Instructional Toolkit and Resources

Listen! Learn! Lead!

Participants in the K-12 Culinary Institute workshops learn many skills to become North Carolina K-12 Culinary Chef Ambassadors! In the workshops the Ambassadors Listen to chefs share their knowledge and skills and Learn new techniques and strategies to use in their own districts. Now, they are equipped to Lead efforts in their school districts by Teaching-It-Forward!

The Teach-It-Forward (TIF) model of instruction and learning is based on four fundamental principles of learning: Knowledge Transfer, Demonstration, Practice and Feedback; also referred to as KNOW, SHOW, DO, and COACH.

  • Teach It Forward Guide  (rev. 5/2023)

    Think of the Teach it Forward Guide is the "how-to" manual that was developed to guide the Chef Ambassadors through the teaching and coaching process. 

  • TIF Short Set Modules

    Carving out large blocks of time for training can be challenging, therefore 10 mini-units called Short Sets on topics covered in the K-12 Culinary workshops were developed to aide in providing effective training in a short amount of time.

  • TIF Handouts

    Teach it Forward (TIF) handouts are printable materials that may be used with the TIF Short Sets, other Culinary Continuing Education, as well as stand‐alone resources for program assessment or improvement.

  • Video Clips 

    These short videos include “How To's” on common kitchen activities that will improve quality of food production and productivity and videos that illustrate how to make several of the new recipes in the style of the “Tasty” videos. These videos may be viewed independently or as part of a Short Set module.

  • Virtual Audio Visuals (VAVS)