Driving Eligibility Certificates (DECs) Order Form

Submitted by ichoyle on

PSUs, charter school, and community colleges (only)  
Please insert your information in the appropriate fields to order Driver Eligibility Certificates. Due to staffing reductions, please allow time for processing and shipping.


Enter person's name the DECs should be mailed to.
Enter the name of your school district.
Enter email address for Driving Eligibility school contact
Enter contact phone number of the central school system recipient for the DECs.
Enter the physical address for your school district and the district's courier #.
City your county is located.
Postal code used by United States Postal Service (USPS).
Enter the current number of DECs your ENTIRE school system has on hand.
Enter the number of DECs your ENTIRE school system issues each year.
Enter the number of DECs you are requesting
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