The Professional Educator Preparation and Standards Commission

The Professional Educator Preparation and Standards Commission (PEPSC) was created on September 1, 2017 as a part of the passing of Senate Bill 599 (Section 1.(a)., Article 17.C.115C-268.1.).  

The purpose of the Commission as an advising body to the North Carolina State Board of Education (SBE) is to do the following:

  • involve stakeholders in establishing high standards for North Carolina educators.
  • make rule recommendations for the SBE regarding all aspects of preparation, licensure, continuing education, and standards of conduct of public school educators.
  • exercise its powers and duties independently of - while located administratively under - the SBE.
Dr. Ann Bullock, Chair
Dr. Jo Watts Williams Dean of Education, Elon University 
Dr. Bill Griffin, Vice Chair
Superintendent, Alexander County Schools 
Ms. Madison Edwards, Secretary
Social Studies Teacher, North Carolina Cyber Academy
Dr. Randall Penfield
Dean of the College of Education, UNC Greensboro
Dr. Aaron Fleming
Superintendent, Alamance-Burlington Schools
Dr. Scott Elliott
Director of Development, Blue Ridge Conservancy
Dr. Kim Winter
Dean of the College of Education, Western Carolina University
Dr. Anthony Graham
Provost & Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, Winston-Salem State University
Mr. Craig Smith
Executive Director, Community School of Davidson
Ms. Ida Weisner
Principal, Jonesville Elementary School, Yadkin County Schools
Ms. Alexandra Hoskins
Chief Human Resources (Interim), Winston-Salem Forsyth County Schools
Dr. Connie Locklear
Director of the Indian Resource Center, Public Schools of Robeson County
Supt. Catherine Truitt
North Carolina State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Ms. Tracie Jenkins
Teacher, Kiser Elementary School, Gaston County Schools
Mrs. Heather Smith
2024 Burroughs Welcome Fund North Carolina Teacher of the Year
Dr. Chris Blanton
Assistant Superintendent and Human Resources Director, Watauga County Schools
Dr. Hank Weddington
Dean of the College of Education and Human Services, Lenoir Rhyne University
Ms. Shannon Patton
Mathematics Teacher, Davie County High School, Davie County Schools

FAQs about PEPSC

Tab/Accordion Items

Senate Bill 599 sets the criteria for appointing PEPSC members. This bill states that PEPSC will consist of 18 members total, eight appointed by the NC Senate and eight appointed by the NC House of Representatives (HR). Each legislative body must appoint members for a two-year term, except for the NC Teacher of the Year who serves one year, who represent specific stakeholders within the world of educator preparation and K-12 public school education. These stakeholders include Principals, Superintendents, HR Directors, Teachers and University Education Faculty.

PEPSC meets the second Thursday of each month in the 7th Floor State Board Room of the NC State Education Building. The address is 301 N. Wilmington Street; Raleigh, NC. As a public body, PEPSC’s official meetings are open to the public.

  • Residency license model (replacing lateral license model)
  • EPP Authorization process and individual licensure area approval process
  • School Administrator Preparation Standards
  • edTPA/PPAT cut scores
  • CTE licensure Policies and Procedures manual updates
  • Supporting the focus on rigorous outcomes data to assess effectiveness
  • Alignment of SB599 with Licensure policy
  • Alignment of SB599 with Educator Preparation policy

For future meetings, agendas can be found 48 hours prior to the meeting on the NC State Board of Education Meeting website. NOTE: The live audio streaming link, directions, and parking are located on this webpage with the meeting information. For agendas, locate the correct date on the meeting listing and for minutes, locate the following meeting’s agenda to find them listed and posted there.

Sign-up for DPI alerts, which will include PEPSC meeting notifications, by email or text: 


Meetings take place on the second Thursday of each month at 3:30 PM. The meeting is listed on the NC State Board of Education Meeting website at least 48 hours prior to the set meeting date and time.