Clusters initiative includes 16 clusters and related pathways.

To view the current year career pathways, course information, course standards, and course credentials please visit the CTE Course Management System at