AIG Student Data

NCDPI gathers an official AIG headcount from all 115 LEAs and select Charter Schools with official AIG programs, on April 30 and Nov. 30 of each academic year.  This count represents all formally identified AIG students K-12 with a locally approved and adopted AIG plan. Beginning in April 2014, the official child count was accessed through PowerSchool.  

The files included below display the April data from each year.  The NCDPI AIG Child Count file is the statewide overview, while the NCDPI AIG Child Count by LEA displays the more detailed review of data from each LEA, including the number of students in each racial and ethnic group, as well as the number of students in each of the five possible identification areas.

*In 2020, the AIG Child Count data was collected in June rather than April, due to challenges associated with the school shut down due to COVID-19.

For questions related to PowerSchool access or the AIG Child Count data, please contact Stephanie Cyrus (